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ARCESILAUS II (Ἀρκεσίλεως, ὁ)



Université de Caen Normandie

Son of BATTUS II, king of CYRENE in LIBYA (North Africa), Arcesilaus II had a difficult reign (from after 570 until around 550 BCE) marked by conflict with his brothers, who were no doubt at the head of the aristocratic party at Cyrene. Desiring FREEDOM from kingly rule, they founded the city of BARCA with the help of the native Libyans. When Arcesilaus attacked these Libyans and pursued them into the DESERT, they turned to the attack and destroyed the troops of the king at a place called LEUCON. Humiliated after losing 7,000 HOPLITES, Arcesilaus fell sick and was, according to Herodotus, strangled by one of his brothers, LEARCHUS. His MURDER was avenged by his wife, ERYXO (4.160).

SEE ALSO: Aristocracy; Battus I; Battus III; Vengeance

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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