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ARGO (Ἀργώ, ἡ)



University of Notre Dame

Ship on which JASON and other mythological HEROES (Argonauts) sailed in order to retrieve the golden fleece from COLCHIS. Herodotus largely assumes his AUDIENCE’s knowledge of the tale, mentioning the Argo in connection with three stories: how the MINYANS (descendants of the Argonauts on LEMNOS) came to Lacedaemon (4.145) and eventually colonized THERA; how TRITON prophesied Greek settlements in LIBYA (4.179); and in the ETYMOLOGY of APHETAE in the Gulf of Magnesia, where the Persian fleet anchors before ARTEMISIUM in 480 BCE (7.193).

SEE ALSO: Heroic Age; Myth; Ships and Sailing

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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