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ARIAPEITHES (Ἀριαπείθης, ὁ)



University of North Dakota

Scythian king and father of SCYLES (4.78.1). Herodotus cites Ariapeithes’ chief official, TYMNES, as a direct informant (4.76.6), and this Tymnes may be his primary source for Scythian GEOGRAPHY and history. Ariapeithes was killed treacherously by SPARGAPEITHES, king of the AGATHYRSIANS in southern Scythia. He is succeeded by Scyles (4.78.2). As is standard for nomadic tribes of Eurasia, Ariapeithes took multiple wives: the unnamed mother of Scyles; OPOEA, remarried to Scyles after Ariapeithes’ death; and the unnamed daughter of the Thracian king TERES, whose son OCTAMASADES became king and killed his half‐brother Scyles after the latter’s Hellenic practices sparked an uprising by the SCYTHIANS (4.79–80).

SEE ALSO: Nomads; Source Citations

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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