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BATTUS II (Βάττος, ὁ)



Université de Caen Normandie

Third king of the Greek city of CYRENE in LIBYA (North Africa), Battus II (nicknamed Eudaimōn, “The Blessed”) reigned from around 583 until after 570 BCE. Supported by the oracle of DELPHI, Battus II decided to encourage a massive immigration of new colonists from all parts of the Greek world. This demographic and geographic expansion of the city produced a reaction among its Libyan neighbors, now deprived of their lands. The Libyans requested the help of the Egyptian king APRIES, but his army was defeated by the Cyreneans at IRASA c. 570 (4.159).

SEE ALSO: Adicran; Arcesilaus II; Battus I; Colonization

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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