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BERMIUM (Mount) (Βέρμιον ὄρος)



University of Notre Dame

Mountain range in MACEDONIA (BA 50 A3; Müller I, 252–55). As Herodotus relates the story of how the Temenids came to rule Macedonia, he mentions Mt. Bermium in his description of the gardens of MIDAS, noting that it is “inaccessible due to the cold” (8.138.3). STRABO reports previous authors’ claims that the source of Midas’ WEALTH was said to be mines around Mt. Bermium (14.5.28/C680, perhaps ultimately from Callisthenes: BNJ 124 F54). The mountain range, known now as the Vermio Mountains in northern Greece, in antiquity separated upper Macedon from the lower Macedonian plain.

SEE ALSO: Mining; Perdiccas; Temenus, Temenids

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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