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ОглавлениеThe gentleman whose name forms the caption of this memoir, was one of the most illustrious citizens of White Plains, Westchester county. He was born in North Castle, in March, 1818, a son of Benoni Piatt, who was a farmer in that town. He obtained an education by attending the academy at Bedford village and later Union College, in 1834, in a class that included a number of men since prominent in public life. He studied law under the auspices of Samuel E. Lyon, in White Plains, was admitted to the bar, and in 1843 opened an office for himself and was soon among those of the first rank of the county bar.
In early life Mr. Piatt was a Whig, and by that party he was elected supervisor of the town of White Plains in 1846. The next year he was elected surrogate of this county, and by re-election served two terms of four years each. He was the first surrogate elected in Westchester county, the office having previously been an appointive position. During the last year of his term as surrogate he was selected as the candidate for county clerk on the fusion Whig-Democratic ticket against John P. Jenkins; but the "American" party was then at its crest of popularity in this county — which indeed was a stronghold of " Know-nothingism " — and the ticket was defeated. Following the leaders of the old Whig organization into the new Republican party, Mr. Piatt was a Republican on the issues of the civil war, but disagreed with the "radical " policy after the war and became a " Liberal," supporting Horace Greeley for the presidency of the United States. Both Democratic and Liberal leaders urged upon him the nomination for congress, believing he could redeem the district from the Republicans; but he declined to make the fight. He ever afterward was a thoroughgoing Democrat.
In the early '70s Mr. Piatt was for two terms a trustee of the village of White Plains. In 1883 local Democrats sought the strength of his name on the head of the Democratic ticket, as a candidate for supervisor against Elisha Horton, the popular Republican who had in a Democratic town defeated strong opponents, and Mr. Piatt was elected by the splendid majority of one hundred and sixty-eight; and for nine successive years after he had no opposition for the Democratic nomination for supervisor; and with the exception of one year his election was practically unopposed by the. Republicans. Had he lived a few weeks longer he would again have been placed at the head of the town's affairs. He was one of the best informed members of the board of supervisors, and had for a number of years been chairman of the judiciary committee of that body.
The strength of his popularity as a Democrat was sought in 1883, when he was solicited by many shrewd Democratic leaders to accept the office of county judge, in order to wrest the county court from the Republicans, who had held possession of it for twenty-four years, and who at this time intended to put forward their strongest candidate, Isaac N. Mills. The name of Mr. Piatt, who was evidently the popular candidate, elicited the greatest enthusiasm, and his canvass would have been a " walk-over " had he been nominated.
During the forty years and more that Mr. Piatt practiced law in. White Plains, he transacted a great volume of business, especially in matters connected with real estate and the surrogate's office, his industry being indefatigable and his days of work long and hard to the very last of his life.
When his son, District Attorney William P. Piatt, became of age, he made him his partner, and the firm of L. C. & W. P. Piatt long ranked among the highest at the bar.
In religion Mr. Piatt was a Presbyterian and a regular attendant at the Presbyterian church; and in fraternal relations he was the oldest member of White Plains Lodge, No. 473, F. &. A. M., having joined May 15, 1859.
He was married during his first term as surrogate, to Miss Laura Popham, of Scarsdale, who survives him. His children numbered five daughters and three sons. He died March 13, 1893, and the funeral services, held at the Presbyterian church, were attended by an immense throng; and had the church been twice the size it would have hardly accommodated all who desired to pay a last tribute of respect to his memory. The most prominent men throughout the county were present, as well as many fellow craftsmen of his lodge, who passed hearty resolutions of respect to his memory. Also the courts adopted appropriate resolutions. Rev. Dr. A. R. Macoubrey, his pastor, who could not be present at the funeral on account of illness, wrote the following tribute, which was read on the occasion:
Nothing since I have been laid aside in illness has moved me to so deep regret as that I am unable to stand in my place in his funeral services and utter my tribute of respect and love for Mr. Lewis C. Piatt. I did not know that he was ill till the day upon the evening of which he died. I at once sent words of greeting from my sick room to his, but ere they could reach him God had seen it best that the end of the earthly life should be, and the rest eternal and perfect should be his. One cannot but be grateful that the experience of long distressing illness was not his ere the finger of God's silence was put upon his lips. One could not but be grateful, too, for the spirit that was his. I have wondered if ever any came to know him as he really was without loving him, his was so eminently and really an unselfish spirit. How many stories of his kindness will be told in the houses in this community! He was so frank and honest in every revelation of himself that all came instinctively to love him.
One in another part of this state, who himself had held a position of influence, once said to me that, from his ability and spirit in the days of his power, Mr. Piatt could have occupied the highest position in our state had the spirit of ambition possessed him. I have known him but in these years of his age since his three-score years and ten. There has been indeed in his physique the suggestion of years; but one forgot this in his active life, quick step, clear, vigorous intellect, sustained interest in all the welfare of the community and of those with whom he was associated in life. Who that knew him was ready to have him go hence.!" But the Lord has chosen, and there is never error in his judgment or failure in his love; and gently as a father dealeth with his little child he has. taken him unto himself.
Shut within my room these weeks, I have no word from him in his illness to bear unto my speech; but I know of his simple, earnest faith in Christ and of the tender turning of his spirit toward the cross, through which alone our spirits know pardon, cherish hope and pass on unto the life eternal.
In the vision of my congregation as it now comes before me, no face is more distinct than his. Always was he in his place in the Sabbath morning, and in the Sabbath afternoon service also, listening with an earnestness that made my gaze often seek his face. I shall so miss his presence from the inspirations and helps in the worship of the Lord's house! However early I was in entering the church I was rarely there before him. Often a few words of salutation would be exchanged on my way to the pulpit. I must wait now to see his face again and get his greeting, and see the revelation of his tender, true spirit until it is in our Father's house on high.
And so we go hence, one by one.