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Thomas Jefferson is credited with saying, " Let the farmer forevermore be honored in his calling; for though he labor in the earth he is one of the chosen people of God." Agriculture has been the chief business of Mr. Underbill during life; and, having by his industry, economy and perseverance accumulated a competence, he is now enjoying in the evening of life the rest which he has so faithfully earned, making his home in the quiet and moral village of New Rochelle.

George Washington La Fayette Underbill was born in the town of Mamaroneck, Westchester county, New York, April 22, 1824, a son of the late John B. Underbill, who also was born in this county, in the town of Yonkers, April 8, 1791, the son of Colonel Peter Underbill, who was a native of the same county and was a member of the militia known as the Light Horse Cavalry. The father of the last mentioned was Nathan, whose father. Captain John Underbill, emigrated from England about the year 1600.

Our subject spent his boyhood on the farm, the source of the best physical development and of the highest and noblest aspirations, until he was seventeen years of age, meanwhile attending a private school as opportunity offered. Then he was variously engaged until sometime in his twenty-third year, when he embarked in commercial business on his own account, conducting a general store in New Rochelle and then East Chester successfully for several years. Selling out his interest here, he moved to his farm on North street, about two and a half miles from the village of New Rochelle, where he carried on general farming. This farm comprised about one hundred and thirty-five acres, well improved, upon which he' erected good buildings; and he continued to reside here until 1893, when he sold the place and removed into the village, retiring from active work, except to look after a number of interests which he still has in charge. His fine residence, on Prospect street, he built in 1895, with all the modern improvements and finished with the .latest architectural designs. Besides this, he possesses considerable other property and investments, all of which are desirable. He is now in his seventy- fifth year, and is active in mind and body, hale and hearty. He is a director of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company, an old and reliable institution. Politically he is a stanch Democrat.

In 1847 he was united in matrimony with Miss Julia A. Barker, who was born in White Plains, New York, a daughter of Isaac Barker, who was of an old and prominent family of Westchester county. Mr. and Mrs. Underhill have three children, viz. : John Quincy, George B. and Eugene. In February, 1897, the parents celebrated their golden wedding, which was a' most enjoyable occasion, — one hundred and sixty guests being present.

History of Westchester County, New York, Volume 2

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