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BASICS 2.1.1 Summary


Evidence‐based veterinary medicine (EBVM) is a set of tools for generating reliable research evidence, disseminating it to clinicians, and using it to support clinical decision making. Through the practical application of the philosophy and methods of science to medical problems, and the explicit and judicious integration of research evidence, clinical experience, and the goals and resources of pet owners, EBVM can promote more effective, proactive patient care.

Veterinary professionals use information intensively in their work. Meeting the goals of pet‐specific care, to identify health risks and to intervene with preventive and therapeutic measures to improve health, we must have accurate, relevant information. EBVM provides a system for ensuring that the information clinicians need is not only accurate and relevant but available and easy to use. More efficient information management supports easier and more reliable decision making, more effective client communication, and ultimately better outcomes for patients.

Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team

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