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Lise, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), Paris, France

Accessibility is undoubtedly a unifying concept that makes it possible to understand the aggiornamento of the school system that accompanies the advent of a societal model that makes the uncertain individual a principle of social organization (Ehrenberg 1995) and knowledge the foundation of its economic and social development (Boltanski and Chiapello 2000). The accessibility of school environments is a social concept that has loomed over educational policies and, more generally, public policies for several decades now; specifically, the promotion of inclusive schools focusing on the well-being and success of every learner and ensuring, to this end, that they are receptive to the diversity of learners’ educational profiles, is at the heart of the democratization of European education systems and goes far beyond the issue of disability (Nesse 2012; Zay 2012).

This ideal is part of a reinvention of the school. It invites us to see diversity as a resource beneficial to the smooth running of schools (and, more generally, to the economic and social well-being of societies). It underpins learners’ academic and social commitment to the transformation of school systems or the way they function and, more particularly, to the forms of codification governing the pedagogical relationship between teachers, students and knowledge. It postulates the cognitive autonomy of every learner and, as such, rejects any indifference to difference: it places the causes of difficulties at school, and more generally social difficulties, in the shortcomings of school systems before inferring them from the characteristics of individuals, and reverses the normative frames of reference underlying school functioning. It places the control of educational and social inequalities linked to organizational effects at the heart of the legitimacy of school systems and makes them accountable for their ability to prevent and combat discrimination.

Accessibility or Reinventing Education

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