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Deafness and Perturbations of auditory feedback


Loss of hearing has a drastic impact on the acquisition of speech (Borden, 1979). From the first stage of babbling to adult articulation, speech in those who are profoundly hearing impaired has distinct acoustic and temporal speech characteristics. Canonical babbling is delayed in its onset and the number of well‐formed syllables is markedly reduced even after clinical intervention through amplification (Oller & Eilers, 1988). Beyond babbling, Osberger and McGarr (1982) have summarized the patterns of speech errors in children who have significant hearing impairments. While the frequencies of errors (and hearing levels) varied between children, there were consistent atypical segmental productions including sound omissions, anomalous timing, and distortions of phonemes. These phonetic patterns are accompanied by inconsistent interarticulator coordination (McGarr & Harris, 1980). In addition, there are consistent suprasegmental issues in the population including anomalies of vocal pitch and vocal‐quality control and inadequate intonation contours (Osberger & McGarr, 1982).

These patterns of deficit most likely arise from the effects of deafness on both the perceptual learning of speech in general and the loss of auditory feedback in vocal learning. Data characterizing speech‐production behavior at different ages of deafness onset could shed some light on the extent to which learning to perceive the sound system or learning to hear yourself produce sounds contributes to the reported deficits. However, there are minimal data on humans that provide a window onto the importance of hearing at different stages of vocal learning. Binnie, Daniloff, and Buckingham (1982) provide a case study of a five‐year‐old who abruptly lost hearing. The child showed modest changes immediately after deafness onset but, over the course of a year, the intelligibility of his speech declined due to distortions in segmental production and prosody. Notably, the child rarely deleted sounds and tended to prolong vowels perhaps to enhance kinesthetic feedback. While this case study is not strong evidence for the development of auditory feedback, it is noteworthy that the speech representations that govern fluent speech are well developed even at this young age. Speech quality does not immediately degrade.

Age of onset of deafness of other postlingually deafened individuals, those who lost their hearing following the acquisition of speech, indicates that those deafened earlier in life deviated more from the general population than those deafened later in both suprasegmental and segmental characteristics (Waldstein, 1990). However, the patterns of speech deviation differed considerably from individual to individual in the small samples.

The study of postlingually deafened individuals represents the best window onto the role played by auditory feedback in a well‐developed human control system. While the effects of hearing loss on speech are not immediate, both consonant and vowel errors emerge over time (Zimmermann & Rettaliata, 1981; Osberger & McGarr, 1982; Waldstein, 1990; Lane & Webster, 1991; Cowie & Douglas‐Cowie, 1992). Other effects on speech caused by a long‐term lack of auditory feedback are of a suprasegmental nature. These include a slower overall rate of speech, higher and more inconsistent pitch, overstressing syllables and words, and a greater mean intensity (Cowie, Douglas‐Cowie, & Kerr, 1982; Plant, 1984; Leder, Spitzer, & Kirchner, 1987; Waldstein, 1990; Lane & Webster, 1991; Cowie & Douglas‐Cowie, 1992). All of these factors contribute to the overall loss of intelligibility of speech.

The study of vocal learning in birds has permitted more systematic studies of the effects of deafening at different ages of development. In a classic study by Lombardino and Nottebohm (2000) groups of zebra finches were deafened at intervals ranging from 81 days to six years. Changes in song were strongly correlated with age of deafening. The songs of birds deafened earlier (e.g. at three months) deteriorated much more quickly (approximately a week) compared to birds deafened between two and five years. The latter took more than a year to show quantifiable deficits.

In birds, invasive ablation studies have shown that the relationship between acquired song and auditory feedback is not simple. Anatomical studies have revealed at least two distinct pathways for the vocal control of song that converge on the song motor cortex. One pathway is strongly influenced by the cortical premotor area HVC and the other has strong influences from the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN). An oversimplification of the contributions of these two anatomical regions is that one controls the memorized song (HVC) and the other influences the variability of the pitch and amplitude of productions (LMAN). The role of auditory feedback in mediating the influence of these two systems is intriguing. It has been suggested that auditory feedback may influence the gain of the variability system (Bertram et al., 2014). When birds are deafened, the production of structured song is impaired (e.g. dropped syllables and deteriorated structure of syllables), but later, when LMAN is ablated, the effects of deafening are reversed, at least in those with moderate decline (Nordeen & Nordeen, 2010), and variability is reduced. The authors conclude that deafening induces song deterioration and LMAN activity contributes to that degradation. Thus, in birds, there are neural systems such as LMAN that play a direct role in determining the amount of vocal variability.

Overall, the data indicate that hearing is vital for vocal learning but also that the maintenance of accurate vocal production relies on auditory feedback. Without this auditory feedback, sound production changes across the full range of attributes (e.g. precision of frequency, timing, consistency).

The Handbook of Speech Perception

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