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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Stromatolites dating back 2.5 billion years, observed in the Transva...Figure 1.2. The figure shows changes in the abundance of elements over time, mai...Figure 1.3. Banded Iron Formation (BIF). Courtesy of Pierre Thomas (2011). For a...Figure 1.4. Carbonaceous chondrite. Courtesy of Pierre Thomas (2016). For a colo...Figure 1.5. a) Proliferation of L-Bacillus subtilis. Courtesy of Jeff Errington....

2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Contractile proteins (in red) flex the microtubules (9+2) in the cil...Figure 3.2. Action sector of the ventral BMP4 gene. Insects on the left; vertebr...Figure 3.3. A centipede (myriapod) and a velvet worm (onychophora)Figure 3.4. Rear propulsion of tetrapods.1: thrust on the ground; 2: its reactio...Figure 3.5. The transition to an aerial life goes hand in hand with a consolidat...Figure 3.6. h: transverse humerus of the first tetrapods; 1 and 2: muscles balan...Figure 3.7. Transformation of the hyobranchial apparatus. 1: aquatic respiration...

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Experimental creation of analogous forms in On Growth and Form. a) B...Figure 4.2. Illustration of “Julius Wolff’s Law” (1892), always in the spotlight...Figure 4.3. Bird pelvic passage analysis in On Growth and Form

4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Evolution of a landscape. Here are four visual representations of th...Figure 5.2. Molecular forms under the landscape. (a) The underside of the epigen...

5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Myxococcus xanthus lifecycle (source: Paz-y-Miño-C and Espinosa 2018...Figure 6.2. Transfer of an outer membrane (OM) motility protein from a donor to ...Figure 6.3. Phylogeny based on ssrRNA sequences of Entamoeba clones. The placeme...Figure 6.4. Clone-aggregation preference in mixed cultures of E. histolytica HM-...Figure 6.5. Bacterial multicell-aggregations (source: Paz-y-Miño-C and Espinosa ...Figure 6.6. Dictyostelium lifecycle (source: Paz-y-Miño-C and Espinosa 2018)Figure 6.7. Close-up of the social cycle in Dictyostelium, note the tip epitheli...Figure 6.8. Simulations of equilibrial frequency of cheater cells undergoing clo...

6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1. Form of the gynoecium of the love-in-a-mist flower (Nigella damascen...Figure 7.2. Phyllotaxis of the reproductive organs of some flowering plants at d...Figure 7.3. Diversity of floral forms in angiosperms. Some examples of perianths...Figure 7.4. Diversity of fruits illustrated by some samples kept in the herbariu...

7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1. Mammalian memory organization. The brain structures mentioned are co...

8 Chapter 11Figure 11.1. Our isomorphic epistemic framework for design engineering and the i...

9 Chapter 12Figure 12.1. Schematic presentation of the mosaic complexity model. Units (A) ar...Figure 12.2. Development of the brain in the vertebrate embryo. The vesicle (A) ...

The Explosion of Life Forms

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