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Schreibeis Earns Awards
Clark Schreibeis of Billings, Mont.,
earned two top awards at the
World Fish Carving Championship
in Springfield, Ill., last year. Clark’s
full-size 24" spawning brown trout,
commissioned by angler Joel Jong
Jr., won Best of World, and earned
the artist his fifth Judge’s Choice
Best of Show award, as well.
During the same weekend, Clark
also won the prestigious master
of master’s category at the World
Taxidermy Championships, which
were being held concurrently.
Visit www.clarkschreibeis.com.
WoodTurning Cruise
The 2014 WoodTurning Cruise
will depart from Stavanger,
Norway, on August 11. During
the 12-day trip up the country’s
picturesque western and northern
coasts, the ship will stop in 11
cities for excursions geared toward
woodworkers, carvers, or crafters.
Eight international experts will
offer turning classes aboard the
cruise ship during travel time.
Visit woodturningcruise.com
for more information.
Rockler Opens Superstores
Rockler Woodworking and
Hardware recently opened two
state-of-the-art superstores, one
in Twin Cities, Minn., and the
other in Seattle, Wash. These two
huge stores (11,000 square feet of
retail space in Twin Cities, and
9,000 square feet in Seattle) each
feature a large glass-enclosed
demonstration area along with
expanded retail space.
Learn more at rockler.com.
Clark Schreibeis’s
trout carving.