Читать книгу Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems - Группа авторов - Страница 24

Focusing on Prevention of Malnutrition in Mothers and Their Children


My focus is on the prevention of malnutrition in mothers and their children in the postconception period and during their first phase of life. In the sensitive phase of life surrounding childbirth, it is particularly important to ensure a balanced and sufficient diet for mother and child. It is precisely in this phase that setting the right course is vital to strengthen a child’s resilience for later life [1, 2]. That is why, in Germany, we place a special emphasis at this point with our “Healthy Start – Young Family Network.” However, it is about more than just this. As we work within the “Healthy Start” network, we become aware of how much we can learn from successful efforts in network structures. Therefore, my remarks can be taken as an example for other challenges at hand. I will begin with some introductory statements about the importance of the first 1,000 days in a person’s life, and will also try to identify the leverage points for successful prevention and health promotion.

Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems

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