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1 Featherstone, P., Chalmers, T. and Smith, G. (2008) RSVP: a system for communication of deterioration in hospital patients, British Journal of Nursing, 17(8): 860–864.

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4 Institute for Innovation and Improvement. (2010) Safer care SBAR implementation and training guide, Coventry: Institute for Innovation and Improvement.

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8 Randmaa, M., Mårtensson, G., Swenne, C. and Engström, M. (2014) SBAR improves communication and decreases incident reports due to communication errors in an anesthetic clinic: a prospective intervention study, BMJ Open, 4(1): e004268.

9 Resuscitation Council (UK). (2015) Immediate life support, London: Resuscitation Council UK.

10 Stewart, K. and Hand, K. (2017) SBAR, communication, and patient safety: an integrated literature review, MedSurg Nursing, 26(5): 297+.

11 Stonehouse, D. (2018) The SBAR communication framework: for when you need action, British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 12(9): 450–453.

12 Taran, S. (2011) An examination of the factors contributing to poor communication outside the physician‐patient sphere, McGill Journal of Medicine, 13(1): 86.

The Nursing Associate's Handbook of Clinical Skills

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