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Table of Contents
Оглавление1 Cover
7 Preface and Acknowledgments to the Second Edition
8 Preface and Acknowledgments to the First Edition
11 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Anatomy of the Reproductive System of the Bull Introduction Production Transport Transfer References 2 Endocrine and Exocrine Function of the Bovine Testes Introduction Historical Perspective The Testis The Scrotum and Spermatic Cords Interstitial Tissue (Leydig Cells) Endocrine Function of the Testis Overview of Spermatogenesis and Maturation of Spermatozoa References 3 Spermatogenesis Introduction Cell and Molecular Biology of Spermatogenesis Markers to Study Spermatogenesis Hormones and Spermatogenesis The Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium Spermatogenesis in the Bull Sertoli Cells and Spermatogenesis The Role of Sertoli Cells in Spermatogenesis References 4 Thermoregulation of the Testes Introduction Anatomy and Physiology Surface and Internal Temperatures Sources of Testicular Heat Effects of Increased Testicular Temperature Summary References 5 Endocrine Control of Testicular Development and Initiation of Spermatogenesis in Bulls Introduction Infantile Period Prepubertal Period Pubertal Period Metabolic Hormones During the Prepubertal and Pubertal Periods References 6 Sexual Development and Puberty in Bulls Introduction Testicular Development Puberty Development of Accessory Sex Organs Development of Sexual Behavior Effects of Nutrition on Sexual Development Implications of Sexual Development and Puberty for Breeding Soundness Evaluation References
12 Breeding and Health Management 7 Breeding Soundness Evaluation: Comparative Review of Different Standards Introduction General Concepts An International Overview of BBSE BBSE – How the Categories Compare Internationally Discussion References 8 Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: The Physical Examination Introduction History Basic Physical Examination Examination of the Reproductive System Example of an Examination Protocol Scrotal Circumference References 9 Evaluation of Breeding Soundness Introduction Semen Collection Semen Evaluation References 10 Ultrasound Examination of the Reproductive Tract Introduction Equipment and General Methodology Examination of the Scrotum Examination of the Pelvic Organs Examination of the Penis and Prepuce Alternative Ultrasound Modalities Summary References 11 Management of Breeding Bull Batteries Introduction Pre‐Breeding Period Breeding Period Non‐Breeding Period References 12 Management of Bulls at Custom Collection Studs Veterinary Services for the Commercial Bull Stud Common Problems of Bulls at Stud Summary Acknowledgment 13 Testicular Degeneration Introduction Pathogenesis Diagnosis Prognosis Testicular Fibrosis References 14 Vesicular Adenitis References 15 Inability to Breed Due to Injury or Abnormality of the External Genitalia of Bulls Introduction Impact of Impotence Physiology of Erection in the Ruminant Coitus Abnormalities of the Prepuce Abnormalities of the Penis Penile Injury Erection Failure Denervation Injury References 16 Management of Lameness in Breeding Bulls Introduction Getting Back to Basics in a Lameness Examination Facilities for Performing the Lameness Examination Local/Regional Anesthesia Back Injuries Advanced Diagnostics Laminitis Treatment of Solar Injuries Vertical Hoof Cracks Septic Arthritis of the Distal Interphalangeal Joint Corkscrew Claw Interdigital Dermatitis, Digital Dermatitis, and Interdigital Pododermatitis Interdigital Fibroma Distal Limb Proximal Limb Upward Fixation of the Patella Rupture of the Gastrocnemius Osteochondrosis Dissecans Bone Fractures Full Limb Casting Fractures of the Proximal Limb Fracture Recovery Hoof Trimming for Beef Cattle Summary References
13 Reproductive Surgery 17 Regional Anesthesia for Urogenital Procedures Introduction Local Anesthetics Anesthesia for Laparotomy Anesthesia of the Perineum Anesthesia of the Penis and Prepuce Anesthesia for Castration References 18 Surgery of the Scrotum and its Contents Introduction Physical Examination of the Scrotum and Testicles Ultrasound of the Testicles Thermography of the Scrotum Semen Evaluation Scrotal and Testicular Disease and Injury Unilateral Castration Inguinal Hernia Repair References 19 Restorative Surgery of the Prepuce and Penis Introduction Fibropapilloma Hair Ring Persistent Frenulum: Delayed Preputial–Penile Separation Preputial Injury Preputial Prolapse Surgical Management of Preputial Injury Phimosis Paraphimosis Hematoma Penile Deviations References 20 Management of Urolithiasis Introduction Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Surgical Management Other Procedures Prevention References 21 Preparation of Teaser Bulls Introduction Vasectomy Epididymectomy Penile–Prepuce Translocation Penopexy Preputial Pouch Technique (Ventral Slot with Preputial Orifice Obliteration) Other Procedures Summary References
15 Anatomy and Physiology 22 Anatomy of the Reproductive System of the Cow Introduction Production Transport and Gestation Blood Supply Placenta References 23 Initiation of Puberty in Heifers Introduction Endocrine Events Development of the Female Reproductive Tract Factors that Influence Age of Puberty Genetic Markers for Age at Puberty Correlation Between Sire Scrotal Circumference and Age at Puberty of Daughters Management Options to Influence Age at Puberty Photoperiod Growth‐Promoting Implants Use of Progestins to Advance Onset of Puberty Nutritional Optimization of Puberty Effect of Heifer Temperament on Age at Puberty Influence of Bull Exposure on Age at Puberty Influence of Age of Dam on Follicular Reserves Monitoring Heifers for Attainment of Puberty References 24 Neuroendocrine Control of Estrus and Ovulation Introduction Functional Anatomy of the Hypothalamic–Hypophyseal Unit Hierarchical Control of Gonadotropin Secretion: The GnRH Pulse Generator Role of Gonadal Steroids Differential Control of Gonadotropins: FSH Nutritional Influences on the Hypothalamic–Hypophyseal Axis Pubertal Development Neuroendocrinology of the Postpartum Period Novel Neuroendocrine Regulators of GnRH Neuronal Function References 25 Ovarian Follicular and Luteal Dynamics in Cattle Introduction Ovarian Development and Follicle Assembly Folliculogenesis and Oogenesis Ovulation and Oocyte Maturation References 26 Maternal Recognition and Physiology of Pregnancy Introduction Conceptus Elongation and Extraembryonic Membranes Uterine Histotroph Placental Vascularization Maternal Cardiovascular Function Maternal Nutrient Partitioning and Endocrinology Embryogenesis, Fetal Growth, and Organ Development Uterine Blood Flow References 27 Fetal Programming Introduction Adaptations During Pregnancy: Fetal and Placental Development Maternal Nutrient Restriction Offspring Performance Maternal Melatonin Supplementation Epigenetics and Fetal Programming References
16 Breeding and Health Management 28 Biosecurity for Beef and Dairy Herds Introduction Developing a Biosecurity and Biocontainment Plan Tools for Intervention: Reducing Effective Animal Contacts Movement Control Barriers Special Considerations Summary References 29 Beef Heifer Development Introduction Replacement Heifer Economics Selection at Weaning Prebreeding Nutritional Management Prebreeding Selection and Management Breeding Season Management Postbreeding Through Calving Summary References 30 Dairy Heifer Development from Weaning to Calving Introduction The Weaned Heifer Summary References 31 Nutrition and Reproduction in the Beef Cow Introduction The 12‐Month Cow‐Calf Production Cycle – The Driver of Nutrient Requirements Body Condition Scoring – the Starting Point for Nutritional Management Post‐Weaning Nutritional Management – Protein and Energy Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition Heifer Development Bull Nutrition Fetal Programming Specific Nutritional Challenges – Pine‐Needle‐Induced Abortion Specific Nutritional Challenges – Fescue Toxicosis and Fertility Summary References 32 Interaction of Nutrition and Reproduction in the Dairy Cow Introduction Reproductive Goals Transition Period Retained Placenta and Metritis Ketosis and Hepatic Lipidosis β‐Glucans Milk Urea Nitrogen NEFA Concentration and Oocyte Formation Nutritional Heat Stress Abatement Body Condition Score Methionine Minerals and Vitamins Summary References 33 Cystic Ovarian Follicles Introduction Terminology Incidence Pathophysiology of COF Formation Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Strategies Associations Summary References 34 Postpartum Anestrus and Its Management in Dairy Cattle Introduction Physiological Basis for Postpartum Anestrus and Resumption of Cyclicity Nutritional Intervention Therapeutic Intervention Summary References 35 Estrus Detection Introduction Physiology of Estrus Signs of Estrus in Cattle Factors Affecting Estrus Expression and Detection Visual Observation as a Method for Estrus Detection Artificial Insemination Based on Estrus Detection Estrus Detection Efficiency Estrus Detection Aids Summary References 36 Artificial Insemination Introduction Semen Tank Management Frozen Semen Storage Tips to Minimize Thermal Injury Semen Thawing Method Semen Handling After Thawing Tips to Prevent Cold Shock in Cold Weather Semen Straw Retrieval, Thawing, and Handling Tips Insemination Timing of Insemination Summary References 37 Pharmacological Intervention of Estrous Cycles Introduction Ovarian Follicular Dynamics Pharmacological Control of New Wave Emergence Controlling the Lifespan of the Corpus Luteum Synchronization of Estrus Synchronization of Ovulation Split‐Time AI Summary References 38 Examination for Pregnancy: Rectal Palpation Introduction Cardinal Signs of Pregnancy Supportive Signs of Pregnancy Misdiagnosis and Differential Diagnoses Determining the Stage of Gestation Risks Associated with Transrectal Palpation Summary References 39 Examination for Pregnancy: Biochemical Tests Introduction Progesterone Concentration Pregnancy‐Associated Glycoproteins Early Pregnancy Factor Interferon‐Stimulated Genes Emerging Research Summary References 40 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Female Reproductive Tract Introduction Pregnancy Diagnosis Normal Uterine and Ovarian Structures Throughout the Estrous Cycle Ovarian Pathology Synchronization Protocols Uterine, Cervical and Vaginal Pathology Embryo Transfer Embryonic and Fetal Anomalies Artifacts References 41 Beef Herd Health for Optimal Reproduction Introduction Utilization of Diagnostics Designing Herd Vaccination Protocols Summary References 42 Dairy Herd Health for Optimal Reproduction Introduction Ketosis and Diseases of Transition Mastitis Lameness Heat Stress Prevention of Infectious Disease Developing and Implementing Reproductive Herd Health Programs Setting Goals Determining the Ideal VWP Strategies to Increase Insemination Rate Managing and Monitoring Fertilization Failure and Pregnancy Loss Evaluation for Pregnancy Status Monitoring Health Effects on Reproduction Summary References 43 Herd Diagnostic Testing Strategies Introduction Determining Diagnostic Test Usefulness Diagnostic Testing Strategy Summary References 44 Breeding Season Evaluation of Beef Herds Introduction Data Collection Analysis of Herd Records Summary References 45 Dairy Herd Record Analysis Introduction Dairy Reproductive Matrices Other Reproductive Analyses Replacement Heifer Reproduction Summary of Findings Summary References 46 Marketing the Bovine Reproductive Practice Introduction Principles in Marketing Devising the Marketing Plan Retention of the Client Evaluation of the Marketing Plan Summary References
17 Obstetrics and Reproductive Surgery 47 Management of Vaginal, Cervico‐Vaginal, and Uterine Prolapse Introduction Vaginal and Cervical Eversions Short‐Term Treatment Options Permanent or Semipermanent Treatment Options Uterine Eversion Discussion Acknowledgments References 48 Induction of Parturition and Abortion Introduction Physiologic and Endocrine Profiles of Pregnancy Induction of Parturition Induction of Abortion References 49 Management to Prevent Dystocia Introduction Fetopelvic Disproportion Risk Factors for Dystocia Heifer Management to Decrease Dystocia Management that Addresses Calf Birth Weight Effect of Calf Gender Effect of Season Fetal Malpresentation and Twining Genetic Effects Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Summary References 50 Dystocia and Accidents of Gestation Introduction Embryonic Death Fetal Death Developmental Defects and Congenital Anomalies Resulting in Fetal Death or Production of a Non‐Viable Neonate Vaginal Prolapse Uterine Torsion Hydropic Conditions Prepubic Tendon Rupture Prolonged Gestation Dystocia Uterine Prolapse References 51 Obstetrics Introduction Obstetric Terminology Basic Equipment Case Management References 52 Obstetrics: Cesarean Section Introduction Elective C‐Section Emergency C‐Section Overview of Surgical Approaches Restraint and Anesthesia Surgical Procedure: Standing Flank Approach Surgical Procedure: Ventral Midline Approach Postoperative Management and Complications References 53 Retained Fetal Membranes Introduction Definitions Developmental Morphology Etiology Placentome Maturation Endocrine Changes Structural Changes Immunological Changes Vascular Changes Contractile Changes Pathogenesis Direct Factors Indirect Factors Clinical Signs and Complications Treatment Prevention Summary Dedication Acknowledgments References 54 Postpartum Uterine Infection Introduction Risk Factors Pathogenesis Uterine Diseases References 55 Surgery to Restore Fertility Introduction Repair of Injuries Occurring from Dystocia Repair of Uterine Tears Injury to the Vulva, Vagina, and Cervix Rectovaginal Tears Management of Iatrogenic Injury from Artificial Insemination or Embryo Transfer Urovagina (Urine Pooling) Removal of a Mummified Fetus Via Colpotomy Unilateral Ovariectomy References
18 Pregnancy Wastage 56 Fetal Disease and Abortion Introduction Pathology Categories of Reproductive Loss Pathophysiology of Injury to the Conceptus Effects of Maternal Disease Routes of Infection to the Conceptus Route from the Placenta to the Fetus Lesions of the Placenta Lesions of the Fetus Outcome of Exposure to Abortifacient Agents Teratology Neoplasia Anatomy Approach to the Problem History/Background Investigation Specific Manifestations of the Conceptus Relating to Pathology Causes of Abortion Fetal Death (Days 42–260) Acknowledgments 56.A Appendix References 57 Infectious Agents Introduction Etiology Pathogenesis Bull Cow/Fetus Immune Response Clinical Signs Pathology Diagnosis Sample Collection Sample Transport Diagnostic Techniques Prevention, Control, and Treatment References 58 Infectious Agents: Tritrichomonas Introduction Organism Transmission and Clinical Signs Sample Collection, Testing, and Diagnosis Treatment and Vaccination Control and State Regulations Summary References 59 Infectious Agents Introduction Epidemiology Transmission Pathogenesis Clinical Disease Diagnosis Control References 60 Infectious Agents Introduction Etiology Pathogenesis Immune Response Diagnostics Brucellosis in Wildlife Brucellosis Regulatory Programs Vaccination Human Infection Future Research Directions References 61 Infectious Agents Introduction Etiology Epidemiology Pathophysiology Clinical Presentations Diagnosis Prevention and Control Summary References 62 Infectious Agents Introduction Prevalence Host Range Transmission Clinical Disease Syndromes Diagnosis, Prevention, and Control References 63 Infectious Agents Introduction Etiology Hosts Distribution and Seroprevalence Epidemiology Pathogenesis and Clinical Signs Diagnosis Control and Prophylaxis References 64 Infectious Agents Introduction Etiology Diagnosis Pathogenesis Transmission Control References 65 Infectious Agents Introduction Epidemiology Transmission Pathogenesis of Abortion Clinical Signs Diagnosis Control/Prevention Treatment References 66 Infectious Agents Introduction Mycotic Agents Pathogenesis and Pathology Diagnosis Specimens Microscopic and Histopathologic Examination Fungal Culture Methods and Molecular Identification Prevention and Control References 67 Compromised Pregnancy Success Caused by Heat Stress Introduction: Nature of the Problem Causes of Compromised Pregnancy Success Mechanism for Embryonic Mortality Caused by Heat Stress Developmental Acquisition of Thermotolerance by the Embryo Heat Stress and Pregnancy Loss Physiological Approaches for Improving Pregnancy Success During Heat Stress References 68 The Reproductive Tract Microbiome: Introduction Microbiome Research Methodology The Microbiota of the Human Reproductive Tract The Microbiota of the Bovine Reproductive Tract Implications of the Vaginal Microbiota in Compromised Pregnancy Summary References 69 Bovine Abortifacient and Teratogenic Toxins Introduction Nitrate‐/Nitrite‐Accumulating Plants Ponderosa Pine Ateleia glazioviana, Tetrapterys acutifolia, and Tetrapterys multiglandulosa Enterolobium spp. and Stryphnodendron spp. Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa) Broom Snakeweed Sumpweed (Iva angustifolia) Moldy Sweet Clovers Teratogenic Plants Astragalus and Oxytropis (Locoweeds) Lupines Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Tobacco Poisoning Veratrum californicum (False Hellebore) Mimosa spp. Mycotoxins Ergot Alkaloids Ergotism Aflatoxins Zearalenone Phytoestrogens Trace Minerals and Heavy Metals Arsenic Cadmium Lead Selenium Toxicosis Vitamin A Endocrine‐Disrupting Compounds Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Polychlorinated Biphenyls Organochlorine Insecticides Organophosphate and Carbamate Insecticides Exogenous Hormones Pharmaceuticals References 70 Heritable Congenital Defects Introduction Event Investigation Arthrogryposis Multiplex Bovine Dwarfism Brachyspina Syndrome Complex Vertebral Malformation Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly Developmental Duplication Hypotrichosis Inherited Congenital Myoclonus Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Maple Syrup Urine Disease Neuropathic Hydrocephalus Oculocutaneous Hypopigmentation Osteopetrosis Pulmonary Hypoplasia with Anasarca Recessive Defects Discovered from the Absence of Homozygous Haplotypes Tibial Hemimelia Vertebral and Spinal Dysplasia Summary References 71 Abnormal Offspring Syndrome Introduction Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in Cattle Abnormal Offspring Syndrome – An Overgrowth Syndrome in Ruminants that Recapitulates the Human Syndrome Beckwith–Wiedemann (BWS) Epigenetics, DNA Methylation, and Genomic Imprinting Abnormal Offspring Syndrome Summary Acknowledgments References
19 Section III: The Neonate 72 Management to Decrease Neonatal Calf Loss in Beef Herds Introduction Risk Assessment of Calving Hazards Summary References 73 Management to Decrease Neonatal Calf Loss in Dairy Herds Introduction From Birth to Weaning Colostrum Nutrition from Birth to Weaning Calf Housing Weaning Health Maintenance References 74 Critical Care Management of the Neonate Introduction Pathophysiology of Extrauterine Neonatal Adaptation Initial Assessment and Management of the Newborn Calf Clinical Pathology Specific Perinatal Conditions of Newborn Calves Prevention of Perinatal Mortality References 75 Colostrum Introduction The Cow Colostrum Intake Colostral Volume and Time of Consumption Colostrum Source Colostrum Quality Failure in the Transfer of Passive Immunity (FTPI) Factors Associated with Transfer of Passive Immunity in Calves Diagnosis and Monitoring of Transfer of Passive Immunity Serum Brix Management Strategies to Prevent FTPI Summary References
20 Section IV: Assisted and Advanced Reproductive Technologies
21 Technological Advances that Enhance the Quantity and Quality of Spermatogenic Production 76 Utilization of Genomic Testing for the Selection of Desirable Traits in Cattle Introduction Background Simple Mendelian Traits Parentage Testing Genetic Evaluation of Production Traits Advantages of Genomic Selection Achieving Genetic Gain Through Genomics Genomic Evaluations GBLUP BOLT Use of Genomics in the Cattle Industry Male Fertility Female Fertility Conception Traits Pregnancy Traits Calving Traits Lifetime Productivity and Longevity Emerging Genomic Technologies Summary References 77 Technological Advances that Enhance the Quantity and Quality of Spermatogenic Production Feeding the 10 Billion Human Population Increasing the Quantity of Spermatogenesis per Bull Methods to Increase Sperm Production per Bull Improving the Genetic Quality of Spermatogenesis Surrogate Sires References 78 Cryopreservation of Semen Introduction Principles of Cryopreservation Role of Extenders Used for Cryopreservation Role of Cryoprotectants in Bovine Semen Freezing Steps for Cryopreservation of Bovine Semen Dilution, Initial Cooling, and Packaging Cooling Rates and Freezing Semen Thawing and Storage Newer Advances in Bovine Semen Cryopreservation References 79 Utilization of Sex‐Selected Semen Introduction Sorting Sperm by DNA Content for Gender Selection Commercialization of Bovine Gender‐Selected Semen Artificial Insemination Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer In Vitro Fertilization Reverse Sorting Effect of Sex‐Sorting Procedure on Structural and Functional Parameters of Sperm Cost and Revenues Incidence of Stillbirth SexedULTRA Technology Conclusion Summary References 80 Control of Semen‐Borne Pathogens Introduction Bovine Viral Diarrhea Leptospirosis Brucellosis Tuberculosis Campylobacteriosis and Trichomoniasis Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Arboviruses Enzootic Bovine Leukosis Control References 81 Bovine Semen Quality Control in Artificial Insemination Centers Introduction Objective Assessment of Sperm Motility Limitations of CASA Instruments Analysis of Sperm Function by Flow Cytometry Sperm Attributes Analyzed by Flow Cytometry Limitations of Flow Cytometry A Multiparametric Approach for Standardization and QC among SPCs Summary References 82 Superovulation in Cattle Introduction Gonadotropins and Superovulation Follicular Wave Dynamics and Superstimulation Superstimulation: The Traditional Approach Synchronization of Follicular Wave Emergence for Superovulation Summary References 83 Embryo Transfer and Embryo Collection A Brief History of Embryo Transfer Applications for Embryo Transfer Overview of the Embryo Collection Procedure “Counterfeit Money” Preventing Unwanted or Multiple Pregnancies Helpful Hints Transferring the Embryo Summary Dedication References Resources 84 Selection and Management of the Embryo Recipient Herd Introduction Nutritional Management Estrous Cycle Control Recipient‐Related Factors American Embryo Transfer Association Survey Conclusion Summary References 85 Evaluation of In Vivo Derived Bovine Embryos Introduction History of Bovine Embryo Evaluation Refinement of the Morphological Embryo Evaluation Method History of the IETS Grading and Classification System The Importance of a Good Microscope Normal In Vivo Bovine Embryonic Development IETS Grading and Classification System Stage of Embryonic Development Embryo Quality Grade Embryo Evaluation Procedure Practical Application of Embryo Evaluation Guidelines Non‐Transferable Quality Embryos Unfertilized Ova Dead or Degenerating Embryos Transferable Quality Embryos Extruded Cells Misshapen or Flat Zona Pellucida Lipids in the Cytoplasm Cracked Zona Pellucida Irregular Shape of Cells Comprising the Embryo Material Adhering to the Zona Pellucida Challenges to Accurate Embryo Grading and Classification Embryo Evaluation Tip The Effectiveness of Morphological Embryo Evaluation Conclusion Summary References 86 Control of Embryo‐Borne Pathogens Introduction First Generation of Embryo Technologies Sources of Pathogens Categorization of Pathogenic Agents of Embryos Control of Viral Pathogens Embryo Transfer as a Means of Controlling Pathogen Transmission Second Generation of Embryo Technologies Third Generation of Embryo Technologies Experimental Treatments Summary References 87 Cryopreservation of Bovine Embryos Introduction Cryopreservation Applications for Vitrification Embryo Selection, Handling, and Preparation Embryo Freezing References 88 Managing the “Problem Donor” Introduction The Donor Problems Related to Donors An Alternative for the Problem Donor: in vitro Production of Embryos Summary References 89 In Vitro Fertilization Introduction Collection of Oocytes Media Maturation Fertilization In Vitro Culture of Embryos Cryopreservation of IVP Embryos Transfer of IVP Embryos Pregnancies and Offspring Summary References 90 Cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Introduction and Brief History Procedures Involved Challenges Associated Summary References 91 Application of CRISPR‐Cas9 Technology in Bovine Reproduction Introduction Basics of the Genome History of CRISPR Technology Reproduction and CRISPR‐Cas9 Technology The Cattle Industry and CRISPR‐Cas9 Technology Limitations of CRISPR‐Cas9 Applications US Regulation of Gene‐Edited Food Animals References
22 Index