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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Components of spermatozoa: P = production, T = transport, Tr = tr...Figure 1.2 Histology of testicle: St = Sertoli cell, Ly = Leydig cells, Sg =...Figure 1.3 Tissue layers of testicle: Vt = visceral vaginal tunic, Pt = pari...Figure 1.4 Ductules of testicle: Ep‐h = head of epididymis, Et = efferent tu...Figure 1.5 Components of epididymis: Sc = spermatic cord, Ep‐h = head of epi...Figure 1.6 Components of epididymis: Sc = spermatic cord, Ep‐h = head of epi...Figure 1.7 Regions of the penis: R = root of penis, Bb = bulb of penis, Bd =...Figure 1.8 Muscles of the penis: Bs = bulbospongiosus muscle, Ic = ischiocav...Figure 1.9 Sigmoid flexure of the penis: Bd = body of penis, Sf = sigmoid fl...Figure 1.10 Glans penis and associated structures: G = glans penis, Fp = fre...Figure 1.11 Prepuce and associated structures: Rp = raphe of penis, Ip = int...Figure 1.12 Components of the prepuce: Fp = free part of penis, G = glans pe...Figure 1.13 Arterial supply to the penis: Ip = internal pudendal artery, Ab ...Figure 1.14 Nerves of the penis: Sc = sciatic nerve, Pu = pudendal nerve, Pc...Figure 1.15 Secondary sex glands: Am = ampulla, Vs = vesicular glands, P = p...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Bright‐field and thermal images of two‐year‐old Hereford bull tes...Figure 2.2 Synthetic pathway of testosterone and conversion to active androg...Figure 2.3 Genomic context of the relaxin gene in selected mammals. The clus...Figure 2.4 Schematic representations of the germinal epithelium of the bull ...Figure 2.5 Schematic representation of spermatozoa reflecting visible change...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Steps in spermatogenesis.

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Mean (and SEM) blood flow, O2 delivery, and metabolic rate in tes...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Mean serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle‐stimulating hormone...Figure 5.2 Serum LH concentrations between 10 and 30 weeks of age in Angus a...Figure 5.3 Mean (± SEM) number of LH pulses and serum testosterone concentra...Figure 5.4 Mean (± SEM) number of LH pulses and serum testosterone concentra...Figure 5.5 Mean (± SEM) number of LH pulses and serum testosterone concentra...Figure 5.6 Mean (± SEM) serum IGF‐I, insulin, GH, and leptin concentrations ...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Regression lines for paired testes weight (PTW) according to scro...Figure 6.2 Top: regression curves for scrotal circumference (SC) according t...Figure 6.3 Scrotal circumference (± 90% confidence interval) in beef bulls o...Figure 6.4 Mean scrotal circumference (SC) in registered yearling bulls acco...Figure 6.5 Mean scrotal circumference (SC) in yearling bulls. Charolais: n =...Figure 6.6 Weighted mean scrotal circumference (SC) reported for two‐year‐ol...Figure 6.7 Mean (± SEM) scrotal circumference (SC) according to age (top) an...Figure 6.8 Mean (± SEM) scrotal circumference (SC) and testicular ultrasonog...Figure 6.9 Top: Mean sperm viability and morphology according to age in Angu...Figure 6.10 Prevalence of proximal droplets in ejaculates from bulls of vari...Figure 6.11 Mean (± SEM) scrotal circumference (SC), testicular vascular con...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The SFT electronic BBSE form.Figure 7.2 An example of the BBSE report from the Australian system. The cer...Figure 7.3 An example of BBSE data collection options provided by BullCheck ...Figure 7.4 As with the South African system, Australian BBSE reports have a ...Figure 7.5 The standard veterinary BBSE certificate used in South Africa.Figure 7.6 Explanatory notes accompanying the South African BBSE certificate...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 A three‐year‐old Angus bull that exhibits the screw claw abnormal...Figure 8.2 Examination of the oral cavity and dentition to assess aging.Figure 8.3 The correct way to measure SC. The testes are pushed toward the b...Figure 8.4 Transrectal palpation to evaluate the internal reproductive tract...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Lane Pulsator V and two‐electrode probe with vertical yoke.Figure 9.2 Semen collection handle, cone, and vial.Figure 9.3 White blood cells (neutrophils) on a Diff Quik stained smear. Not...Figure 9.4 White blood cells (wbc), a speroid cell (sc), detached head (dh),...Figure 9.5 Semen smear preparation.Figure 9.6 Cell counter with keys labeled for sperm cell morphology.Figure 9.7 Normal sperm stained with eosin‐nigrosin. The dark staining sperm...Figure 9.8 A sperm with a bowed midpiece and a sperm displaying hypotonic sh...Figure 9.9 Tapered head and a detached, pyriform head.Figure 9.10 Sperm with diadem vacuoles (presentation 1).Figure 9.11 Sperm with diadem vacuoles (presentation 2).Figure 9.12 Sperm with confluent vacuoles and sperm with distal midpiece ref...Figure 9.13 Macrocephalic sperm with double tail (center).Figure 9.14 Sperm with the knobbed acrosome defect: indented form (left); be...Figure 9.15 Proximal cytoplasmic droplets.Figure 9.16 Distal midpiece reflexes with and without droplet material and d...Figure 9.17 Three images all showing distal midpiece reflexes.Figure 9.18 Mitochondrial sheath defect.Figure 9.19 Stump tail defect.Figure 9.20 Dag defect.Figure 9.21 Coiled principal piece.

10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Caudal ultrasonographic views of the left testis of a yearling d...Figure 10.2 Sagittal view of the left testis of a mature bull with small hyp...Figure 10.3 Sagittal view of a testis with small hyperechoic foci (large arr...Figure 10.4 Sagittal view of a testis with multiple linear radiating hyperec...Figure 10.5 Sagittal view of the right ventral testis of an aged beef bull. ...Figure 10.6 Sagittal views of the left and right testes of a yearling dairy ...Figure 10.7 Transverse view of the testis containing two discrete hypoechoic...Figure 10.8 Sagittal view of the left testis of a mature Holstein bull that ...Figure 10.9 Sagittal view of the testis. Note the hypoechoic dilations (arro...Figure 10.10 Sagittal view of the ventral testis (large arrow) and tail of t...Figure 10.11 Transverse view of the ventral aspect of the right testis of an...Figure 10.12 Sagittal view of the dorsal testis. The small arrow points to a...Figure 10.13 Sagittal view of the vascular cone (between small arrows) just ...Figure 10.14 Midline sagittal view of the body of the prostate gland (ovoid ...Figure 10.15 Sagittal view of the urethralis just caudal to the body of the ...Figure 10.16 Sagittal view of the bulbourethral (Cowper's) gland (between ar...Figure 10.17 Sagittal view of the ampulla (between small arrows). Note the d...Figure 10.18 Oblique view of the seminal vesicle (horizontal tissue between ...Figure 10.19 Oblique view of the seminal vesicle (above vertical arrows). Th...Figure 10.20 Sagittal view of the vascular cone using color Doppler mode. Th...Figure 10.21 Sagittal color Doppler image of the testis illustrating blood f...

11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Bulls going into a chute.Figure 12.2 Ideal conditions for housing bulls in central Texas, Elgin Breed...Figure 12.3 Semen canisters for storage of frozen semen and embryos. Note th...Figure 12.4 Collection area.Figure 12.5 Proper technique for collection of bull semen.Figure 12.6 A well‐designed work area for performing lameness examinations a...Figure 12.7 Assisting in preparation of hoof block application.

12 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 An ultrasonogram of testis scored as having mild fibrosis.Figure 13.2 An ultrasonogram of testis scored as having very severe fibrosis...Figure 13.3 Cross‐section of a bull testis with fibrotic lesions that appear...Figure 13.4 Ultrasonogram of a testis with fibrotic lesions radiating from t...

13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Normal vesicular glands.Figure 14.2 Vesicular adenitis with enlargement and loss of lobulation.Figure 14.3 Placement of a 14‐gauge needle through the skin.Figure 14.4 Passing a 30‐cm, 18‐gauge needle through the 14‐gauge needle int...Figure 14.5 After removing the stylus from the needle, the proper solution i...

14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 (a) Failure of separation of the epithelium of the free portion ...Figure 15.2 Persistent frenulum. The presence of the persistent frenulum was...Figure 15.3 Preputial laceration in a breeding bull. The laceration assumed ...Figure 15.4 Preputial laceration with prolapse of the damaged preputial tiss...Figure 15.5 Wound contracture and fibrosis at the site of a preputial lacera...Figure 15.6 Bandaging of the prolapsed preputial tissues following applicati...Figure 15.7 Burlap “bib” applied to the bull's abdomen to suspend the edemat...Figure 15.8 Retropreputial abscess following preputial laceration in a young...Figure 15.9 Phimosis due to circumferential stricture of the preputial cavit...Figure 15.10 Phimosis due to the presence of a penile fibropapilloma larger ...Figure 15.11 Preputial avulsion. Notice the separation of the attachment of ...Figure 15.12 Normal cavernosogram. Contrast media injected into the CCP at t...Figure 15.13 Cavernosogram demonstrating multiple shunts from distal caverno...Figure 15.14 (a) Spiral deviation of the penis demonstrated during a test ma...Figure 15.15 Ventral deviation of the penis demonstrated during stimulation ...Figure 15.16 Ventral deviation of the penis demonstrated during a test matin...Figure 15.17 Urethral fistula.Figure 15.18 Paraphimosis following traumatic injury to the preputial trauma...Figure 15.19 Hematoma of the penis (rupture of tunica albuginea). Note the l...Figure 15.20 Preputial prolapse associated with penile hematoma due to ruptu...Figure 15.21 Bull prepared for cavernosography. Note suture placed through t...Figure 15.22 Cavernosogram of the penis of a bull demonstrating escape of co...Figure 15.23 Failure of the distal portion of the penis to become erect due ...Figure 15.24 Failed attempt at copulation due to denervation injury of the p...Figure 15.25 Electrodes and stimulator in place for nerve conduction study o...

15 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Looks can be deceiving – a calf with spastic paresis.Figure 16.2 Cellulitis involving the right forelimb and interdigital fibroma...Figure 16.3 Nice alleyway for evaluation of lameness, with room to turn the ...Figure 16.4 Crowd alley leading to hydraulic table that enables practitioner...Figure 16.5 Bull prepared for placement in lateral recumbency on hydraulic t...Figure 16.6 Bull in lateral recumbency on hydraulic tilt table. Observe the ...Figure 16.7 The down forelimb tied in a tilting hydraulic chute to discourag...Figure 16.8 Evidence of rumen tympany and/or regurgitation of rumen contents...Figure 16.9 Vascular perfusion used for local anesthesia as well as treatmen...Figure 16.10 Acute laminitis in a Hereford bull on self‐feeder.Figure 16.11 Severe white line disease and hoof crack as a result of chronic...Figure 16.12 Subclinical laminitis with hardship lines present as horizontal...Figure 16.13 Vertical fissure in hoof wall due to subclinical laminitis.Figure 16.14 Sepsis of the DIP joint with sequestrum formation.Figure 16.15 Dressing change post DIP joint currretage. Notice the gauze pac...Figure 16.16 Corkscrew claw on the lateral claw of a Brahman bull.Figure 16.17 Digital dermatitis (hairy heel wart).Figure 16.18 Interdigital fibroma can be misleading; this one does not appea...Figure 16.19 Sole view of interdigital fibroma. Notice the ulceration that h...Figure 16.20 Sequestrum formation of the lateral cortex of MTIII in a yearli...Figure 16.21 Mature bred female experiencing upward fixation of the patella....Figure 16.22 Excellent drug combo to facilitate brief examination of procedu...Figure 16.23 Bilateral partial rupture of the gastrocmenius tendon from its ...Figure 16.24 Osteochrondrosis lesion in a yearling bull from gain test. Noti...Figure 16.25 Typical appearance of an OCD‐affected tarsus (boggy hock).Figure 16.26 Osteochrondrosis lesion in the talus of a show steer.Figure 16.27 Excellent treatment for transport of a comminuted fracture of M...Figure 16.28 Use of a pin cast and external fixators to stabilize a comminut...Figure 16.29 Thomas splint/cast and external fixators to immobilize severely...Figure 16.30 Fractured humerus with mild radial nerve involvement in a matur...Figure 16.31 Trimming the overgrown claw resulting from chronic subclinical ...Figure 16.32 First step in trimming of the hoof is shortening the claw to an...Figure 16.33 Completed trimming of a grossly overgrown hoof.

16 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Inverted L. Ventral branches of labeled T13 and L1 to L4 are des...Figure 17.2 Proximal paravertebral.Figure 17.3 Distal paravertebral.Figure 17.4 (a) Needle placement for caudal epidural. Source: Image courtesy...Figure 17.5 Dorsal view (a) and lateral view (b) of S3, S4, and S5 foramina ...Figure 17.6 Sacral paravertebral.Figure 17.7 Injection of 2 ml local anesthetic in the skin at the ischiorect...Figure 17.8 Needle placement for pudendal nerve block.Figure 17.9 Pudendal nerve block.

17 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Ultrasound of normal testis in transverse plane. Mediastinum tes...Figure 18.2 Sagittal ultrasound of normal bovine testicle. Mediastinum testi...Figure 18.3 Normal thermographic pattern of bull scrotum.Figure 18.4 Thermograph of scrotum of bull with unilateral pathology. Note d...Figure 18.5 Ultrasound of scrotum of a bull with a hydrocele. Note anechoic ...Figure 18.6 Bull with acute bilateral scrotal enlargement secondary to traum...Figure 18.7 Inguinal hernia in a bull. Note characteristic swelling confined...Figure 18.8 Generalized edema of scrotal wall due to Mycoplasma weyenoii.Figure 18.9 Elliptical skin incision on lateral aspect of scrotum.Figure 18.10 Testicle within parietal vaginal tunic bluntly dissected from s...Figure 18.11 Parietal vaginal tunic incised and testicle exposed.Figure 18.12 Schematic of double ligation and transection of spermatic cord ...Figure 18.13 Transected stump of vaginal tunic following inverting suture cl...Figure 18.14 Schematic of inverting closure of vaginal tunic.Figure 18.15 Ligation of spermatic cord for a closed castration.Figure 18.16 Scrotal skin incision closed with continuous interlocking patte...Figure 18.17 Postoperative bandaging of scrotum to minimize swelling.Figure 18.18 Resection and anastomosis of herniated bowel removed from ingui...Figure 18.19 Incision over inguinal ring.Figure 18.20 Herniated bowel exposed after incising parietal vaginal tunic....Figure 18.21 Exposure of inguinal ring. MB, Medial border of inguinal ring; ...Figure 18.22 Caudal retraction of internal abdominal oblique (IAO) muscle. M...Figure 18.23 Sutures preplaced through medial and lateral borders of inguina...Figure 18.24 Completed closure of inguinal ring.

18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Penile fibropapilloma identified during routine BBSE.Figure 19.2 Proper placement of towel clamp under dorsal apical ligament to ...Figure 19.3 Subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic over dorsum of penis....Figure 19.4 Catheterization of urethra.Figure 19.5 Penile hair ring.Figure 19.6 Urethral fistula that is of a size and location to require repai...Figure 19.7 Persistent frenulum preventing complete straightening of erect p...Figure 19.8 Persistent frenulum with two branches attached from prepuce to p...Figure 19.9 Very short persistent frenulum preventing separation of penis an...Figure 19.10 Transfixation ligatures on each end of persistent frenulum.Figure 19.11 Excision of frenulum adjacent to transfixation ligatures.Figure 19.12 Completed excision of frenulum.Figure 19.13 Severe preputial stenosis due to frostbite.Figure 19.14 Paraphimosis secondary to preputial laceration.Figure 19.15 Phimosis secondary to preputial laceration.Figure 19.16 Preputial prolapse on presentation. Note “elephant trunk” appea...Figure 19.17 Moderately severe preputial prolapse with tear on ventral aspec...Figure 19.18 Fresh preputial prolapse with edema and minimal necrosis.Figure 19.19 Preputial prolapse with severe laceration and minimal edema.Figure 19.20 Preputial prolapse with laceration and severe edema.Figure 19.21 Soaking injured prepuce.Figure 19.22 Orthopedic stockinette applied over prolapsed prepuce.Figure 19.23 Latex tube inserted into preputial lumen for urine drainage.Figure 19.24 Prepuce bandage with Elasticon and with tube held in place.Figure 19.25 Support sling fashioned from burlap material and bungee cords....Figure 19.26 Reusable bull diaper canvass construction with eyelets for atta...Figure 19.27 PVC pipe prepared for use in “ring technique.”Figure 19.28 Ring sutured in place, inside prepuce.Figure 19.29 Penis extended in preparation for circumcision. Note loose exce...Figure 19.30 Determination of length of free portion of penis.Figure 19.31 Proximal end of free portion indicated by surgeon’s left forefi...Figure 19.32 Length of excess prepuce measured from end of sheath (surgeon's...Figure 19.33 (a) Circumferential and longitudinal skin incisions in preputia...Figure 19.34 Dissection and removal of preputial skin and scar tissue.Figure 19.35 Subcutaneous closure with continuous pattern. Note this closure...Figure 19.36 Preputial epithelium suture closure.Figure 19.37 Preputial epithelium closed with staples.Figure 19.38 Penrose drain sutured over free portion of penis for urine drai...Figure 19.39 Prepuce bandaged with Penrose drain within rigid tube.Figure 19.40 Preputial scar. This scar did not restrict extension of penis, ...Figure 19.41a Scar dissected in transverse plane.Figure 19.41b Tissue stretched and incised area takes on oval appearance. Cl...Figure 19.42 Extensive fibrosis. Penis is observed following manual extensio...Figure 19.43 Scar dissected.Figure 19.44 Closure with bootlace pattern in longitudinal orientation.Figure 19.45 Schematic of closing incision with bootlace suture pattern when...Figure 19.46 Triangular flap of skin removed from sheath (apex of triangle o...Figure 19.47 Prepuce elevated through incision in sheath.Figure 19.48 Incision into preputial cavity to create stoma.Figure 19.49 Free portion of penis exteriorized through preputial stoma.Figure 19.50 Preputial epithelium apposed to skin of sheath with interrupted...Figure 19.51 Penrose drain sutured over free portion of penis.Figure 19.52 Penrose drain over penis through preputial stoma for urine drai...Figure 19.53 Postoperative image of bull with preputial stoma. (Note Penrose...Figure 19.54 Completely healed preputial stoma ready for attempted semen col...Figure 19.55 Hematoma location.Figure 19.56 Rent in tunica albuginea.Figure 19.57 Spiral deviation.Figure 19.58 Ventral deviation.Figure 19.59 Harvest of fascia.Figure 19.60 Prepared fascia graft.Figure 19.61 Placement of fascia graft.Figure 19.62 Suturing graft to tunic.Figure 19.63 Closure of apical ligament.Figure 19.64 Closure of penile and preputial epithelium.

19 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Urethral calculi visible on preputial hairs.Figure 20.2 Subcutaneous peripenile swelling typically extends from the base...Figure 20.3 Severe hydronephrosis in a mature bull.Figure 20.4 Placement of a Foley catheter in the tube cystotomy procedure....Figure 20.5 Placement of a Foley catheter in the flank tube cystotomy proced...Figure 20.6 Utilization of stay sutures to assist with bladder manipulation ...Figure 20.7 Placement of a plastic or rubber (source‐ automobile inner tube)...Figure 20.8 Perineal urethrostomy showing spatulation of the urethra and use...

20 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Procedure for vasectomy.Figure 21.2 Procedure for epididymectomy.Figure 21.3 Circumferential incision 4 cm from the preputial orifice is perf...Figure 21.4 Ventral midline incision extending caudally with circumferential...Figure 21.5 Use of a cold sterilized PVC pipe to facilitate tunneling of pen...Figure 21.6 Closure of new preputial orifice with interrupted sutures and ve...Figure 21.7 Exteriorization of the penis through the incision and identifica...Figure 21.8 Preplacement of sutures through the dorsal third of the penis an...Figure 21.9 Securing the stay sutures for penopexy.Figure 21.10 Site for incision for ventral fistula.Figure 21.11 (a and b) Suturing of preputial mucosa to the sheath skin.Figure 21.12 Excision of 5 mm of the preputial epithelium and sheath skin ju...

21 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 (a) Ov, ovary, Uh, uterine horn, F, follicle, 22.1 (b) Corpus lu...Figure 22.2 The internal reproductive tract from oblique angle. V, Vagina; C...Figure 22.3 The internal reproductive tract from dorsal view. V, Vagina; C, ...Figure 22.4 Structures of the ovary. Ov, Ovary; Inf, infundibulum; Ut, uteri...Figure 22.5 Dorsal view of reproductive tract. U, Uterus body; Ov, ovary; Uh...Figure 22.6 Uterine horns positioned to better view the intercornual ligamen...Figure 22.7 The uterine lumen. Pm, Perimetrium; Mm, myometrium; Em, endometr...Figure 22.8 Vaginal and cervical lumen. V, Vagina; C, cervix; U, body uterus...Figure 22.9 Close‐up of vaginal and cervical lumen allowing visualization of...Figure 22.10 External view of perineum. A, Anus; Vs, vestibule; Uo, urethral...Figure 22.11 Arterial blood supply to the reproductive tract. Aa, Abdominal ...

22 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Relative changes in circulating concentrations of luteinizing ho...Figure 24.2 Sagittal view of the lower portion of the bovine brain and the h...Figure 24.3 Proposed model for the neuroendocrine control of the pulsatile s...Figure 24.4 Patterns of release of luteinizing hormone (LH) during the estro...Figure 24.5 Estradiol‐induced GnRH and LH surges in cows. Estradiol (1 mg) w...Figure 24.6 Neuropeptide Y (NPY) inhibition of release of GnRH in cows. The ...Figure 24.7 Timeline and mediating influences underlying the postpartum anov...

23 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Left and right ovaries from a cow in proestrus (top to bottom: s...Figure 25.2 Histological section (stained with H&E) and diagram of the ovary...Figure 25.3 (Above) Model of bovine fetal ovarian development and follicle a...Figure 25.4 Histological section (stained with H&E) and transmission electro...Figure 25.5 Theories of ovarian follicular dynamics during the estrous cycle...Figure 25.6 Mapping ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics in cattle by seri...Figure 25.7 Follicular dynamics during two‐wave (upper) and three‐wave (lowe...Figure 25.8 Temporal and causal relationship between surges in circulating c...Figure 25.9 Hormonal interplay controlling follicular wave dynamics during a...Figure 25.10 Suppressive effect of progesterone on the growth of the dominan...Figure 25.11 Steriodogenesis in ovarian follicles entails the cooperation be...Figure 25.12 Growth (mean ± SEM) of dominant and subordinate follicles in ca...Figure 25.13 Images of the bovine cumulus‐oocyte complex (COC). (a) Ul...Figure 25.14 Stages of nuclear maturation of bovine oocytes. (a) Phase‐contr...Figure 25.15 Development of the corpus luteum in cattle. (a) Histological se...Figure 25.16 Diameter profiles of the dominant follicle of follicular waves ...Figure 25.17 Frequency distribution of Hereford‐cross beef cows in a herd (n...

24 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Capillary number density, area density, surface density, and siz...Figure 26.2 Time‐line of bovine fetal development. See text for references....

25 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Percentage of total lifetime in each phase of beef production fr...Figure 27.2 Positive association between calf birth weight (y‐axis) versus p...Figure 27.3 Model of prenatal programming in cattle.

26 Chapter 28Figure 28.1 The risk analysis approach should center on specific epidemiolog...

27 Chapter 31Figure 31.1 Effect of supplement type1 and intake level on total digestible ...Figure 31.2 Effect of supplement protein concentration on total digestible d...Figure 31.3 Effect of corn grain supplementation on intake1 of low‐quality (...

28 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Periods of the lactation cycle with regard to profitability.Figure 32.2 Methylation pathways (DNA, proteins, lipids).

29 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 Onset of cyclicity (data presented as cumulative percentages) in...Figure 34.2 P/AI to first service by interval from calving to first ovulatio...Figure 34.3 Schematic representation of types of anestrous conditions based ...Figure 34.4 Results of a study of 911 lactating dairy cows assessed for BCS ...Figure 34.5 Frequency distribution of standing estrus behavior associated wi...Figure 34.6 Frequency of occurrence of standing estrus and its association w...Figure 34.7 GnRH‐induced LH release in early postpartum dairy cows when chal...Figure 34.8 Fixed TAI protocols for anestrous dairy cows. A.1 is a standard ...

30 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 (a) Holstein heifer and (b) crossbred Brahman cow displaying pri...Figure 35.2 Holstein cows showing secondary signs of estrus: (a) long string...Figure 35.3 Rump‐mounted alert patches. Holstein heifers showing pressure‐se...Figure 35.4 (a) and (b) All‐weather Paintstik® livestock marker can be used ...Figure 35.5 Teaser bull wearing a chin‐ball.Figure 35.6 Caudal epididymectomy.Figure 35.7 Holstein bull surgically altered showing lateral deviation of th...Figure 35.8 (a–c) Automated activity monitoring system (AAMS). Holstei...Figure 35.9 A cow wearing a pedometer attached to her right rear leg to coun...Figure 35.10 (a) and (b) Brahman cows wearing HeatWatch patches (blue and or...

31 Chapter 36Figure 36.1 AI gun with protective sheath.Figure 36.2 Locating and grasping the cervix.Figure 36.3 Locating the external os of the cervix.Figure 36.4 Avoiding the vaginal fornix.Figure 36.5 Locating the tip of the AI gun in the anterior vagina.Figure 36.6 Puncturing the AI gun protective sheath at the external os of th...Figure 36.7 Passing the AI gun through the cervix.Figure 36.8 Feeling the AI gun in the uterine body.Figure 36.9 The tip of the AI gun in the uterine body.Figure 36.10 Semen deposition site (uterine body).

32 Chapter 37Figure 37.1 Phases of follicular wave. A follicular wave consists of growing...Figure 37.2 Interval from PGF administration to estrus. (a) Animals w...Figure 37.3 Synchronization of estrus using PGF. (a) Single PGF...Figure 37.4 Estrus synchronization protocol with progesterone supplementatio...Figure 37.5 Estrus synchronization protocol with progesterone supplementatio...Figure 37.6 Estrus synchronization protocol with progesterone supplementatio...Figure 37.7 Ovulation synchronization protocol using GnRH–PGF–GnRH fo...Figure 37.8 Ovulation synchronization protocol using GnRH–PGF–GnRH wi...Figure 37.9 STAI protocol using GnRH–PGF–GnRH with addition of proges...

33 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Slipping of the chorioallantoic membrane.Figure 38.2 Two‐ to six‐month‐aged fetuses.Figure 38.3 Palpation of fetal head.

34 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 (a) A 26‐day pregnancy and embryo (E). (b) A 28‐day pregnancy an...Figure 40.2 (a) Normal 35‐day pregnancy: amniotic vesicle (A), head (H), bod...Figure 40.3 (a) Dead 65‐day fetus: head (H), body (B). (b) A 60‐day male fet...Figure 40.4 Fetal mummy.Figure 40.5 Three corpora lutea (cl) on one ovary.Figure 40.6 Twin line (TL).Figure 40.7 A 73‐day male fetus: head (H), forelimbs (FL), hindlimbs (HL), g...Figure 40.8 A 65‐day female fetus: tail (T), genital tubercle (GT), hooves (...Figure 40.9 A 98‐day male fetus demonstrating penis covered by prepuce: rume...Figure 40.10 A 98‐day male fetus demonstrating teats: teats (T), pelvic bone...Figure 40.11 A 60‐day female fetus with specular reflection artifact: head (...Figure 40.12 Estrous uterus in cross‐section: lumen (L), endometrium (E), sp...Figure 40.13 Split screen image of diestrous uterus in longitudinal section ...Figure 40.14 (a) Solid CL seven days after estrus. (b) Cavitary CL seven day...Figure 40.15 Mature cavitary CL with specular reflections.Figure 40.16 Multiple follicular cysts.Figure 40.17 Luteinizing follicular cyst.Figure 40.18 Benign follicular cysts with CL.Figure 40.19 Granulosa cell tumor.Figure 40.20 Pyometra.Figure 40.21 Subclinical metritis: endometrium (E), purulent material (P) in...Figure 40.22 (a) Uterine lymphoma. (b) Pelvic lymph node.Figure 40.23 Uterine abscess: capsule (C), purulent material (P).Figure 40.24 Vaginitis due to urine pooling: vaginal walls (V), urine poolin...Figure 40.25 Reverberation artifact due to pneumovagina.Figure 40.26 (a) Multiple corpora lutea on embryo flush day. (b) Cavitary co...Figure 40.27 Abembryonic vesicle.Figure 40.28 Schistosomus reflexus: fetal stomach (FS), fetal body (B).Figure 40.29 Fetal ascites: abdominal organs (O), ascites (S), abdominal wal...Figure 40.30 Fetal anasarca: skin (SK), fluid (F), head (H), spinal column (...Figure 40.31 Umbilical hernia: herniated umbilicus (UM), ribs (R).Figure 40.32 Amorphous globosus: normal fetus (F), amorphous globosus (AG), ...Figure 40.33 Conjoined fetus with two heads: heads (H), chest (C).Figure 40.34 Reflection/refraction artifacts (R), beam width artifacts (BW),...Figure 40.35 Mirror image artifact: fetus (F), pelvic bone (PB), mirror imag...Figure 40.36 Prison bar artifacts.Figure 40.37 Crystal defects.

35 Chapter 42Figure 42.1 Effect of decreasing calving interval on a dairy cow's lifetime ...Figure 42.2 Example of a Kaplan–Meier survival curve showing effect of a hea...

36 Chapter 43Figure 43.1 When diagnostic measurements of affected and unaffected populati...Figure 43.2 If the test has imperfect test diagnostic specificity (i.e. <100...Figure 43.3 After an initial diagnostic test, one test result direction (tes...

37 Chapter 44Figure 44.1 Pregnancy distribution showing percentage pregnant by 21‐day per...Figure 44.2 Pregnancy distribution depicting a prolonged breeding season, po...Figure 44.3 Pregnancy distribution in a spring‐calving herd following multip...

38 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Reproductive efficiency metrics.Figure 45.2 Twelve‐month pregnancy rate table of heat detection rate (red) a...Figure 45.3 Twelve‐month pregnancy rate summary table of heat detection rate...Figure 45.4 Conception risk by breeding number (DairyComp, BREDSUM\B, Exampl...Figure 45.5 Diagram of key dairy reproduction program components.Figure 45.6 Scatterplot of first service insemination pattern (x‐axis shows ...Figure 45.7 Conception by breeding trigger limited to first service. Highlig...Figure 45.8 Histogram of days in milk at first TAI breeding (DairyComp, Exam...Figure 45.9 Days since last breeding (DSLB) histogram. Area in red shows the...Figure 45.10 Conception rate by breeding code table. Displayed as 95% confid...Figure 45.11 Conception risk table by breeding interval (DairyComp, BREDSUM\...Figure 45.12 Conception risk by technician (PCDart, Conception Tracker, Exam...Figure 45.13 Weekly conception risk table. Red bars indicate a potential pro...Figure 45.14 Calculating disease incidence.Figure 45.15 Monthly incidence of fresh cow disorders – limited to metritis ...Figure 45.16 Maternity pen analysis: limited to first lactation cows (PCDart...Figure 45.17 Abortion incidence calculation.Figure 45.18 Crude abortion rate calculation.Figure 45.19 Distribution of age at first calving shown in years–months (Dai...Figure 45.20 Distribution in age at first breeding shown in days of age (Dai...Figure 45.21 Age at first breeding scatterplot. This farm followed a 400‐day...Figure 45.22 Distribution of herd mean CR for heifers bred with conventional...Figure 45.23 Conception risk comparison – heifer breedings to non‐sexed and ...Figure 45.24 Microsoft Excel partial budget template.Figure 45.25 Value of reproductive improvement tool.

39 Chapter 47Figure 47.1 Grade 1 eversion: vaginal eversion occurs intermittently, partic...Figure 47.2 Grade 2 eversion: floor of the vagina everts and stays everted....Figure 47.3 Grade 3 eversion: floor and cervix evert and they stay everted....Figure 47.4 Grade 4 eversion: either a grade 2 or grade 3 that has become ne...Figure 47.5 Caslick's suture being applied to a non‐pregnant cow with grade ...Figure 47.6 Caslick's suture procedure.Figure 47.7 Buhner stich procedure. Note locations of dorsal and ventral ret...Figure 47.8 Bootlace technique.Figure 47.9 (a and b) Example of horizontal mattress technique. Note locatio...Figure 47.10 Example of deep vertical mattress technique applied where butto...Figure 47.11 Example of modified Minchev technique (a) with schematic illust...Figure 47.12 Gerlach needle (left) and Buhner needle (right).Figure 47.13 “Syringe case tops” prepared for use.Figure 47.14 External view of bilateral completed modified Minchev technique...Figure 47.15 Example of trocar and plastic buttons used for modified Minchev...Figure 47.16 Schematic representation of Winkler technique for cervicopexy....Figure 47.17 (a and b) Special needle used for Winkler technique for cervico...Figure 47.18 Everted uterus with evidence of contamination.Figure 47.19 Uterus is further traumatized by knocking between the hocks....Figure 47.20 “Okie position:” note extension and elevation of hind legs.Figure 47.21 Cow is placed in a chute (a squeeze chute is preferred) for sta...Figure 47.22 Elevation of uterus by a sheet helps in reduction.Figure 47.23 A probang is used to fully invert uterine horns. Note that the ...Figure 47.24 A child's wiffle bat can be used in place of the probang.Figure 47.25 A closed approach of uterine amputation. Note location of ligat...

40 Chapter 48Figure 48.1 Progesterone is synthesized to estradiol following the upregulat...

41 Chapter 49Figure 49.1 Management strategies to prevent dystocia. Mg, Magnesium; I, iod...Figure 49.2 Risk factors affecting calving difficulties. ↑, Increase; ↓, dec...

42 Chapter 50Figure 50.1 Embryo and associated embryonic membranes recovered from the vag...Figure 50.2 (a) Uterine horn containing a fetal mummy exteriorized through t...Figure 50.3 Skeletal remnants from macerated twin fetuses extracted per vagi...Figure 50.4 Duplication of the fetal head and neck. Fetuses with duplication...Figure 50.5 Schistosomus reflexus fetal monster. Arthrogrypotic limbs and ab...Figure 50.6 Vaginal prolapse with eversion of vaginal wall and external cerv...Figure 50.7 Reduction of prolapsed vaginal tissue following cleansing and de...Figure 50.8 Relative positions of the broad ligaments of the uterus. Top ima...Figure 50.9 Positioning of obstetrical chains and a detorsion rod for treatm...Figure 50.10 Schematic representation of the “plank in the flank” technique ...Figure 50.11 Holstein cow with hydrops allantois. Note the bilateral abdomin...Figure 50.12 Cow pictured in Figure 50.11 following a standing cesarean sect...Figure 50.13 Complete uterine prolapse following unassisted delivery. Hemorr...

43 Chapter 51Figure 51.1 Basic obstetric equipment: (A) 152‐cm obstetric chain; (B) 76‐cm...Figure 51.2 Additional obstetric equipment: (A) fetal head snare; (B) de‐tor...Figure 51.3 Fetotomy equipment: (A) Utrecht fetatome; (B) threader or insert...Figure 51.4 The author's recommended placement of a fetatome head for remova...Figure 51.5 An alternate “cut” that incorporates the head and one shoulder, ...Figure 51.6 Wire placement for mid‐abdomen cut.Figure 51.7 Wire placement for bisection of fetal pelvis.Figure 51.8 Circumferential incision.Figure 51.9 Incision started at the scapula of the fetus and extended toward...Figure 51.10 Alternative incision originating from the edge of the circumfer...Figure 51.11 Skin dissection with use of an obstetrical chisel.

44 Chapter 52Figure 52.1 (a) Lifting a newborn calf by its rear limbs will duplicate aspe...Figure 52.2 “Tickling” the nasal openings of the newborn with an enteral fee...Figure 52.3 Surgical pack.Figure 52.4 The rumen is identified and pushed cranially to allow access to ...Figure 52.5 In the case of a fetus in a normal anterior position, a hind lim...Figure 52.6 Initiating the Utrecht suture pattern, begin the suture line pro...Figure 52.7 (a) and (b) Once the knot is secure, back place each bite at a 4...Figure 52.8 Tighten the incision by pushing the uterus away from the suture ...Figure 52.9 Completion of the Utrecht suture line to bury the knot.Figure 52.10 Note that as the Utrecht knot is tightened, the remaining sutur...Figure 52.11 This image demonstrates the accumulation of blood clots along t...Figure 52.12 Injection of oxytocin into the uterine wall prior to abdominal ...Figure 52.13 Cow cast in dorsal recumbency with both head and forelimbs tied...Figure 52.14 Regional anesthesia supplied by a line block utilizing 2% lidoc...Figure 52.15 (a) and (b) The gravid horn has been placed like a “sack” insid...

45 Chapter 53Figure 53.1 Caruncles are arranged in four rows with each row approximately ...Figure 53.2 A schematic depicting changes required for normal fetal membrane...Figure 53.3 A fresh case of retained fetal membrane with minimal changes....

46 Chapter 54Figure 54.1 Known (solid arrows) and proposed (dotted arrows) mechanisms for...Figure 54.2 (a) and (b) Uterine discharge from cows diagnosed with metritis....Figure 54.3 Different grades of vaginal discharge visualized on vaginoscopy ...Figure 54.4 Ultrasonographic image of a dairy cow diagnosed with clinical en...Figure 54.5 Ultrasound image of a dairy cow diagnosed with pyometra at 125 d...

47 Chapter 55Figure 55.1 With the suture “doubled,” the first bite is made at the lateral...Figure 55.2 After first suture bite is taken, pull the needle through the lo...Figure 55.3 Continuous suture bites.Figure 55.4 After reaching the end of the wound, return. This would look sim...Figure 55.5 A rumen trocar placed from within the abdomen and directed outwa...Figure 55.6 Fluid flow through the trocar cannula from the abdominal lavage....Figure 55.7 Suture placement for circumferential suture in the vestibule of ...Figure 55.8 Deschamps needles. One of the instruments has been made longer. ...Figure 55.9 Transverse bridge formed by continuous mattress suture placed in...Figure 55.10 The uterus (uterine horn containing a mummified fetus) exposed ...Figure 55.11 Incision into the exposed uterine horn.

48 Chapter 56Figure 56.1 Fetus, omphalitis, and ascending bacterial infection from the pl...Figure 56.2 Chorioallantois and placentitis. The cotyledons are thickened wi...Figure 56.3 Chorioallantois and fungal placentitis; maternal aspect on right...Figure 56.4 Aborted fetus; opened chest and abdomen. The lungs are uninflate...Figure 56.5 Fetus and placenta. The fetus exhibits generalized red discolora...Figure 56.6 Aborted fetus with Trueperella pyogenes infection; opened chest ...Figure 56.7 Fetal liver section with hepatitis. Multiple tan foci of necrosi...Figure 56.8 Fetus with fungal dermatitis. Coalescing, mildly bulging, gray/t...Figure 56.9 Fetal liver. The surface is tan and coarsely irregular. This cha...Figure 56.10 Fetal monster. A thoracopagus with shared viscera and four fore...Figure 56.11 Palatocheiloschisis; cleft palate and lip (mandible removed).Figure 56.12 Chondrodysplasia; Dexter “bulldog” calf.Figure 56.13 Schematic representations of the fetus in‐situ during mid‐gesta...Figure 56.14 Normal placenta. Cotyledon has a red velvety surface. The inter...Figure 56.15 Normal fetus and placenta after 2 months’ gestation. The calf i...Figure 56.16 Calf with umbilical artery thrombosis. Bilaterally the arteries...Figure 56.17 Fetus and amnion (opened). The amniotic fluid and skin are stai...Figure 56.18 Fetus with white mineral grit present over the shoulder. Not to...Figure 56.19 Placental membrane examination method. (Left) The long axis of ...Figure 56.20 Opened uterus with mummified fetuses. Friable, non‐odorous, hem...Figure 56.21 Fetal mummy. The carcass is shrunken and contracted with diffus...Figure 56.22 Opened uterine horn with a macerated fetus. Bone fragments in p...Figure 56.23 Acardiac monster with umbilicus. A hair‐covered soft tissue glo...Figure 56.24 Chorioallantois, maternal aspect, with adventitial placentation...Figure 56.25 Chorioallantois, fetal aspect, with adventitial placentation. A...Figure 56.26 Fetus and placenta. The fetus is edematous (anasarca) with yell...Figure 56.27 Fetus with anasarca.Figure 56.28 Brain, dorsolateral aspect. Hydrocephalus, with collapse of cer...Figure 56.29 Fetus and placenta (amniotic surface exposed). The umbilicus an...Figure 56.30 Placenta, umbilicus, and fetal aspect of amnion. Numerous coale...Figure 56.31 Chorioallantois with uterine horn tips. The horn at the top is ...Figure 56.32 Hippomane and avascular chorion tip.Figure 56.33 Meconium aspiration; stillbirth due to severe neurologic malfor...Figure 56.34 Spina bifida; failure of proper development of vertebra, spinal...Figure 56.35 Hypospadia; failure of the ventral urethal fold to close from a...Figure 56.36 Chorioallantois with bacterial placentitis. Hemorrhage and fibr...Figure 56.37 Brain, coronal section. BHV‐5 necrotizing meningoencephalitis; ...Figure 56.38 Brain, dorsolateral aspect. Hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypo...Figure 56.39 Placenta with fungal placentitis and Aspergillus sp. Placentome...Figure 56.A1 Abortion case submission form: abortion diagnosis.

49 Chapter 58Figure 58.1 Infusion pipette and Pizzle Stick used for collection of smegma ...Figure 58.2 Positioning of smegma collection device in preputial orifice of ...Figure 58.3 Positioning of smegma collection device at preputial fornix of a...Figure 58.4 Smegma collected with the Pizzle Stick being transferred into Mo...Figure 58.5 T. foetus.

50 Chapter 62Figure 62.1 (a) Mummification of a bovine fetus following exposure of a preg...Figure 62.2 Cerebellar hypoplasia in a two‐day‐old Holstein calf. The calf h...Figure 62.3 Severe esophageal erosions and ulcers in a steer with acute muco...

51 Chapter 63Figure 63.1 (a) Schematic model of Schmallenberg virus virion morphology wit...Figure 63.2 Calf (a) and lamb (b) congenitally infected with Schmallenberg v...Figure 63.3 Calves congenitally infected with Schmallenberg virus born with ...

52 Chapter 64Figure 64.1 Gross changes in P. abortibovis‐infected fetuses: (a) fibrinous ...Figure 64.2 Gross and histologic changes of thymus in P. abortibovis‐infecte...Figure 64.3 (a) P. abortibovis‐infected thymus, modified Steiner silver stai...Figure 64.4 Published reports of trapped O. coriaceus (blue circles). Recent...

53 Chapter 65Figure 65.1 Life cycle of Neospora caninum.Figure 65.2 Transmission of bovine neosporosis. Oocysts are produced by the ...

54 Chapter 66Figure 66.1 Bovine mycotic placentitis produced by A. fumigatus. Cotyledons ...Figure 66.2 Photomicrograph of a lactophenol cotton blue‐stained slide of A....

55 Chapter 67Figure 67.1 Differences in estrus detection rate, pregnancy/AI, and 21‐day p...Figure 67.2 Differences between heifers and lactating cows in effects of hea...Figure 67.3 Seasonal changes in various characteristics of estrus in lactati...Figure 67.4 Seasonal variation in Brazil for oocyte competence for developme...Figure 67.5 Changes in developmental competence of oocytes harvested from Gi...Figure 67.6 Seasonal changes in fertilization rate in Holsteins in Wisconsin...Figure 67.7 Effects of heat shock (41 °C for 6 hours) on the ultrastructure ...Figure 67.8 Effect of level of milk production (high vs low) and the degree ...Figure 67.9 Pregnancy success after embryo transfer in cool and hot weather ...

56 Chapter 68Figure 68.1 Alpha diversity is the microbial diversity within a sample. Alph...

57 Chapter 69Figure 69.1 Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa). USDA‐NRCS PLANTS Database.Figure 69.2 Broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae).Figure 69.3 Milk vetch (Astragalus spp.). USDA‐NRCS PLANTS Database.Figure 69.4 Silver lupine (Lupinus albifrons Benth).Figure 69.5 Arthrogryposis of hindlimbs (crooked calf).Figure 69.6 Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). USDA‐NRCS PLANTS Database.Figure 69.7 Fescue foot: dry gangrenous dermatitis secondary to “fescue toxi...

58 Chapter 70Figure 70.1 AM in an Angus calf that was born dead. Note generalized muscle ...Figure 70.2 Developmental duplication in an Angus calf. Note the notomelia....Figure 70.3 Developmental duplication in Angus calves born dead. Note the pa...Figure 70.4 Neuropathic hydrocephalus in an Angus calf that was born dead. N...Figure 70.5 Oculocutaneous hypopigmentation in an Angus calf. Note the pale ...Figure 70.6 Calf with pulmonary hypoplasia with anasarca syndrome delivered ...Figure 70.7 Thorax of a calf with pulmonary hypoplasia with anasarca syndrom...

59 Chapter 71Figure 71.1 Number of bovine embryos produced and transferred worldwide in 2...Figure 71.2 Gene expression in mammals. Shown is a pictorial representation ...Figure 71.3 Why add serum to the culture medium? Shown are day 5 (left; a) a...Figure 71.4 Examples of spontaneous AOS. (a) Dead SLOS calf at birth (yellow...Figure 71.5 Loss of methylation at KvDMR1 in SLOS. Each circle represents a ...Figure 71.6 Examples of calf death, adverse outcomes to the dams, and financ...

60 Chapter 74Figure 74.1 One‐day‐old calf with hypoxemia and hypercapnia.

61 Chapter 75Figure 75.1 Relationship between colostrum absorption and serum Ig of the ca...Figure 75.2 Instructions on using a colostrometer. (Note instructions includ...Figure 75.3 Instructions on using the Brix refractometer. (Note instructions...Figure 75.4 Assessment of colostral quality, measurements, and recommendatio...

62 Chapter 76Figure 76.1 Examples of phenotypic outcomes for completely dominant Mendelia...Figure 76.2 An example of recessive lethal alleles.Figure 76.3 Managing breeding decisions can diminish the effect of lethal an...Figure 76.4 Example for the use of parentage testing: You are a cattle produ...Figure 76.5 The difference between continuous and discontinuous traits.Figure 76.6 The data that go into the calculation of EPDs and PTAs.Figure 76.7 Pedigree and genomic relatedness.Figure 76.8 Grandparent relationship.Figure 76.9 Average sire BV for daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) from 1957 to 2...Figure 76.10 Average sire BV for cow conception rate (CCR) from 2000 to 2017...Figure 76.11 AverageHP EPD in Angus from 1972 to 2018.Figure 76.12 Average sustained cow fertility (SCF) EPD in Herefords from 198...Figure 76.13 Haplotypes are made up of concatenating SNPs.Figure 76.14 DNA repair processes.

63 Chapter 77Figure 77.1 Schematic representation of surrogate sire technology. Spermatog...Figure 77.2 Options for donor germ cell types for germ cell transplantation ...

64 Chapter 78Figure 78.1 Sealing of straws using metal beads.Figure 78.2 Cold cabinet used for semen cooling and packaging.Figure 78.3 Programmable freezers for semen straws as well as embryos.Figure 78.4 Vapor freezing by placing straws on a rack 5 cm above liquid nit...Figure 78.5 Straws plunged into liquid nitrogen.

65 Chapter 79Figure 79.1 Schematic of flow cytometry for sorting X‐ and Y‐bearing bovine ...Figure 79.2 Genesis III sperm sorter for gender selection.

66 Chapter 81Figure 81.1 Comparison of CEROS (Hamilton‐Thorne) and SCA (Sperm Class Analy...Figure 81.2 Comparison of (a) good and (b) bad resolution of spermatozoa fro...Figure 81.3 Comparative analysis of pass/fail percentage between standard QC...

67 Chapter 82Figure 82.1 Treatment schedule for superovulation of donor cows during the f...

68 Chapter 83Figure 83.1 Shapes of Foley catheter balloon when inflated.Figure 83.2 Schematic of flush equipment set‐up.Figure 83.3 Stylet protruding through catheter.Figure 83.4 (a) Normal vs crooked cervix. (b) Cervical dilator tip.Figure 83.5 Normal anatomy.Figure 83.6 Underinflation.Figure 83.7 Overinflation and the occlusion of one horn.Figure 83.8 Correct catheter‐balloon placement allows flush media to flow fr...Figure 83.9 One horn can be held off to better fill the opposite horn.Figure 83.10 (a) and (b) Search bowls safely held in fast‐food containers an...Figure 83.11 (a) and (b) Proper position and inflation for “horn” flush.Figure 83.12 Uterus unicornis (segmental aplasia of the uterine horn).Figure 83.13 Y‐shaped cervix (one external os, but a separate opening to eac...Figure 83.14 Inverted Y cervix (there are two external os, but only one inte...Figure 83.15 Double‐barrel cervix.Figure 83.16 Dr. Edwin Robertson's “washout” technique.Figure 83.17 (a) and (b) Site of embryo deposition. CL, Corpus luteum.

69 Chapter 84Figure 84.1 Current protocols for estrus synchronization and TAI of beef cow...Figure 84.2 Current protocols for estrus synchronization and TAI of beef hei...Figure 84.3 Perception of the relative impact on fertility of recipients to ...Figure 84.4 Effects of hCG 1000 IU at embryo transfer on pregnancy rates at ...

70 Chapter 85Figure 85.1 A blastocyst‐stage bovine embryo.Figure 85.2 Normal embryonic development of bovine embryos.Figure 85.3 (a) Comparison of developmental stages of in vivo derived bovine...Figure 85.4 Unfertilized ova recovered non‐surgically from superovulated don...Figure 85.5 Degenerate bovine embryos collected on day 7: (a) and (b) are de...Figure 85.6 Day‐7 compact morula (a) adjacent to a degenerate embryo (b).Figure 85.7 Grade 2 compact morula. Note one large blastomere (arrow) has st...Figure 85.8 Grade 2 morula. Note several extruded blastomeres (arrow) to the...Figure 85.9 Grade 3 morula. Note embryonic cell mass on the right side (arro...Figure 85.10 Grade 4 morula. Note the small group of cells on the left side ...Figure 85.11 Embryos (a) and (b) are both IETS 6–1 embryos. Extruded cells i...Figure 85.12 The arrow points to a day‐7 grade 2 early blastocyst‐stage embr...Figure 85.13 Grade 1 compact morula with vacuoles (arrow) in the cytoplasm....Figure 85.14 Grade 2 bovine blastocyst containing vacuoles (arrow) in the cy...Figure 85.15 Collapsed early blastocyst with a cracked zona pellucida (arrow...Figure 85.16 Day 7 group of embryos collected from a single donor. Note the ...Figure 85.17 Day 7 compact morula. Note the crack in the zona pellucida (arr...Figure 85.18 Day 7 grade 1 bovine early blastocyst (a) with slightly irregul...Figure 85.19 Fragmented unfertilized ovum. Note the white blood cells (arrow...Figure 85.20 Day 7 early blastocyst (5‐1). Note the endometrial cells (arrow...Figure 85.21 Group of compact morula (a) and unfertilized ova (b) recovered ...Figure 85.22 An unfertilized ovum (a) and excellent‐quality compact morula s...Figure 85.23 An unfertilized ovum (a) and excellent‐quality compact morula s...Figure 85.24 A degenerating unfertilized ovum possessing a translucent regio...Figure 85.25 A group of 18 day‐7 ova and embryos recovered from a single don...Figure 85.26 A group of eight ova/embryos collected on day 7 from a single d...

71 Chapter 89Figure 89.1 (a) Ultrasound transducer with oocyte aspiration needle protrudi...Figure 89.2 Types of bovine oocytes collected from cattle ovaries prior to I...Figure 89.3 Comparison of early embryo development in vitro to in vivo.Figure 89.4 Comparison of biannual number of embryos produced from flushes a...Figure 89.5 Comparison of biannual number of flushes (producing in vivo embr...

72 Chapter 90Figure 90.1 Dolly, a lamb derived from the mammary gland of a Finn Dorset ew...Figure 90.2 Different animals cloned by SCNT; camel, sand cat, Spanish ibex,...Figure 90.3 Different SCNT steps for cloning adult animals. Although the sch...Figure 90.4 Bovine cloned blastocysts (a) before expansion and (b) expanding...Figure 90.5 Comparison of overall efficiency of SCNT using different somatic...Figure 90.6 Comparison of development of non‐viable (a–c) and viable (d–f) S...Figure 90.7 Each observed SCNT placenta could be grouped as hypoplastic (a, ...Figure 90.8 SCNT fetus aborted during second trimester. Placenta was thicken...Figure 90.9 (a) Hydropic surrogate recipient at 203 days of gestation. (b) A...Figure 90.10 Representative image depicting survival for SCNT clones of Jers...Figure 90.11 Dolly with Bonnie, her first‐born lamb after being mated to a s...Figure 90.12 Representative image depicting SCNT procedure and in vitro embr...

Bovine Reproduction

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