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Amputation of the Prepuce


Amputation of the prepuce is occasionally performed on young bulls of B. indicus breed to prophylactically shorten an excessively long prepuce to reduce the likelihood of preputial laceration when the bulls begin breeding. The advantage of this procedure is that it is quick to perform compared with circumcision. The disadvantage is that there is more elastic tissue removed, as well as underlying vasculature and lymphatics, and likely edge‐to‐edge apposition of skin, creating a higher incidence of preputial stenosis compared with circumcision. The surgeon should also keep in mind that the prepuce is a tubular structure and that with wound contracture stenosis is more likely.

With the bull adequately restrained for aseptic surgery, infiltrate local anesthetic in the skin of the sheath just proximal to the preputial orifice. Incise the prolapsed prepuce into the preputial lumen approximately one‐third of its circumference and ligate bleeders. Suture the internal and external layers of skin with #0 absorbable suture using a simple continuous pattern. Repeat the procedure for the remaining two‐thirds of the circumference of the preputial prolapse. Suture a Penrose drain over the glans penis as previously described and revert the prepuce into the preputial cavity. Place an elastic bandage over the sheath as previously described and manage postoperatively as for circumcision.

Bovine Reproduction

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