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Bulls commonly sustain injuries to the reproductive tract during natural breeding activity. Through close observation of their bull battery during the breeding season, cattle owners or managers can identify many reproductive tract maladies. Close observation of a cowherd during the breeding season can potentially reveal cows that are returning to estrus, a bull standing off to himself, or a swelling of and trauma to the external genitalia of a bull. All of these represent issues for further investigation or veterinary intervention, which in turn should lead to the identification of conditions such as penile hematoma, preputial prolapse, phimosis, paraphimosis, or an injury that has led to a denervation, vascular shunt, or deviation of the penis. Through the utilization of a bull breeding soundness examination (BBSE) prior to each breeding season, when properly performed as directed by the standards of the Society for Theriogenology, other problems such as fibropapillomas, hair rings, and minor preputial injuries can also be identified [1].

As all of the conditions that will be described in this chapter either hamper or potentially end the functional use of a bull, it is incumbent on our part to first correctly diagnose and then provide a reasonable prognosis for successful resolution. The prognosis obviously takes into consideration the severity of the injury or condition, but also the temperament of the bull, your facilities, and economics. The economic factors that must be considered include the replacement cost of the bull, his cull value, treatment costs, and service time lost for treatment and recovery.

Bovine Reproduction

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