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Factors that Influence Age of Puberty


It is generally accepted that puberty in cattle occurs at around 9 or 10 months of age. However, there are reports of puberty occurring any time between 6 and 24 months [1], with anecdotal reports of heifers calving at 13 months indicating that puberty can occur as early as 4 months of age. Recently, the author assisted an induced delivery of a near‐term calf in a 14‐month‐old Shorthorn heifer, indicating that puberty in this heifer must have been around 5 months of age. Age at puberty is influenced by body weight and composition, breed, nutrition, genetics, and season of the year. Any adverse factor that decreases prepubertal growth, such as protein‐energy malnutrition, scours, pneumonia, parasitism, or harsh weather conditions, results in delay of the onset of puberty.

Bovine Reproduction

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