Читать книгу Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis - Группа авторов - Страница 38
Box 3.2 Extract of the scope developed for the Evaluating Progestogens for Preventing Preterm birth International Collaborative (EPPPIC) IPD meta‐analysis Main Aims
Оглавление1 Effectiveness of any progestogen versus no active intervention(co‐treatment is permitted)
2 Effectiveness of vaginally administered progesterone versus 17‐OHPC(co‐treatment is permitted)
Exploring potential differences in effectiveness according to type of progestogen and route of administration.
Considering impact on preterm birth (<37 weeks, <34 weeks, <28 weeks), fetal/neonatal death, serious neonatal complications, infant disability and important maternal morbidity.
In asymptomatic women considered at high risk of preterm birth, but not at immediate risk of preterm birth, and not those for whom progestogen is administered to prevent miscarriage and does not continue beyond 16 weeks of gestation.
Separate evaluation of singleton and of multi-fetal pregnancies exploring:
Whether effectiveness differs according to key risk factors at trial entry (previous spontaneous preterm birth, multiple gestation pregnancy, cervical length, positive fetal fibronectin test) and additional trial and patient‐level characteristics to investigate whether there are particular types of woman or pregnancy that derive greater benefit (or harm) from intervention.