Читать книгу Civil Society and Gender Relations in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes - Группа авторов - Страница 4

Table of contents


Katharina Obuch, Gabriele Wilde, Annette Zimmer Civil Society and Gender Relations in Non-Democratic Regimes: Democracy, Power, and Traditional Gender Roles. Introduction

Section 1 Theoretical foundations and methodological implications

Eva Maria Hinterhuber, Silke Schneider Gender, Civil Society, and Non-Democratic Regimes

Annette Zimmer If Not for Democracy, for What? Civil Society in Authoritarian Settings

Gabriele Wilde The Authoritarian as Discourse and Practice: a Feminist Post-structural Approach

Isabelle-Christine Panreck Analyzing the Authoritarian: Post-structural Framing-Analysis – a Methodological Approach

Section 2 Case studies

Katharina Obuch Between Militancy and Survival? The Case of the Nicaraguan Women’s Movement

Gabriele Wilde, Jasmin Sandhaus The Tunisian Constitution between Democratic Claim and Constitutional Reality

Joyce Mushaben “I’m here too, Girlfriend …”: Reclaiming Public Spaces for the Gendering of Civil Society in Turkey

Stephanie Bräuer Between Provocation and Incorporation – Social Gender Activism in the Hybrid Regime of the PRC

Patricia Graf In the Shadow of Autocracy. Gender Politics in Chile



Civil Society and Gender Relations in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes

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