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Suvi Alt is a lecturer in International Relations at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Her research examines contemporary biopolitics of development and notions of a “beyond” of the biopolitical. Her broader research interests include continental political philosophy as well as critical perspectives on security, rights and development. Her latest publication is ‘Darkness in a Blink of an Eye: Action and the Onto-Poetics of a Beyond’ in Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities.
Roland Bleiker is Professor of International Relations at the University of Queensland where he coordinates an interdisciplinary research program on Visual Politics. Recent publications include Aesthetics and World Politics (2009/2012); a forum on ‘Emotions and World Politics’ in International Theory (2014) co-edited with Emma Hutchison; and ‘Pluralist Methods for Visual Global Politics’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies (2015). Bleiker is also the editor of Visual Global Politics (Routledge: forthcoming 2017).
Associate Professor Sally Butler lectures in art history in the School of Communication and Arts, University of Queensland. Her most recent publication in the area of visual politics is co-authored with Roland Bleiker and titled ‘Radical Dreaming: Indigenous Art and Cultural Diplomacy’, International Political Sociology (2016).
Susanna Hast works as a postdoctoral researcher in the research project ‘Incorporating vulnerability: a non-fragmented approach to feminist research on violence’ at Gender Studies of the University of Helsinki in Finland. She studies emotions in war experience in Chechnya and Ukraine. She is also a partner of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies, Aleksanteri Institute. Hast is currently writing a hybrid monograph book with audio material on songwriting, performance and war experience in Chechnya for E- International Relations.
Tommi Kotonen holds a PhD at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. In 2012, he defended his doctoral theses with the title To Write a Republic: American Political Poetry from Whitman to 9/11. He works currently as a Research Coordinator at the University of Jyväskylä.
[13]Bruno Lefort currently works on a postdoctoral grant funded by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation at the University of Montreal’s Department of Political Science. He is also an associated researcher at the French Institute for the Near East (IFPO) in Beirut. He holds a doctoral degree in Social Sciences and Political Science from the University of Tampere and Aix-Marseille University. His recent publications include ‘The Art of Bypassing: Students’ Politicisation in Beirut’ in Mediterranean Politics (forthcoming).
Kia Lindroos is University lecturer and Adjunct Professor of Political Science at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Her research explores the interdisciplinary field of political theory, philosophy and arts. She is the convenor of the ECPR SG Politics and the Arts (www.jyu.fi/ytk/laitokset/yfi/en/research/projects/research-groups/polarts). She is also Member of the Finnish Academy Research Council for Culture and Social Sciences.
Dana Mills teaches political theory and feminist theory at Oxford. In 2016– 2017 she will be a Visiting Fellow at NYU Center for Ballet and the Arts and the Hannah Arendt Archives. Her first book, Dance and Politics: Moving beyond Boundaries, is out with Manchester University Press in the fall of 2016.
Cynthia E. Milton holds a Canada Research Chair in Latin American History at the Université de Montréal, Canada. She presently works on historical and artistic representations in the aftermath of conflict, in particular contemporary Peru. She is the editor of Art from a Fractured Past: Memory and Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru (2014), a co-editor of Curating Difficult Knowledge: Violent Pasts in Public Places (2011) and The Art of Truth-Telling about Authoritarian Rule (2005). Honors include the Bolton-Johnson Prize for The Many Meanings of Poverty: Colonialism, Social Compacts, and Assistance in Eighteenth-Century Ecuador (2007) and the Alexander Von Humboldt Experienced Researcher Fellowship. Milton was named to the inaugural cohort of The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada.
Frank Möller is a Senior Research Fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute, University of Tampere, Finland, and the Co-Convenor of the ECPR Standing Group on Politics and the Arts. Recent publications include ‘Politics and Art’, Oxford Handbook Online Political Science (Oxford University Press, 2016) and ‘From Aftermath to Peace: Reflections on a Photography of Peace’, Global Society (2016). His most recent book is Visual Peace: Images, Spectatorsdhip and the Politics of Violence (2013).
[14]Louie Palu is an award winning documentary photographer and filmmaker whose work has appeared in festivals, publications, and exhibitions internationally. He is a 2016 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow and a 2016–2017 Harry Ransom Center Research Fellow in the Humanities at the University of Texas at Austin. Louie Palu is the recipient of numerous awards including a Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Grant.