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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Descriptive molecular structure of both (a) thermoplastic and (b)...Figure 1.2 Schematic illustration of different orientations and stacking seq...Figure 1.3 Improved mechanical properties of hybrid flax–basalt fibers FRP c...Figure 1.4 Flowchart of preparation and characterization of the hybrid FRP c...Figure 1.5 Frictional coefficients of (a) treated and (b) untreated sisal/gl...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic view of the bone.Figure 2.2 Key requirements of a scaffold for osteochondral tissue engineeri...Figure 2.3 Schematic diagram of Powder Bed Fusion process.Figure 2.4 Schematic of Fused Deposition Modeling.Figure 2.5 Porous scaffold with cubical pore. (a) Porous scaffold. (b) Detai...Figure 2.6 Different topology of pore structure.Figure 2.7 Porous scaffold specimen fabricated using biocomposite (polyamide...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 General schematic of a DMA instrumente.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Classification of natural fibers.Figure 4.2 (a) Flax sliver, (b) hemp sliver, (c) flax hackling tow, and (d) ...Figure 4.3 Comparison of chemical composition of natural fibers.Figure 4.4 (a) Specific modulus of commonly used plant fibers and E‐glass fi...Figure 4.5 (a) Raw materials for WPC. (b) WPC compounding in the twin screw ...Figure 4.6 Wood flour used in WPC production (for injection molding, wood fl...Figure 4.7 Wood fibers used in WPC production.Figure 4.8 Tensile strength of different fiber‐reinforced polypropylene comp...Figure 4.9 Orientation of fibers in the composites of (a) aligned‐continuous...Figure 4.10 The effect of fiber on the tensile strength and impact strength ...Figure 4.11 Effect of processing method and filler loading on the flexural m...Figure 4.12 Impact bending strength of the WPC depending on the fiber conten...Figure 4.13 The changes in the relative properties of WPCs at different fibe...Figure 4.14 Tensile stress versus strain curves for WPCs having different am...Figure 4.15 The development of mechanical cracks caused by water or moisture...Figure 4.16 Water absorption (a) and thickness swelling (b) for the water‐im...Figure 4.17 (a) Reaction of coupling agent with natural fibres (PP: polyprop...Figure 4.18 Effect of coupling agent on the interfacial bond of wood and pol...Figure 4.19 The effect of birch fiber content and coupling agent (MAPP) on t...Figure 4.20 The effect of coupling agents on the impact strength of composit...Figure 4.21 Classification of polymer matrix.Figure 4.22 (a) Structure of wood cell. (b) Nanocellulose.Figure 4.23 Relationship between different kinds of nanocelluloses.Figure 4.24 NCC at 5 wt.% solution; at 12% wt solution; and NCC powder (spra...Figure 4.25 Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC).Figure 4.26 (a) Transparent film from nanocellulose. (b) Nanofiber paper‐der...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Schematic layout of the drilling setup.Figure 5.2 Influence of machining parameters on torque and thrust force for ...Figure 5.3 Comparison graph of (a) thrust force, and (b) torque between pred...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Different forms of kenaf fiber (a) non‐woven, (b) fiber strands, ...Figure 6.2 Effect of nanofiller loading in kenaf/epoxy composites on loss mo...Figure 6.3 Effect of nanofiller loading in kenaf/epoxy composites on damping...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Flow chart representation of classification of natural fibers.Figure 7.2 Alkaline treatment of natural fibers: (a) untreated and (b) alkal...Figure 7.3 Effect of surface treatment of henequen fiber on interfacial shea...Figure 7.4 Effect of alkaline treatment of ramie fiber on tensile strength....Figure 7.5 Tensile strength of different alkaline‐treated kenaf fibers (T5–3...Figure 7.6 Effect of different surface treatments on the tensile property of...Figure 7.7 SEM images of tensile fracture of different fibers ((a) FIB/HDPE,...Figure 7.8 (a) Tensile and (b) flexural strength of HDPE‐reinforced henequen...Figure 7.9 SEM images of fracture surface of composite (a) with fibre withou...Figure 7.10 (a) Flexural and (b) tensile strengths of hemp‐reinforced compos...Figure 7.11 Mechanical properties: (a) tensile Strength (b) Young's Modulus ...Figure 7.12 (a) Tensile and (b) impact strength properties of palm fiber–vin...Figure 7.13 (a) Tensile strength and (b) Young's modulus of PVC/ENR/Kenaf co...Figure 7.14 (a) Tensile strength and (b) impact strength of pandanwangi fibe...Figure 7.15 The reaction of cellulose fibers with MAPP.Figure 7.16 (a) Young's modulus and (b) tensile strength of the different fi...Figure 7.17 Mechanical property and SEM images of recycled carbon fiber (RCF...Figure 7.18 (a) Tensile strength and (b) flexural strength of wood–fiber PP ...Figure 7.19 Reaction mechanism of plasma treatment.Figure 7.20 SEM images of: (a), (b) untreated and (c), (d) plasma‐treated co...Figure 7.21 (a) Tensile strength and (b) elastic modulus of untreated and pl...Figure 7.22 Schematic representation of corona treatment.
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 (a) Schematic representation of the erosion process. (b) Morpholo...Figure 8.2 XRD pattern of fiber.Figure 8.3 Hardness and tensile strength of composites (a) Hardness (b) Tens...Figure 8.4 SEM image of tensile‐tested composites (a) Poor bonding (b) Red m...Figure 8.5 Erosion exposure region at different impact angles.Figure 8.6 Erosion rate at different impact angles.Figure 8.7 (a) Crater development due to erodent impact. (b) Red mud hill fo...Figure 8.8 Erosion behavior at different impact angles of treated and untrea...Figure 8.9 (a) Micro cuts and ploughing (b) Crack developement.Figure 8.10 Fiber damage due to erodent impact.
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Vibration testing scheme.Figure 9.2 Experimental setup for acoustic testing.Figure 9.3 Graph for the effect of various solutions of kenaf‐fiber‐reinforc...Figure 9.4 At LPT (a) and HPT (b) composites compounded; storage modulus (E″...Figure 9.5 Composites compounded at (a) LPT and (b) HPT; loss modulus graph....Figure 9.6 Effects of varying fiber length on (a) storage modulus, (b) loss ...Figure 9.7 Graphical representation of different fiber content loaded kenaf/...Figure 9.8 Graph of sound absorption coefficient with various air gap thickn...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Dry leaves fiber/Al‐SiC‐reinforced epoxy composites: (a) tensile...Figure 10.2 Dry leaves fiber/Al‐SiC‐reinforced epoxy composites: (a) flexura...Figure 10.3 Impact strength of dry leaves fiber/Al‐SiC‐reinforced epoxy comp...Figure 10.4 Dynamic mechanical properties of dry leaves fiber/Al‐SiC‐reinfor...Figure 10.5 Fracture SEM micrographs of dry leaves fiber/Al‐SiC‐reinforced e...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Effect of fiber content on tensile strength of bagasse composite...Figure 11.2 Effect of fiber content on hardness of bagasse composite.Figure 11.3 Mechanical properties (a) CScylindrical and (b) CScubic.Figure 11.4 Tensile strength of various composites.Figure 11.5 Tensile stress–strain graph of various composites.Figure 11.6 Hardness (Shore D) of various composites.Figure 11.7 Tensile strength comparison of various combination specimens....Figure 11.8 Hardness against the filler loading.Figure 11.9 Tensile strength of various weight percentage specimens.Figure 11.10 Impact strength.Figure 11.11 Diagram of the scratch tester.Figure 11.12 Effect of horizontal force on natural fiber‐filled epoxy compos...Figure 11.13 (a) Tensile strength and (b) flexural strength of various compo...Figure 11.14 Tensile strength comparison of various composites.Figure 11.15 Flexural strength comparison of various composites.Figure 11.16 Impact strength comparison of various composites.Figure 11.17 Mean tensile strength comparison of RBPF and RBWF composites....Figure 11.18 Tensile strength stress–strain graph of prepared composites....
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Ball‐milled biochar particle.Figure 12.2 SEM micrograph of biochar particle.Figure 12.3 SEM‐EDAX of Zea mays cob biochar.Figure 12.4 SEM image of biochar after ball milling.Figure 12.5 Particle size distribution of Zea mays cob biochar.Figure 12.6 FTIR Spectrum of biochar particle.Figure 12.7 Matching XRD pattern of Zea mays cob biochar and graphite (carbo...Figure 12.8 Gaussian fit for the XRD pattern of Zea mays cob biochar using F...Figure 12.9 Storage modulus plotted with respect to temperature for varying ...Figure 12.10 (a) Loss modulus versus temperature for varying biochar wt.% an...Figure 12.11 Cole–Cole plot for the biochar‐filled Sansevieria cylindrica‐re...Figure 12.12 Tensile strength and tensile modulus for the biochar‐filled SCV...Figure 12.13 SEM micrograph of tensile‐tested (a) 0 wt.% biochar‐filled SCVE...Figure 12.14 Flexural strength and flexural modulus for the biochar‐filled S...Figure 12.15 SEM Micrograph representing the three‐point bending on the (a) ...Figure 12.16 Impact response of the biochar‐filled SCVEC for different bioch...Figure 12.17 SEM images for impact tested specimens (a) 0 wt.% biochar‐fille...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Cashew nutshell waste extracted biochar‐reinforced polyester com...Figure 13.2 Tensile strength values of cashew nutshell waste extracted bioch...Figure 13.3 Flexural strength values of cashew nutshell waste extracted bioc...Figure 13.4 Impact strength values of cashew nutshell waste biochar‐reinforc...Figure 13.5 Hardness values of cashew nutshell waste extracted biochar‐reinf...Figure 13.6 Scanning electron microscopy images of tensile tested fractured ...Figure 13.7 Scanning electron microscopy images of impact tested fractured c...Figure 13.8 (a,b) SEM images of impact tested cashew nutshell waste extracte...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Tensile load–elongation plot of the composites: (a) 15 wt.%, (b)...Figure 14.2 Tensile failure in the composite.Figure 14.3 Flexural load–deflection graph plot of the composites: (a) 15 wt...Figure 14.4 Failure of the composite under flexural load.Figure 14.5 Moisture absorption versus time graph as a function of fiber loa...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Ramie fibers in different forms.Figure 15.2 Ramie fabric fiber surface modification with a coupling agent....Figure 15.3 (a) and (b) Ramie fabric fiber with 10 wt.%, (c) with 30 wt.%, (...Figure 15.4 Storage modulus of hybrid composites with fiber ratio (a) 0 : 10...Figure 15.5 Loss modulus of hybrid composites with fiber ratio (a) 0 : 100 a...Figure 15.6 SEM fractography of ramie fiber‐reinforced epoxy composites; (a)...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Common fracture modes.Figure 16.2 Classification of fracture toughness test methodologies based on...Figure 16.3 DCB test setup. (a) With piano hinges and (b) with loading block...Figure 16.4 Specimens dimensions for compact tension fracture toughness test...Figure 16.5 Test setup of the single‐edge notch bend (SENB) test.Figure 16.6 End‐notched flexure (ENF) test setup.Figure 16.7 Specimen dimension for the SCB test.Figure 16.8 MMB test setup.Figure 16.9 Mode‐I failure of composite from the DCB test. (a) Glass/phenoli...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Tan δ of flax/basalt fiber‐reinforced polyester matrix comp...Figure 17.2 Storage modulus of flax/basalt fiber‐reinforced polyester matrix...Figure 17.3 Loss modulus of flax/basalt fiber‐reinforced polyester matrix co...