Читать книгу Self-Healing Smart Materials - Группа авторов - Страница 42
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4. Hernández, M., Grande, A.M., Dierkes, W., Bijleveld, J., Zwaag, S., García, S.J., Turning Vulcanized Natural Rubber into a Self-Healing Polymer: Effect of the Disulfide/Polysulfide Ratio. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 4, 5776, 2016.
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8. Fang, Y., Li, J., Du, X., Dua, Z., Cheng, X., Wang, H., Thermal- and mechanicalresponsive polyurethane elastomers with selfhealing, mechanical-reinforced, and thermal-stable capabilities. Polymer, 158, 166, 2018.
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40. Peng, Y., Yang, Y., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Huang, G., Wu, J., Strong and tough self-healing elastomers enabled by dual reversible networks formed by ionic interactions and dynamic covalent bonds. Polymer, 157, 172, 2018.
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46. Utrera-Barrios, S., Hernández, S.M., Verdejo, R., López-Manchado, M.A., Design of Rubber Composites with Autonomous Self-Healing Capability. ACS Omega, 5, 1902, 2020.
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48. Cao, L., Yuan, D., Xu, C., Chen, Y., Biobased, self-healable, high strength rubber with tunicate cellulose nanocrystals. Nanoscale, 9, 15696, 2017.
49. Xu, C., Nie, J., Wu, W., Zheng, Z., Chen, Y., Self-healable, recyclable and strengthened epoxidized natural rubber/carboxymethyl chitosan bio-based composites with hydrogen bonding supramolecular hybrid network. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 7, 15778, 2019.
50. Hernández Santana, M., Huete, M., Lameda, P., Araujo, J., Verdejo, R., López-Manchado, M.A., Design of a new generation of sustainable SBR compounds with good trade-off between mechanical properties and self-healing ability. Eur. Polym. J., 106, 273, 2018.
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52. Araujo-Morera, J., Hernández Santana, M., Verdejo, R., López-Manchado, M.A., Giving a Second Opportunity to Tire Waste: An Alternative Path for the Development of Sustainable Self-Healing Styrene–Butadiene Rubber Compounds Overcoming the Magic Triangle of Tires. Polymers, 11, 2122, 2019.
53. Balasooriya, W., Schrittesser, B., Pinter, G., Schwarz, T., Conzatti, L., The Effect of the Surface Area of Carbon Black Grades on HNBR in Harsh Environments. Polymers, 11, 61, 2019.
54. Xiang, H., Yin, J., Lin, G., Liu, X., Rong, M., Zhang, M., Photo-crosslinkable, self-healable and reprocessable rubbers. Chem. Eng. J., 358, 878, 2019.
55. Das, A., Sallat, A., Böhme, F., Suckow, M., Basu, D., Wießner, S., Stöckelhuber, K.W., Voit, B., Heinrich, G., Ionic Modification Turns Commercial Rubber into a Self-Healing Material. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 20623, 2015.
56. Lee, M.W., Jo, H.S., Yoon, S.S., Yarin, A.L., Thermally driven self-healing using copper nanofiber heater. Appl. Phys. Lett., 111, 011902, 2017.
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61. Chen, G., Sun, Z., Wang, Y., Zheng, J., Wen, S., Zhang, J., Wang, L., Hou, J., Lin, C., Yue, Z., Designed preparation of silicone protective materials with controlled self-healing and toughness properties. Prog. Org. Coat., 140, 105483, 2020.
62. Sun, H., Liu, X., Liu, S., Yu, B., Ning, N., Tian, M., Zhang, L., Silicone dielectric elastomer with improved actuated strain at low electric field and high self-healing efficiency by constructing supramolecular network. Chem. Eng. J., 384, 123242, 2020.
63. Abdolah Zadeh, M.A., Esteves, A.C.C., Van der Zwaag, S., Garcia, S.J., Healable dual organicinorganic crosslinked. Sol–Gel based polymers: Crosslinking density and tetrasulfide content effect. J. Polym. Sci. A, 52, 1953, 2014.
64. Canadell, J., Goossens, H., Klumperman, B., Self-healing materials based on disulfide links. Macromol., 44, 2536, 2011.
65. Michal, B.T., Spencer, E.J., Rowan, S.J., Stimuli-responsive reversible two-level adhesion from a structurally dynamic shape-memory polymer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 11041, 2016.
66. Wei, M. et al., Novel Poly(tetramethylene ether)glycol and Poly (ε -caprolactone) Based Dynamic Network via Quadruple Hydrogen Bonding with Triple-Shape Effect and Self-Healing Capacity. Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7 (4), 2585–2596, 2015.
67. Jiang, Z., Xiao, Y.Y., Kang, Y., Pan, M., Li, B.J., Zhang, S., Shape Memory Polymers Based on Supramolecular Interactions. Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 20276, 2017.
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72. Jiang, Z., Xiao, Y.Y., Kang, Y., Pan, M., Li, B.J., Zhang, S., Shape Memory Polymers Based on Supramolecular Interactions. Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 20276, 2017.
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76. Hu, J., Mo, R., Jiang, X., Sheng, X., Zhang, X., Towards mechanical robust yet self-healing polyurethane elastomers via combination of dynamic main chain and dangling quadruple hydrogen bonds. Polym., 183, 121912, 2019.
*Corresponding author: mescobar@inti.gob.ar