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Chronic recurrent juvenile parotitis is the second most common inflammatory disease of the salivary glands in children after mumps (Erkul and Gillespie 2016; Xie et al. 2016). In terms of its frequency, chronic recurrent parotitis in adults is 10 times more common than chronic recurrent parotitis in children (Baurmash 2004). It is characterized by recurrent inflammation of one or both parotid glands, with 73% of cases occurring bilaterally (Shacham et al. 2009). Pain may be present or absent, and the lack of pus is one of the main clinical features associated with this disease. Episodes typically occur every three to four months and each episode lasts four to seven days. Recurrent juvenile parotitis is commonly noted prior to puberty with the peak incidence of chronic recurrent juvenile parotitis being between the ages of three and six years (Shacham et al. 2009). This disease is thought to be self‐limiting with many cases resolving by puberty, although some cases persist in adulthood. It is more common in boys than girls. The disease is made on a clinical basis and is confirmed by ultrasonography or sialography that demonstrates the pathognomonic sialectasis.

Several theories exist regarding the etiology and pathophysiology of chronic recurrent juvenile parotitis. Microbiologic analysis of these cases has identified Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenza in high concentrations in these cases, thereby suggesting that microorganisms are of etiologic significance. An autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance has also been suggested to be involved in some cases. It has also been suggested that congenital abnormalities or strictures of Stensen duct, trauma, foreign bodies with the duct, or a history of viral mumps are etiologic. Regardless of the exact etiology, the pathophysiology of the disease is decreased salivary production with inadequate outflow through the duct that encourages ascending salivary gland infections via the oral cavity (Tucci et al. 2019).

Salivary Gland Pathology

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