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Further Reading
Оглавление1 Brian Donaghue, The Great Meadow: Farmers and the Land in Colonial Concord (2007). Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
2 John Ryan Fischer, Cattle Colonialism: An Environmental History of the Conquest of California and Hawai’i (2015). University of North Carolina Press, Charlotte, NC.
3 Arthur F. McEvoy, The Fisherman’s Problem: Ecology and Law in the California Fisheries, 1850–1980 (1986). Cambridge University Press, New York.
4 Christopher L. Pastore, Between Land and Sea: The Atlantic Coast and the Transformation of New England (2014). Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
5 Timothy Silver, A New Face on the Countryside: Indians, Colonists, and Slaves in South Atlantic Forests, 1500–1800 (1990). Cambridge University Press, New York.
6 Lissa K. Wadewitz, The Nature of Borders: Salmon, Boundaries and Bandits on the Salish Sea (2012). University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA.