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1.2.3 ZFNet


The architecture of ZFNet introduced by Zeiler [3] is same as that of the AlexNet, but convolutional layer uses reduced sized kernel 7 × 7 with stride 2. This reduction in the size will enable the network to obtain better hyper-parameters with less computational efficiency and helps to retain more features. The number of filters in the third, fourth and fifth convolutional layers are increased to 512, 1024, and 512. A new visualization technique, deconvolution (maps features to pixels), is used to analyze first and second layer’s feature map.

Table 1.3 AlexNet layer details.

Sl. no. Layer Kernel size Stride Activation shape Weights Bias # Parameters Activation # Connections
1 Input Layer - - (227,227,3) 0 0 - relu -
2 CONV1 11 × 11 4 (55,55,96) 34,848 96 34,944 relu 105,415,200
3 POOL1 3 × 3 2 (27,27,96) 0 0 0 relu -
4 CONV2 5 × 5 1 (27,27,256) 614,400 256 614,656 relu 111,974,400
5 POOL2 3 × 3 2 (13,13,256) 0 0 0 relu -
6 CONV3 3 × 3 1 (13,13,384) 884,736 384 885,120 relu 149,520,384
7 CONV4 3 × 3 1 (13,13,384) 1,327,104 384 1,327,488 relu 112,140,288
8 CONV5 3 × 3 1 (13,13,256) 884,736 256 884,992 relu 74,760,192
9 POOL3 3 × 3 2 (6,6,256) 0 0 0 relu -
10 FC - - 9,216 37,748,736 4,096 37,752,832 relu 37,748,736
11 FC - - 4,096 16,777,216 4,096 16,781,312 relu 16,777,216
12 FC - - 4,096 4,096,000 1,000 4,097,000 relu 4,096,000
OUTPUT FC - - 1,000 - - 0 softmax -
- - - - - - - 62,378,344 (Total) - -

Figure 1.3 Architecture of ZFNet.

ZFNet uses cross-entropy loss error function, ReLU activation function, and batch stochastic gradient descent. Training is done on 1.3 million images uses a GTX 580 GPU and it takes 12 days. The ZFNet architecture consists of five convolutional layers, followed by three max-pooling layers, and then by three fully connected layers, and a softmax layer as shown in Figure 1.3. Table 1.4 shows an input image 224 × 224 × 3 and it is processing at each layer and shows the filter size, window size, stride, and padding values across each layer. ImageNet top-5 error improved from 16.4% to 11.7%.

Computational Analysis and Deep Learning for Medical Care

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