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1.2.4 VGGNet


Simonyan and Zisserman et al. [4] introduced VGGNet for the ImageNet Challenge in 2014. VGGNet-16 consists of 16 layers; accepts a 227 × 227 × 3 RGB image as input, by subtracting global mean from each pixel. Then, the image is fed to a series of convolutional layers (13 layers) which uses a small receptive field of 3 × 3 and uses same padding and stride is 1. Besides, AlexNet and ZFNet uses max-pooling layer after convolutional layer. VGGNet does not have max-pooling layer between two convolutional layers with 3 × 3 filters and the use of three of these layers is more effective than a receptive field of 5 × 5 and as spatial size decreases, the depth increases. The max-pooling layer uses a window of size 2 × 2 pixel and a stride of 2. It is followed by three fully connected layers; first two with 4,096 neurons and third is the output layer with 1,000 neurons, since ILSVRC classification contains 1,000 channels. Final layer is a softmax layer. The training is carried out on 4 Nvidia Titan Black GPUs for 2–3 weeks with ReLU nonlinearity activation function. The number of parameters is decreased and it is 138 million parameters (522 MB). The test set top-5 error rate during competition is 7.1%. Figure 1.4 shows the architecture of VGG-16, and Table 1.5 shows its parameters.

Table 1.4 Various parameters of ZFNet.

Layer name Input size Filter size Window size # Filters Stride Padding Output size # Feature maps # Connections
Conv 1 224 × 224 7 × 7 - 96 2 0 110 × 110 96 14,208
Max-pooling 1 110 × 110 3 × 3 - 2 0 55 × 55 96 0
Conv 2 55 × 55 5 × 5 - 256 2 0 26 × 26 256 614,656
Max-pooling 2 26 × 26 - 3 × 3 - 2 0 13 × 13 256 0
Conv 3 13 × 13 3 × 3 - 384 1 1 13 × 13 384 885,120
Conv 4 13 × 13 3 × 3 - 384 1 1 13 × 13 384 1,327,488
Conv 5 13 × 13 3 × 3 - 256 1 1 13 × 13 256 884,992
Max-pooling 3 13 × 13 - 3 × 3 - 2 0 6 × 6 256 0
Fully connected 1 4,096 neurons 37,752,832
Fully connected 2 4,096 neurons 16,781,312
Fully connected 3 1,000 neurons 4,097,000
Softmax 1,000 classes 62,357,608 (Total)

Figure 1.4 Architecture of VGG-16.

Computational Analysis and Deep Learning for Medical Care

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