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[1.1] Abdullahi, A.S., Underwood, G.J.C. and Gretz, M.R. (2006) Extracellular matrix assembly in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae). V. Environmental effects on polysaccharide synthesis in the model diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Journal of Phycology 42(2), 363-378.

[1.2] Alicea, B., Gordon, R., Harbich, T., Singh, A., Varma, V., Mehan, P. and Singh, U. (2020) Towards a digital diatom: Image processing and deep learning analysis of Bacillaria paradoxa dynamic morphology In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

[1.3] Apoya-Horton, M.D., Yin, L., Underwood, G.J.C. and Gretz, M.R. (2006) Movement modalities and responses to environmental changes of the mudflat diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 42(2), 379-390.

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[1.5] Bedoshvili, Y.D. (2020) Cellular mechanisms of raphid diatom motility. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.

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[1.8] Bondoc-Naumovitz, K. and Cohn, S.A. (2020) Motility of biofilm-forming benthic diatoms. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

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[1.18] Furey, P. (2020) Motility in the diatom genus Eunotia Ehr. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

[1.19] Gillard, J., Frenkel, J., Devos, V., Sabbe, K., Paul, C., Rempt, M., Inze, D., Pohnert, G., Vuylsteke, M. and Vyverman, W. (2013) Metabolomics enables the structure elucidation of a diatom sex pheromone. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 52(3), 854-857.

[1.20] Gordon, R. (2020) The whimsical history of proposed motors for diatom motility. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

[1.21] Gordon, R., Losic, D., Tiffany, M.A., Nagy, S.S. and Sterrenburg, F.A.S. (2009) The Glass Menagerie: Diatoms for novel applications in nanotechnology. Trends in Biotechnology 27(2), 116-127.

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[1.23] Harbich, T. (2020) Some observations of movements of pennate diatoms in cultures and their possible interpretation. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

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[1.33] Kapinga, M.R.M. and Gordon, R. (1992) Cell motility rhythms in Bacillaria paxillifer. Diatom Research 7(2), 221-225.

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[1.39] Moeys, S., Frenkel, J., Lembke, C., Gillard, J.T.F., Devos, V., Van den Berge, K., Bouillon, B., Huysman, M.J.J., De Decker, S., Scharf, J., Bones, A., Brembu, T., Winge, P., Sabbe, K., Vuylsteke, M., Clement, L., De Veylder, L., Pohnert, G. and Vyverman, W. (2016) A sex-inducing pheromone triggers cell cycle arrest and mate attraction in the diatom Seminavis robusta. Scientific Reports 6, #19252.

[1.40] Paterson, D.M. and Hope, J.A. (2020) Diatom biofilms: Ecosystem engineering and niche construction. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA.

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[1.42] Roubeix, V. and Laviale, M. (2020) A free ride: Diatoms epiphytic on motile diatoms. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

[1.43] Sabuncu, A.C., Gordon, R., Richer, E., Manoylov, K.M. and Beskok, A. (2020) The kinematics of explosively jerky diatom motility: A natural example of active nanofluidics. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach]. S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

[1.44] Serôdio, J., Paterson, D.M. and Hope, J.A. (2020) Diatom motility: Mechanisms control an adaptive value. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

[1.45] Shih, S.M., Engel, B.D., Kocabas, F., Bilyard, T., Gennerich, A., Marshall, W.F. and Yildiz, A. (2013) Intraflagellar transport drives flagellar surface motility. eLife 2, e00744-e00744.

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[1.47] Wang, J., Weng, D., Chen, L. and Cao, S. (2020) Locomotion of benthic pennate diatoms. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

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[1.49] Wolgemuth, C., Hoiczyk, E., Kaiser, D. and Oster, G. (2002) How myxobacteria glide. Curr Biol 12(5), 369-377.

[1.50] Zeriouh, O., Reinoso-Moreno, J.V., Lopez-Rosales, L., Ceron-Garcia, M.D., Sanchez-Miron, A., Garcia-Camacho, F. and Molina-Grima, E. (2017) Biofouling in photobioreactors for marine microalgae. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 37(8), 1006-1023.

[1.51] Zischka, F., Kratochvil, H., Noll, A., Gordon, R., Harbich, T. and Gebeshuber, I.C. (2020) Diatom triboacoustics. In: Diatom Gliding Motility [DIGM, Volume 2 in the series: Diatoms: Biology & Applications, series editors: Richard Gordon & Joseph Seckbach] S.A. Cohn, K.M. Manoylov and R. Gordon, (eds.) Wiley-Scrivener, Beverly, MA, USA: This volume.

Diatom Gliding Motility

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