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2.5.3 Computation Offloading Using Deep Learning


Computation offloading is a great mechanism to offload extensive tasks at the nearby server and communicate cloud with important/filtered data. With edge, computation offloading has excellent applications for mobile devices by enhancing efficiency.

In a study, a dynamic computing offloading mechanism is performed. The objective of the study was to reduce the cost of computational resources. Mobile edge computing is considered (MEC). A Deep Learning method, i.e., Deep Supervised Learning (DSL) is considered. A network of a mobile-based computer system is considered. A pre-calculated offloading solution is proposed. A continuous offloading decision problem is formulated as a multi-label classification problem. After experimental analysis, it is inferred that as the exhaustive strategy suffers exponentially with the increase in the “n” fine-grained components.

Simulation and Analysis of Mathematical Methods in Real-Time Engineering Applications

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