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List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Definitions of river restoration selected from the international s...Table 1.2 How are the notions of “perception,” “attitude,” and “place attach...Table 1.3 How are the notions of “expectation,” “support,” and “acceptance” ...Table 1.4 How are the notions of “preference” and “willingness” defined in t...
2 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Summary of Thurauen, Seymaz, and La Foce case studies’ principal c...
3 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Classification of ecosystem goods and services supported by rivers...Table 9.2 Estimates of the total economic value (TEV) of river restoration (...
4 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Characteristics of restoration projects of the Yarqon, Caldes and...Table 10.2 Frequency and total area of distribution of positive and negative...
5 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Characteristics of the regional population and the survey sample.Table 11.2 Respondents’ place and river relationships (mean values; scales: ...Table 11.3 Perceived relevance of values to residents by municipality subsam...Table 11.4 Response rate and demographic composition of baseline and final s...
6 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Aims and arguments guiding the use of interviews and questionnair...
7 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Different types of documents useful for river restoration.Table 13.2 Type of documentary analysis methods.
8 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Methods for engaging stakeholders.
9 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Objectives and information provided by the economic valuation of ...Table 15.2 List of ecosystem services provided by rivers (Finlayson et al. 2...Table 15.3 Example of biophysical characteristics of interest and ES indicat...Table 15.4 Valuation methods for ecosystems services (de Groot et al. 2006; ...Table 15.5 Data requirements for various valuation methods.