Читать книгу Politics of Disinformation - Группа авторов - Страница 5




Title page




Part I Theoretical Approaches to Disinformation 1 Disinformation Matters: Analyzing the Academic Production 2 A Materialist Approach to Fake News 3 Using International Relations Theories to Understand Disinformation: Soft Power, Narrative Turns, and New Wars

Part II Disinformation in Politics 4 Do You Believe in Fake After All? WhatsApp Disinformation Campaign During the Brazilian 2018 Presidential Election 5 The Politics of Disinformation in Indonesia (2014–2019) 6 Ideology and Disinformation: How False News Stories Contributed to Brexit 7 Spanish Politicians Dealing with Fake News in the April 2019 General Election

Part III Fact-checking in Polítics 8 Checking Verifications: Focus and Scope of Collaborative Projects to Monitor Election Campaigns in France, Brazil, and Spain 9 Structures of Resistance: Citizen-generated Reporting in Times of Social Unrest 10 Robot Strategies for Combating Disinformation in Election Campaigns: A Fact-checking Response from Parties and Organizations 11 “That Prodigious Machinery Designed to Exclude” The Discourse of Post-truth in Algorithmic Culture

Part IV The Effects of Disinformation on Everyday Life 12 Teens, Social Media, and Fake News: A User’s Perspective 13 Understanding Which Factors Promote Exposure to Online Disinformation 14 Rumoring, Disinformation, and Contentious Politics in the Digital Age: The Case of China and Beyond

10  About the Authors

11  Index

12  End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Evolution of the use of “disinformation,” “fake news...Figure 1.2 Research clusters concerning disinformation.14

2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Veracity perception and level of professionalism ...Figure 4.2 Message–topic intersections. The plot consists of a matrix...Figure 4.3 Message–tone intersections. The plot consists of a matrix...Figure 4.4 Seven messages alleging misconduct during the PT ...Figure 4.5 A 19-minute video denouncing communist co-option of Brazilian youth...Figure 4.6 Short-form video (meme) that aggregates left-wing political ...Figure 4.7 During the first round, while former president Lula was still ...

3 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Pedro Sánchez’s tweet about the blacklist of gender ...Figure 7.2 El País's recognition of errors...Figure 7.3 Abascal’s tweet echoing a tweet from former UPyD leader Rosa Díez.100Figure 7.4 Rivera's tweet showing him in a meeting...Figure 7.5 Pablo Casado’s tweet about immigration.102

4 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Issues regarding the verifications.Figure 8.2 Results of the verifications.

5 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Examples of content posted by the fact-checking organizations ...Figure 10.2 Examples of content posted by political ...

6 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Cross-national comparison.Figure 13.2 Dendrogram using Ward Linkage.Figure 13.3 Country means for each cluster.

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Annual production indexed in WoSTable 1.2 The 10 countries that produce thegreatest volume..Table 1.3 Most-cited articles (total accumulated citations)Table 1.4 Distribution of articles by themeTable 1.5 Media subjected to analysisTable 1.6 Methods employed articles on disinformation in WoS

2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Scholarly literature on fake news

3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Comparison of Disinformation between 2018 and 2019Table 5.2 Disinformation at Presidential Election 2019

4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Corpus: Tweets from 12 to 19 April 2019Table 7.2 Occurrences of the keywords analyzedTable 7.3 Tweets related to misinformation that mention the analyzed keywords

5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Methodology.

6 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Study participants

7 Chapter 13Table 13.1 List of factors and measuresTable 13.2 Tests of normality (Shapiro-Wilks)Table 13.3 Pearson correlations between factorsTable 13.4 Component matrixTable 13.5 Coefficients.Table 13.6 Coefficients.



Title page



5 Table of Contents

Begin Reading

About the Authors


End User License Agreement











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Politics of Disinformation

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