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1 1 GSMA (2019). Annual Review 2019. GSMA.

2 2 ITU‐R (2020). FAQ on IMT. April ed.

3 3 ITU (2018). https://www.itu.int/en/ITU‐T/focusgroups/net2030/Pages/default.aspx

4 4 Wikipedia (2020). IMT Advanced. Wikipedia.

5 5 3GPP (1998). Third Generation Partnership Project Agreement. Sophia Antipolis: 3GPP.

6 6 3GPP (2020). Sophia Antipolis: 3GPP. https://www.3gpp.org/about‐3gpp/membership.

7 7 Kim, C. (2019). 5G and Massive IoT: Legacy Technologies will Bridge the Gap for Now. London: Informa Omdia.

8 8 Melanie, N., Maximilian, S., and Karim, T. (2020). Is Your City Ready to Go Digital? Luxembourg SA: Arthur D Little https://www.adlittle.com/en/insights/viewpoints/your‐city‐ready‐go‐digital.

9 9 TechUK (2020). London. https://www.techuk.org/resource/atomico‐s‐state‐of‐european‐tech‐report‐lifts‐the‐lid‐on‐a‐turbulent‐year‐for‐the‐sector.html.

10 10 Chris Adams (2019). IMT‐2030 starts today… (and don’t call it 6G). AccessPartnership. https://www.accesspartnership.com/imt‐2030‐starts‐today‐and‐dont‐call‐it‐6g/.

11 11 ITU Focus Group on Technologies for Network 2030 (2020). FG NET‐2030 Technical Specification on Network2030 Architectural Framework. NET2030‐I‐132, ITU Sub‐G3.

12 12 Whitehouse Briefings Statements (2019). https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings‐statements/remarks‐president‐trump‐united‐states‐5g‐deployment/

13 13 South China Morning Post (2019). https://www.scmp.com/tech/big‐tech/article/2187190/donald‐trump‐says‐he‐wants‐us‐lead‐5g‐and‐even‐6g‐wireless‐technology.

14 14 The Atlantic Council (2020). https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new‐atlanticist/the‐battle‐for‐5g‐leadership‐is‐global‐and‐the‐us‐is‐behind‐the‐white‐houses‐new‐strategy‐aims‐to‐correct‐that/.

15 15 The Financial Times (2020). UK review of Huawei eyes impact of US sanctions. https://www.ft.com/content/9e581ace‐69ec‐4a42‐81c3‐c28d2bb40aa1.

16 16 NCSC (2020). Advice on the Use of Equipment from High Risk Vendors in UK Telecoms Networks, 1.0e. London: NCSC https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/ncsc‐advice‐on‐the‐use‐of‐equipment‐from‐high‐risk‐vendors‐in‐uk‐telecoms‐networks.

17 17 Donkin, C. (2020). EC demands urgent action on 5G supply chains. Mobile World Live.

18 18 The Economist (2020). The fight with Huawei means America can’t shape tech rules. https://www.economist.com/united‐states/2020/04/23/the‐fight‐with‐huawei‐means‐america‐cant‐shape‐tech‐rules

19 19 Chappell, E.A. (2020). Accelerating Innovation in the Telecommunications Arena, 1e. London: Telecom TV.

20 20 O‐RAN Alliance (2018), cited in “https://www.gruppotim.it/tit/it/technology/standards‐focus/dicembre‐2018/looking‐around.html”

21 21 Mobile Europe and European Communications (2020). Keys to the Kingdon: OpenRAN Seeks to Break Open Vendor Lock‐In, Q2e. SJP Business Media.

22 22 Open RAN (2020). Policy Coalition. https://www.openranpolicy.org/open‐ran‐a‐year‐in‐review/.

23 23 Jordan, E. (2020). Open RAN 101–A Timeline of Open RAN Journey in the Industry: Why, What, When, How? (Reader Forum). Austin: RCR Wireless https://www.rcrwireless.com/20200715/opinion/readerforum/open‐ran‐101‐a‐timeline‐of‐open‐ran‐journey‐in‐the‐industry‐reader‐forum.

24 24 ABI Research (2020). Open RAN: market reality and misconceptions. White paper at https://go.abiresearch.com/lp‐open‐ran‐market‐reality‐and‐misconceptions.

25 25 Mayer, G. (2018). Restful APIs for the 5G Service Based Architecture. Journal of ICT Standardization 6 Combined Special Issue 1 & 2 ed.

26 26 Jan Friman, M.E.P.C.J.M.J.S. (2019). Service Exposure: A Critical Capability in a 5G World, 4e. Ericsson Technology Review.

Shaping Future 6G Networks

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