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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The nitrogen cycle (Francis‐Floyd, 2003).

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Zebrafish skin. Black arrow indicates the scale, green arrow indi...Figure 2.2 Channel catfish fry; sagittal section of the tail. Black arrow in...Figure 2.3 Zebrafish heart. The black arrow denotes the septum transversum, ...Figure 2.4 Channel catfish gills. The filament runs horizontal, and many lam...Figure 2.5 Channel catfish fry, abdominal viscera; the spine is along the to...Figure 2.6 Channel catfish fry, mesonephros. Green arrow indicates the hemat...Figure 2.7 Channel catfish spleen, contracted state. Black arrow indicates a...Figure 2.8 Zebrafish sagittal section of the head. Black arrow indicates the...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Example of a round pond. This is a Foster‐Lucas‐style round pond,...Figure 3.2 Another early style of round pond still in use at some salmonid hatcheries...Figure 3.3 Fiberglass round tanks are more popular in new designs and can be...Figure 3.4 Example of a standard flow‐through raceway with rectangular shape...Figure 3.5 Canvas stretcher used in the transportation of cetaceans.Figure 3.6 Traditional dirt‐bottomed fishpond in Malaysia.Figure 3.7 (a,b) Covered pond in Florida completely lined to eliminate weeds...Figure 3.8 Indoor production facility for tropical fish in Florida.Figure 3.9 Angelfish farm in Singapore.Figure 3.10 Export facility personnel inspecting fish coming in from farm po...Figure 3.11 Exporter repacking fish in Singapore to air ship to the United S...Figure 3.12 Wholesale facility in California.Figure 3.13 Retail pet store display.Figure 3.14 Fishes’ final home: customer’s aquarium.Figure 3.15 Necrotic stomatitis in a seal related to malnutrition (Vitamin C...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Mycobacteriosis, caudal peduncle atrophy in a molly (Poecilia sph...Figure 4.2 Mycobacteriosis, ulcerative dermatitis in a Florida pompano (Trac...Figure 4.3 Mycobacteriosis, granulomatous peritonitis in a goldfish.Figure 4.4 Columnaris disease, with secondary Saprolegnia and emaciation in ...Figure 4.5 Aeromonas hydrophila septicemia in a channel catfish.Figure 4.6 Edwardsiella ictaluri infection, skin ulcers in a channel catfish...Figure 4.7 Edwarsiella piscicida infection, skin ulcer and furuncle, in a ch...Figure 4.8 Edwarsiella ictaluri infection, hepatic necrosis, splenomegaly, b...Figure 4.9 Edwardsiella ictaluri infection, hole in the head lesion, in a ch...Figure 4.10 Rainbow trout infected with hemorrhagic septicemia virus. Intern...Figure 4.11 Gross pathology of infectious hematopoietic necrosis in rainbow ...Figure 4.12 Gross lesions in infected rainbow trout with infectious pancreat...Figure 4.13 Salmonid alphavirus subtype 1‐infected Atlantic salmon. A typica...Figure 4.14 (a) Lesions of infectious salmon anemia in experimentally infect...Figure 4.15 Anatomy and histopathology of erythrocytic necrosis virus in a P...Figure 4.16 Spring viremia of carp, skin hemorrhage and exophthalmos (left),...Figure 4.17 Cyprinid herpesvirus 1 (carp pox).Figure 4.18 Cyprinid herpesvirus 2 gill swelling/necrosis, hyphema.Figure 4.19 Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 gill necrosis (koi herpesvirus).Figure 4.20 Fresh preparation showing trophonts of Amyloodinium ocellatum at...Figure 4.21 Scanning electron microscopy microphotograph showing the locatio...Figure 4.22 Channel catfish gill, hyperplastic branchitis with Ichthyobodo (...Figure 4.23 Cryptobia (Trypanoplasma) salmositica with red blood cells from ...Figure 4.24 General edema with abdominal distension and ascites during acute...Figure 4.25 Section through the stomach wall of uninfected Cichlasoma biocel...Figure 4.26 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in a channel catfish.Figure 4.27 Gill wet mount, Ichthyophthiriusciliates (low power).Figure 4.28 Gill wet mount, Ichthyophthiriusciliates (high power).Figure 4.29 Gill bar histopathology, Ichthyophthiriusciliates beneath the ep...Figure 4.30 Trichodina spp.Figure 4.31 Chilodonella hexasticha from the gills of farmed barramundi, Lat...Figure 4.32 Gills from a barramundi (Lates calcarifer), infected with the ci...Figure 4.33 Ventral view of Tetrahymena sp. (a) From skin scrape of live gup...Figure 4.34 Saprolegniasis, cottony growth on the skin of Otocinclus sp.Figure 4.35 Channel catfish gill bar, hemorrhage and necrosis with swelling,...Figure 4.36 Channel catfish gill wet mount, cartilage necrosis, Henneguya...Figure 4.37 Channel catfish gill filaments, hemorrhage and cartilage necrosi...Figure 4.38 Channel catfish gill filament, Henneguya ictaluri intralame...Figure 4.39 Pirate perch gill infection, nodular plasmodia of Hennegoides fl...Figure 4.40 Cystic renal hyperplasia (Hoferellus carassii, kidney bloater)....Figure 4.41 Myxozoan infection renal tubule epithelium (Hoferellus carassii,...Figure 4.42 Chromatophoroma (mixed melano‐iridophoroma), Betta splendens....Figure 4.43 Morphological scheme for diagnosing and classifying eye cataract...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Splendore–Hoeppli reaction. Immunohistochemistry using rabbit ant...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Common carp, whole body radiography, lateral view. Good image for...Figure 6.2 Crucian carp, whole body radiography, lateral view. Good image for...Figure 6.3 Carp, x‐ray, lateral view. Enterography (contrast study); obser...Figure 6.4 Carp, x‐ray, lateral view. Enterography (contrast study); the...Figure 6.5 Bighead carp, whole body radiography, lateral view. High visibili...Figure 6.6 Common carp, abdominal ultrasound. Intestine with stratified wall...Figure 6.7 Common carp, abdominal ultrasound. Puncture of caudal vein (CV) f...Figure 6.8 Common carp, echocardiography. Eco‐assisted heart puncture.Figure 6.9 Common carp, abdomen ultrasound. Cardiac chambers are visible: V ...Figure 6.10 Common carp, abdominal ultrasound in Doppler mode.Figure 6.11 Common carp, abdominal ultrasound. Puncture of the caudal vein (...Figure 6.12 Intramuscular injection of antimicrobial drugs administered to e...Figure 6.13 Determination of red‐rubber tube length for gavage administratio...Figure 6.14 An example of a hospital aquarium, composed of an aquarium with ...Figure 6.15 A flushing tank that is part of a larger interconnected marine a...Figure 6.16 Koi fish in anesthetic solution This protocol can also be used f...Figure 6.17 Anesthetizing then euthanizing fish in an aerated aquarium.

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Increasing clinical performance by using evidence to support clin...

8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 An animal’s experience of welfare.

Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

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