Читать книгу Вахтанговская театральная школа. От 30-х годов XX века до наших дней - Группа авторов, П. Е. Любимцев - Страница 1


The collection “The Vakhtangov Theater School. Since the 1930s to the present day” continues the story about the creative principles of the Vakhtangov theater school – a bright, diverse and constantly evolving phenomenon. In the first part of the collection, the fundamental classical “The Work of an Actor” by Joseph Rapoport, which has not been published since 1940, is offered to readers. The second part includes articles by currently working teachers of the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute on a variety of topics: from the history of the national studios of the Shchukin University to the latest experiments of the School in areas related to the Teaching of Mikhail Chekhov and the work of students in the laws of the Italian commedia dell’arte.

The collection is addressed primarily to the practitioners of the theater – actors, directors and teachers, but it may also interest amateurs, the connoisseurs of a theater art.

В оформлении обложки использован эскиз декорации к 7-й картине «Принцессы Турандот» И. Нивинского

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», 2021

© П. Е. Любимцев (составление), коллектив авторов, 2021

© Театральный институт им. Бориса Щукина, 2021

© Издательство «ПЛАНЕТА МУЗЫКИ», художественное оформление, 2021

Вахтанговская театральная школа. От 30-х годов XX века до наших дней

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