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1.5 Significance of Hybrid Cloud Post-Pandemic


Adaptation of cloud-based services has grown tremendously after pandemic. Due to COVID-19, every sector faces losses. Rapid shifting of business into online mode is the current requirement. Organizations that have legacy infrastructure on premise cannot shift to public cloud in a day and security also is a matter of consideration. As a result, hybrid cloud is the most preferred solution.

 In COVID-19 pandemic situation, the world is compelled to move for remote work. So, the video conferencing is tremendously increasing and all the related data moves to the cloud. Enterprises are considering the cloud as a digital transformation engine and as well. As the work is done remotely, the jobs are majorly done in cloud infrastructure. Collaboration with Microsoft Teams or Google Meet becomes very strong with the companies in broader cloud ecosystem [17].

 Hybrid cloud has an aspiration to achieve target for companies. Companies are well aware about their vendors and they want to transfer their applications to clouds. The multi-cloud conception is yielded among different vendors. The vendor plug with many clouds like VMware or Red Hat [17, 18].

 Customers are getting tackier to the cloud service providers as more and more corporate data are stored on the cloud. It is known that cloud computing vendors are trying enterprises to use their platforms to accumulate data from everywhere.

 IoT, AI, edge computing, and data analytics will make difference among the top cloud service providers. The market share grab has largely gone to AWS, which was early, adds services at a rapid clip, and is the go-to cloud service provider. AWS’ ability to upsell to AI, IoT, and analytics will be critical. Microsoft Azure Stack is also looking to differentiate via AI and machine learning [18].

 If we look at the records provided by IDC, in the year 2020, public cloud expenses have made a mark, for the first time, it has left behind old-style IT structure. An increase of 34.4% has been recorded in cloud including private and public. Whereas traditional IT infra fall out by 8%.

 Public hybrid cloud providers have the gap of capability between hyper scale cloud providers. Competition for enterprise workloads yields secondary markets throughout the world. The cloud service providers like Microsoft Azure Stack, AWS Outpost, and Google Cloud Anthos have become financially strong.

Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

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