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2.3.1 Description of Datasets


Influenza sequences (glycan dataset) are taken from the National Centre for Biotechnology Information. At first, to perform searching operation, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) has been applied on H1N1 infected human datasets of Influenza A/447/08 at Oklahoma, Influenza A/1138/08 at Oklahoma, and Influenza A/447/08 at Oklahoma and on non-infected normal human of Influenza A/California/04/2009-4C. The dataset of H1N1 contains glycan data in Oklahoma City and the dataset of normal human contains glycan data in California City. The dataset consists of 442 different glycans and list of linkers are sp0, sp8, sp9, sp12, etc. Individual columns of the dataset represent the glycan numbers, glycan structure, the RFU, the STDEV value, and the SEM.

Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

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