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3.4.1 Description of the Dataset
ОглавлениеIn our algorithm, two datasets, viz., lung and colon, are considered for testing and getting the output. With the help of microarray experiments, human gene expression is measured for lung and the data is obtained for tumor and normal sample. Total of 96 samples are collected of which 86 samples belong to tumor and 10 as normal state. In a more descriptive manner, it can be stated that among 86 samples of lung adenocarcinoma, 67 belong to stage I and 19 is of stage III. Ten lung samples are identified as neoplastic sample. The colon data consists of 7,464 genes with 18 samples that belong to carcinogenic state and 18 with normal state. More detailed information can be accessed from the site https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov