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2.3.4 Glycan Cloud


There are two types of data sets stored in the cloud, namely, glycan dataset and result data. In Figure 2.14, dataset can be stored either. Dataset can be stored either in the form of files or in form of blocks in the cloud. Accessing the cloud is based on internet or intranet. To store the glycan dataset in the cloud storage system, one can move to any location that supports internet access. To save and recover the information, it is not essential to carry physical storage device or use the same computing systems. In this cloud system, security is also a major issue. When data will be stored securely in the cloud, security measures will be followed by authentication, encryption, tokens, and data replication. Authentication is the key security features where authorized user can access this glycan dataset stored in the cloud storage. Dataset of glycan and generated data should be encrypted first and store in the cloud. Only authorized user should know about the decryption key to access the dataset and final resulting framework. Tokens are generated by the third party auditor to check all data set and certify that whether the resultant information is corrupted or not. Hence, the data compression is used to speed up file transfer and decrease the cost of storage hardware, whereas the Exact, Transpose, and Load tool (ETL tool) is used to avoid redundancy, save space, and filter data for data replication. Moreover, data replication is used to back up multiple copies of data at different locations.

Machine Learning Techniques and Analytics for Cloud Security

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