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3.3.3 Algorithm
ОглавлениеStep 1: Read dataset G = {GN, GC} and make G = (GN)T∪(GC)T.
Step 2: Partition dataset into training and test dataset with a ratio.
Step 3: Standardize the dataset’s value onto unit scale.
Step 4: Repeat steps 5 to 9 till all genes are selected and processed.
Step 5: Selecting r genes at random and mark them.
Step 6: Applying PCA on selected genes to retain α% of the variance.
Step 7: Training the selected gene on Logistic Regression model.
Step 8: Predicting accuracy score by comparing the test data and predicted data
Step 9: If accuracy_score>threshold_value, then store these genes in a new list as resultant set of gene.
[end if]
Step 9: Stop