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2 South American Camelid Behavior and the CAMELIDynamics Approach to Handling


Marty McGee Bennett

New Smyrna Beach, FL, USA

This chapter focuses on behavior and handling in llamas and alpacas. Chapter 23 discusses behavior and handling for camels. Veterinarians as well as camelid owners often have the assumption that patient restraint precedes any work with the patient. The fallacy with this mentality is that for animals that run as a primary defense, the scariest part of the procedure may be the restraint itself. In many situations, if the restraint is skipped, the handler will be pleasantly surprised at how cooperative many animals become. Animals known as the most difficult to treat are typically those fearful of restraint. These commonly become tractable if you do not begin with holding them still. It may seem illogical that you can skip the restraint and simply do the procedure but in fact with some handling skills and an appropriate facility you can often do exactly that.

Running is a camelid's first line of defense, and when that option is taken away, the animal will resort to avoidance behaviors such as rearing, kicking, spitting, biting, and lying down. If the animal is permitted to remain in control of his balance, given the option to move around within a small area, and kept calm, most medical procedures can be accomplished. If the working area is too large, the handler has no choice but to hold the animal still, which will lead to fear‐driven behaviors. Much of what the author suggests depends on working in an area NO LARGER than a 12 × 12 (ideally smaller) box stall. With painful, lengthy procedures, it may be more practical and humane to use a sedative.

Owners often base their opinions of veterinary care not only on health outcomes but also on how the veterinarian and veterinary staff handle their animals. The thing owners remember and admire about their veterinarian is most often how well they handle the animal. The approach to handling will have an impact on the owner and the animal's behavior long after interaction with the animal.

Animals often sense when the veterinarian or owner is in a hurry, upset, angry or impatient. An animal that is anxious will become unreasonable when it is not offered an opportunity for him to process his situation. Restraining an animal by pure physical means can be difficult, dangerous, and increases stress in the animal. Offering time for the animal to process its situation can make a remarkable difference in the animal's attitude.

I make no assertion that it is possible to make an animal's life totally anxiety or pain free. Into each life a little rain must fall. It is the sum total of the experience an animal has with humans that forms his overall impression. It is often said that animals know when you are trying to help them. I believe that to be true.

– Marty McGee Bennett

Medicine and Surgery of Camelids

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