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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Diagram illustrating the different doses of surgery: marginal, wi...Figure 1.2 Diagram showing the extension of tumor into the grossly normal‐lo...Figure 1.3 (a) Automated needle core biopsy instrument. (b) The tip of the n...Figure 1.4 Punch biopsy instrument, 8 mm in diameter.Figure 1.5 (a) Jamshidi needle (left) with the two stylets (middle and right...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 (a) Standard or conventional linear accelerator. Most of the mach...Figure 2.2 (a) Conventional (i.e. standard) radiation plan for a nasal tumor...Figure 2.3 (a) Anal sac adenocarcinomas treated with adjuvant megavoltage ra...Figure 2.4 (a) focal necrosis on the antebrachium following extravasation of...Figure 2.5 Mix breed canine with an incompletely resected mast cell tumor on...Figure 2.6 Beagle canine with an incompletely resected soft tissue sarcoma o...Figure 2.7 American Staffordshire with an incompletely resected soft tissue ...Figure 2.8 Late radiation therapy side effects. Image (a) shows a dog with a...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Interventional oncology instrumentation. From left to right: (a) ...Figure 3.2 Urethral stent placement (neoplastic obstruction). (a) An area of...Figure 3.3 Colorectal stent (neoplastic obstruction). In this dog, a stent w...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 (a, b) Noncontrast and contrast CT scan imaging of an interscapul...Figure 4.2 (a) Preoperative margins marked on skin with marking pen. (b) En ...Figure 4.3 Surgical en bloc resection of cutaneous tumor with planned recons...Figure 4.4 Range of cutaneous mast cell tumor appearances. (a) Ulcerated gra...Figure 4.5 Darier’s sign secondary to vasoactive substance release of an MCT...Figure 4.6 Cytological appearance of canine cutaneous MCT showing degranulat...Figure 4.7 Excision of STS at distal medial aspect of the metatarsus using a...Figure 4.8 (a) Wide excision of a feline injection‐site‐associated sarcoma. ...Figure 4.9 Radical excision of a feline injection‐site‐associated sarcoma. (...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum in a golden retriever...Figure 5.2 Preoperative appearance of a nasal planum SCC in a cat. The deepl...Figure 5.3 The typical appearance of an SCC of the pinna in a cat. Note the ...Figure 5.4 Immediate postoperative appearance following nasal planum resecti...Figure 5.5 Cosmetic appearance six weeks after nasal planum resection in a c...Figure 5.6 Cosmetic appearance following nasal planum resection in a golden ...Figure 5.7 A MCT along the medial border of the helix of the pinna. Incision...Figure 5.8 (a) Pinnectomy in a cat with multifocal head and neck SCC. Note t...Figure 5.9 Immediate postoperative appearance of the reconstructed pinna fol...Figure 5.10 Partial pinnectomy of the affected pinna in Figure 5.3. Minimum ...Figure 5.11 (a) A 1.7 × 1.9 × 1 cm fluid‐filled mass on the convex surface o...Figure 5.12 (a) Ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma in the horizontal ear canal ...Figure 5.13 (a) Ceruminous gland cysts affecting the pinna and external ear ...Figure 5.14 (a) Vertical ear canal resection for ceruminous adenoma of the v...Figure 5.15 Traction‐avulsion of a nasopharyngeal polyp extending into the e...Figure 5.16 Traction‐avulsion of a large nasopharyngeal polyp in a cat. Note...Figure 5.17 (a, b) Salivary adenoma of a minor salivary gland in the lip of ...Figure 5.18 (a) MCT affecting the cheek of a seven‐year‐old female spayed Be...Figure 5.19 (a) Local recurrence of an SCC on the dorsolateral lip of an 11‐...Figure 5.20 (a) A MCT involving the rostral lip of an adult mixed breed dog....Figure 5.21 (a) A buccal rotation flap was used to repair the lip of a seven...Figure 5.22 Superficial temporal axial pattern flap. (a) A cutaneous fistula...Figure 5.23 (a, b) A 3.2 × 1.8 × 1.2 cm squamous cell carcinoma confined to ...Figure 5.24 (a) Buccal SCC in an 11‐year‐old male neutered west highland whi...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Computed tomography scan of a dog with a zygomatic squamous cell ...Figure 6.2 Computed tomography scan of a dog with a multilobular osteochondr...Figure 6.3 Sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy as described by Brissot an...Figure 6.4 Bone tunnels have been drilled into the hard palate to provide a ...Figure 6.5 Anatomy of the mandible. The inferior alveolar artery, vein, and ...Figure 6.6 Anatomy of the mandible showing the muscles of mastication. (a) P...Figure 6.7 Unilateral rostral mandibulectomy. (a) The labial and gingival mu...Figure 6.8 Bilateral rostral mandibulectomy. (a) A malignant melanoma involv...Figure 6.9 Segmental mandibulectomy. (a) The labial and gingival mucosa are ...Figure 6.10 Rim mandibulectomy. (a) The labial and gingival mucosa are incis...Figure 6.11 Subtotal and total hemimandibulectomy. (a) A skin incision may b...Figure 6.12 Ventral approach for segmental mandibulectomy in a dog with a ma...Figure 6.13 Vertical ramus or caudal mandibulectomy. (a) The dotted line rep...Figure 6.14 It is important that a feeding tube be inserted following any ma...Figure 6.15 (a and b) The typical postoperative appearance of a dog followin...Figure 6.16 The typical postoperative appearance of a dog following bilatera...Figure 6.17 The typical postoperative appearance of a dog following subtotal...Figure 6.18 Reconstruction of a segmental mandibulectomy in a cat with a cus...Figure 6.19 A ranula‐like lesion (arrow) in a dog one day following subtotal...Figure 6.20 Dehiscence of the commissure of the lips and rostral end of the ...Figure 6.21 Mandibular drift following subtotal hemimandibulectomy for a man...Figure 6.22 Anatomy of the maxilla and skull. (a and b) A number of maxillec...Figure 6.23 (a) A benign acanthomatous ameloblastoma arising from the period...Figure 6.24 Unilateral rostral maxillectomy. (a) The labial and gingival muc...Figure 6.25 Bilateral rostral maxillectomy. (a) Bilateral rostral maxillecto...Figure 6.26 (a and b) Typical drooped nose cosmetic appearance following bil...Figure 6.27 (a) For the cantilever suture technique, a 3–5 cm skin incision ...Figure 6.28 (a) Bilateral rostral maxillectomy combined with nasal planum re...Figure 6.29 An 18‐day postoperative image of a dog with a nasal planum resec...Figure 6.30 Radical maxillectomy. (a and b) The labial and gingival mucosal ...Figure 6.31 (a) Caudal maxillectomy through an intraoral approach is recomme...Figure 6.32 (a) A caudal maxillectomy through combined approach is recommend...Figure 6.33 Segmental maxillectomy in a dog with a biologically high‐grade, ...Figure 6.34 Caudal maxillectomy through a combined approach in a cat with a ...Figure 6.35 (a) The typical appearance of a dog following caudal maxillectom...Figure 6.36 (a) The postoperative appearance of a dog following unilateral r...Figure 6.37 The typical appearance of a dog following bilateral rostral maxi...Figure 6.38 (a–c) The typical postoperative appearance following radical max...Figure 6.39 Dehiscence of the intraoral incision following caudal maxillecto...Figure 6.40 The oronasal fistula has been debrided and repaired with a trans...Figure 6.41 A free auricular cartilage autograft for treatment of a central ...Figure 6.42 (a) A caudal midline oronasal fistula following segmental maxill...Figure 6.43 Ulceration of the upper lip in a cat following unilateral hemime...Figure 6.44 (a) A melanotic malignant melanoma of the caudal mandible in a d...Figure 6.45 Squamous cell carcinoma can have a variable gross appearance. Ul...Figure 6.46 A fibrosarcoma in the caudal maxilla of a dog. Note the typical ...Figure 6.47 An acanthomatous ameloblastoma arising from the periodontal liga...Figure 6.48 A peripheral odontogenic fibroma arising from the periodontal li...Figure 6.49 (a) A squamous cell carcinoma arising from the alveolar ridge of...Figure 6.50 An inductive fibroameloblastoma arising from the rostral maxilla...Figure 6.51 An eosinophilic granuloma in a cat. These lesions are non‐neopla...Figure 6.52 (a) Full‐thickness excision of the hard palate is indicated for ...Figure 6.53 (a) A fibrosarcoma on the free portion of the tongue of a dog ha...Figure 6.54 (a) A primary glossal soft tissue sarcoma in a dog; (b) The soft...Figure 6.55 (a and b). The tumor is removed with a wedge of the tongue. The ...Figure 6.56 (a) A benign extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tongue in a dog;...Figure 6.57 (a and b) A full‐thickness incision is made transversely across ...Figure 6.58 (a) A full‐thickness longitudinal incision is made along the mid...Figure 6.59 (a) A benign extramedullary plasmacytoma of the tongue in a dog;...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 (a) Lateral and (b) ventrodorsal radiograph of a dog with an esop...Figure 7.2 CT of an esophageal tumor located in the region of the cardia....Figure 7.3 Esophagoscopy of a carcinoma diagnosed by endoscopic‐assisted bio...Figure 7.4 Endoscopic view of an esophageal leiomyosarcoma.Figure 7.5 An abdominal approach has been used for a leiomyoma involving the...Figure 7.6 (a) Resection and anastomosis of an esophageal leiomyoma depicted...Figure 7.7 Precontrast helical CT image of a dog with a midbody gastric neop...Figure 7.8 (a) Intraoperative image of the initial dissection for a gastric ...Figure 7.9 Postcontrast helical CT image of a dog with a multilobular, cavit...Figure 7.10 (a) Illustration demonstrating the guillotine technique for proc...Figure 7.11 (a, b) Intraoperative image of TA‐90 linear stapling device used...Figure 7.12 Postoperative image of a central division liver lobectomy after ...Figure 7.13 Picture of inside of the vena cava seen from the right side. The...Figure 7.14 Schematic representation of canine hepatic venous system. The gr...Figure 7.15 (a, b) Postoperative image of canine (a) and feline (b) HCC, bot...Figure 7.16 (a, b) Postmortem images of a cat with a massive cystadenoma ori...Figure 7.17 Intraoperative image of a cat with bile duct carcinoma and secon...Figure 7.18 Anatomy of the canine pancreatic duct system and vascular system...Figure 7.19 Enucleation of a pancreatic mass (insulinoma) using blunt dissec...Figure 7.20 (a) Insulinoma within the body of the pancreas (black arrow) and...Figure 7.21 (a) Intraoperative image of a dog undergoing a functional end‐to...Figure 7.22 Phases of FNA of enlarged sublumbar lymph nodes. (a) After the l...Figure 7.23 The rectal mass is exposed by traction on four stay sutures appl...Figure 7.24 Endoscopic view of (a) a rectal leiomyosarcoma (the same as in F...Figure 7.25 (a) Megacolon caused a colorectal adenocarcinoma in a dog; (b) b...Figure 7.26 (a) Intraoperative view of an infiltrative colorectal adenocarci...Figure 7.27 (a) Intraoperative view of a small cecal gastrointestinal stroma...Figure 7.28 (a) Colocolonic end‐to‐end anastomosis obtained in a dog using a...Figure 7.29 Pull‐out procedure. (a) Application of a stay suture 1–2 cm cran...Figure 7.30 Endoscopic polypectomy. The polypectomy snare is opened and the ...Figure 7.31 Following pull‐out (on the left) and exteriorization of a relati...Figure 7.32 Pull‐out (prolapse) and stapling procedure. (a) The rectum has b...Figure 7.33 Transanal pull‐through procedure. (a) Eversion of the rectum by ...Figure 7.34 a) and (b) CT scan appearance of a leiomyoma dorsal to the rectu...Figure 7.35 a) Blunt undermining of a leiomyoma in a dog through a dorsal ap...Figure 7.36 Rectal pull‐through procedure. (a) Circumferential skin incision...Figure 7.37 Rectal pull‐through procedure for a rectal adenocarcinoma 2 cm f...Figure 7.38 Green line shows site of osteotomy for symphyseal separation. Re...Figure 7.39 Both the pubis and ischium are spread apart with a Finocchietto ...Figure 7.40 The phases of the osteotomy of both the pubis and ischium to rem...Figure 7.41 Reconstruction following pelvic osteotomy and colorectal resecti...Figure 7.42 (Same case as Figure 7.23; see also Figures 7.26d and 7.49.) (a)...Figure 7.43 Illustration of Swenson's pull‐through (a) an intra‐abdominal ap...Figure 7.44 (See also Figure 7.26) (a) Enlarged metastatic sublumbar lymph n...Figure 7.45 (a) The clinical appearance of the perianal/perineal region in a...Figure 7.46 Balloon dilation in a small dog that developed a stricture follo...Figure 7.47 In this case, the pull‐through procedure was performed for an in...Figure 7.48 (a) The clinical appearance of a prolapsed rectal mast cell tumo...Figure 7.49 Phases of colorectal resection for a colorectal adenocarcinoma i...Figure 7.50 Three different clinical presentations of canine hepatoid adenom...Figure 7.51 (a and b) Two different presentations of canine perianal adenoca...Figure 7.52 Hepatoid perianal adenocarcinoma in an 11‐year‐old male German s...Figure 7.53 (a) Right anal sac adenocarcinoma in a dog, and (b) in a cat....Figure 7.54 Lateral abdominal radiograph which shows an enlargement of the s...Figure 7.55 Multiple lung metastases from an anal sac adenocarcinoma in a do...Figure 7.56 The CT appearance of an extensive iliac internal lymphoadenopath...Figure 7.57 (a) CT scan of a large sublumbar lymph node that caused a signif...Figure 7.58 (a) CT scan of a large medial iliac lymph node secondary to a pe...Figure 7.59 (a–d) Marginal excision of a large perianal adenoma.Figure 7.60 (a) Multiple perianal adenomas. (b) Postoperative view after mar...Figure 7.61 Phases of anoplasty. (a) The anal region, together with both ana...Figure 7.62 Phases of the excision of a perianal soft tissue sarcoma in a do...Figure 7.63 (a) The clinical appearance of an anal carcinoma causing fecal o...Figure 7.64 (a) The clinical presentation of a recurrent perianal adenocarci...Figure 7.65 Advancement flap in a rectocutaneous plasty. These flaps have th...Figure 7.66 (a) Marginal excision of an anal sac adenocarcinoma in a dog. (b...Figure 7.67 Clinical (a) and CT view (b) of a large anal sac adenocarcinoma ...Figure 7.68 Wide excision of an anal sac adenocarcinoma in a cat. (a) The ar...Figure 7.69 Macroscopic view of several sublumbar lymph nodes after excision...Figure 7.70 (a) Intraoperative appearance of an enlarged medial iliac node i...Figure 7.71 The region of both the medial iliac (on the lateral aspect of th...Figure 7.72 (a) This male German shepherd dog experienced a wound dehiscence...Figure 7.73 (a) Anoplasty; (b) following a partial dehiscence, healing has o...Figure 7.74 Incontinent dog two years after surgery.Figure 7.75 Anoplasty in a German shepherd dog 10 days after surgery. In thi...Figure 7.76 This dog has been operated several times for bilateral perineal ...Figure 7.77 (a) Ulcerated hepatoid adenoma of the “tail gland” in a dog. The...Figure 7.78 The clinical appearance of a preputial hepatoid adenoma at the l...Figure 7.79 Perianal adenoma in a spayed bitch. This followed a similar exci...Figure 7.80 Ventral vertebral changes caused by an adjacent metastatic sublu...Figure 7.81 Humeral metastasis secondary to an anal sac adenocarcinoma in a ...Figure 7.82 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anal region in two different Germ...Figure 7.83 The clinical (a) and post‐excisional (b) appearance of a melanom...Figure 7.84 Lymphoma of the anal region in a seven‐year‐old female mongrel d...Figure 7.85 Large hemangioma located between the anus and the tail base in a...Figure 7.86 (a) The clinical appearance of an ventrally located plasma cell ...Figure 7.87 (a) The clinical appearance of a large soft tissue sarcoma invol...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 (a) Gross appearance of a cat with a nasal tumor. (b) Gross appea...Figure 8.2 Nasal biopsy with cannula. (a) The dog is positioned in sternal r...Figure 8.3 (a) Rostrocaudal view of the frontal sinuses in a dog. A radioden...Figure 8.4 Contrast‐enhanced CT imaging of the nasal cavity. (a) Some hyperd...Figure 8.5 Endoscopic view of nasal masses in dog. This imaging technique pe...Figure 8.6 Dorsal rhinotomy. (a) Dorsal view of the canine skull. Osteotomie...Figure 8.7 Ventral rhinotomy in a dog. (a) Ventral view of the canine skull....Figure 8.8 Ventral rhinotomy in a cat. The procedure is similar to that desc...Figure 8.9 Temporary carotid artery occlusion in a dog. After a blunt dissec...Figure 8.10 Intraoperative view demonstrating the Rumel tourniquet placed ar...Figure 8.11 (a) Positioning of a dog undergoing adjuvant unilateral dorsal r...Figure 8.12 Flow chart of the decision‐making process for the diagnosis and ...Figure 8.13 Endoscopic image of an arytenoid chondrosarcoma in a nine‐year‐o...Figure 8.14 Oral examination of a dog with a laryngeal rhabdomyosarcoma.Figure 8.15 Lateral radiograph of a dog with a laryngeal rhabdomyosarcoma....Figure 8.16 CT examination of a dog with a laryngeal rhabdomyosarcoma.Figure 8.17 CT reconstruction of a dog with laryngeal chondrosarcoma. From t...Figure 8.18 Ten‐year‐old malamute with a grade II mast cell tumor of the ary...Figure 8.19 Images from a dog with fibrosarcoma of the epiglottis. (a) Oral ...Figure 8.20 Total laryngectomy specimen from a Sheltie with a laryngeal squa...Figure 8.21 Laryngeal chondrosarcoma in a 10‐year‐old dog. The trachea dista...Figure 8.22 Same dog as in Figure 8.21. En bloc resection of the larynx incl...Figure 8.23 Photograph of a Sheltie seven days after surgery with a laryngea...Figure 8.24 Chest radiographs. (a) Ventrodorsal view of a dog with an intrat...Figure 8.25 CT images of a canine thorax. (a) Contrast‐enhanced CT is a more...Figure 8.26 Intercostal thoracotomy. (a) An incision in the skin, subcutaneo...Figure 8.27 (a) The thoracic drain is applied by making a stab incision two ...Figure 8.28 Median sternotomy. (a) The skin and subcutaneous tissues are inc...Figure 8.29 (a) The closure of the sternum is achieved by preplacing some fi...Figure 8.30 Figure‐of‐eight suture pattern for sternotomy closure. The wires...Figure 8.31 Lateral radiograph of a dog with a tracheal chondrosarcoma.Figure 8.32 (a, b) CT scan of a dog with a tracheal chondrosarcoma. (c) Reco...Figure 8.33 (a) Intraoperative photograph of a cat with a tracheal squamous ...Figure 8.34 (a) Intraoperative photograph of a dog with a tracheal chondrosa...Figure 8.35 Surgical approach to the bronchus (between the two forceps) by l...Figure 8.36 Bronchial mass has been resected, and an anastomosis of the bron...Figure 8.37 A postoperative neck flexion harness is being used to prevent ne...Figure 8.38 (a) Preoperative radiograph of a tracheal carcinoma causing trac...Figure 8.39 Anatomy of the canine lungs.Figure 8.40 Postoperative view of lung cancer. Note the presence of necrotic...Figure 8.41 Thoracic radiographs taken in (a) right lateral, (b) left latera...Figure 8.42 (a) Right lateral and (b) left lateral (projections of the thora...Figure 8.43 Intraoperative view of an enlarged tracheobronchial lymph node....Figure 8.44 Partial lung lobectomy (a). A pair of crushing forceps are place...Figure 8.45 Operative view of partial lung lobectomy. The affected lobe is g...Figure 8.46 Postoperative thoracic radiograph to evaluate pneumothorax and t...Figure 8.47 Operative view of a partial lung lobectomy performed with surgic...Figure 8.48 Hand suture technique for lung lobectomy. (a) Ligation of the ve...Figure 8.49 Intraoperative view of complete lung lobectomy performed with st...Figure 8.50 Postoperative view of the left lung after pneumonectomy.Figure 8.51 Thoracoscopic view of (a) a total lung lobectomy in a cat before...Figure 8.52 Biopsy samples are obtained through a keyhole procedure via thor...Figure 8.53 11‐year‐old domestic shorthair cat affected by digit lung syndro...Figure 8.54 (a) Lateral thoracic projection of an 11‐year‐old mixed dog with...Figure 8.55 (a) A ventrodorsal projection radiograph of a dog with a rib cho...Figure 8.56 Postcontrast transverse CT of anosteosarcoma involving the fifth...Figure 8.57 Resection of a subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma. In this case, skin ...Figure 8.58 The previous biopsy tract is removed with the resection; however...Figure 8.59 Intraoperative photograph of a dog with a rib chondrosarcoma. Th...Figure 8.60 Intraoperative photograph of a dog with a rib chondrosarcoma aft...Figure 8.61 Adhesion between a lung lobe and the rib tumor. A TA stapler is ...Figure 8.62 Intraoperative photograph of mesh that is used to reconstruct a ...Figure 8.63 Intraoperative photograph of a dog with a rib chondrosarcoma. Th...Figure 8.64 Outline of the borders of the latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap...Figure 8.65 (a) Intraoperative photograph showing elevation of the latissimu...Figure 8.66 The omentum has been placed over the thoracic defect to provide ...Figure 8.67 (a) Intraoperative picture of a dog with a mass over the caudola...Figure 8.68 CT scan of a cat with a sternal chondrosarcoma.Figure 8.69 (a) Preoperative picture of a cat with a sternal chondrosarcoma ...Figure 8.70 (a) Intraoperative photograph of a sternectomy for soft tissue s...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Echocardiogram identifying pericardial effusion (PE). RV, right v...Figure 9.2 Right auricular mass (arrow) is seen in association with a perica...Figure 9.3 A TA 30 stapler is placed across the base of the right auricle an...Figure 9.4 Placement of tangential forceps on the right auricle to remove a ...Figure 9.5 Right auricle specimen after excision.Figure 9.6 PTFE is being used to bypass a heart‐base tumor that is inducing ...Figure 9.7 The diaphragm insertion is underlined with a blue line. The scope...Figure 9.8 The pericardium is grasped under thoracoscopic visualization.Figure 9.9 (a) Thoracoscopic pericardial biopsy. The white arrows are showin...Figure 9.10 (a) Contrast‐enhanced sagittal and (b) transverse T1 MRI of a ca...Figure 9.11 A soft tissue nodule (17 × 16 × 20 mm, DV × LM × CrCd, pink arro...Figure 9.12 Surgical resection of a carotid body tumor at the carotid bifurc...Figure 9.13 Carotid body tumor after resection.Figure 9.14 Sagittal and transverse CT angiograms demonstrating a caval thro...Figure 9.15 (a) Adrenal mass with caval thrombus. The thrombus is being mani...

10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Ovarian tumor. These tumors can grow very large, and extreme car...Figure 10.2 Use of episiotomy to improve exposure of vaginal resection. A ur...Figure 10.3 Vaginal leiomyoma. (a) These tumors can grow quite large. Arrow ...Figure 10.4 (a) Perivaginal dissection for vulvovaginectomy. Dissection is p...Figure 10.5 Illustration of the extent of the excision and the tissues remov...Figure 10.6 Bilateral caudal regional mastectomy in the dog reconstructed wi...Figure 10.7 Bilateral mastectomy in the cat. (a) The cat is placed in dorsal...Figure 10.8 Sertoli cell tumor of a cryptorchid testicle with torsion.Figure 10.9 Sertoli cell tumor (left) after castration. Note the size differ...Figure 10.10 Gynecomastia in a male dog with a Sertoli cell tumor.Figure 10.11 (a) Approach to the prostate (arrow), which involved a pubic sy...Figure 10.12 (a) Cystourethrogram demonstrating a markedly narrowed prostati...Figure 10.13 Cystoscopic image of the prostatic urethra infiltrated with TCC...Figure 10.14 Elliptical incision around the prepuce and penis prior to a pen...Figure 10.15 Dissection of the penis from the body wall during a penile ampu...Figure 10.16 Multilobular osteochondrosarcoma of the penis.Figure 10.17 Preputial excision and reconstruction using the epithelium of t...

11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Ultrasonographic images (cranial is left, caudal right) of two d...Figure 11.2 Intraoperative view of a renal hemangiosarcoma affecting the cra...Figure 11.3 Intraoperative view of a large canine nephroblastoma.Figure 11.4 Intraoperative view of a canine renal carcinoma. A TA‐30V stapli...Figure 11.5 (a) Intraoperative view of the cranial pole of a canine kidney (...Figure 11.6 Radiographs of a dog with a retroperitoneal mass (metastatic sem...Figure 11.7 Metastatic carcinoma to the sublumbar lymph nodes.Figure 11.8 Intraoperative view of a canine urinary bladder TCC following cy...Figure 11.9 Excised section of a canine bladder wall with multifocal TCC. Th...Figure 11.10 View of a canine TCC of the trigone through a ventral cystotomy...Figure 11.11 Following excision of the mass in Figure 11.10 with approximate...Figure 11.12 A CO2 laser is being used to dissect deep into the bladder subm...Figure 11.13 Ventral view of a dog with TCC of the bladder following cystoto...Figure 11.14 Bladder, prostate, and pelvic portion of the urethra from a dog...Figure 11.15 (a) Intraoperative image following complete cystectomy/prostate...Figure 11.16 Fluoroscopic image of intra‐arterial chemotherapy. After an art...Figure 11.17 Vagino‐urethroplasty being performed on a dog with TCC of the c...Figure 11.18 CT image of a urethral stent (small arrow; large arrow points t...Figure 11.19 Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) treatment plan for a dog with u...

12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 A wedge (a) or rectangular four‐sided (b) excision may be perfor...Figure 12.2 Two‐layer closure for an eyelid defect. (a) Upper eyelid full‐th...Figure 12.3 Advancement graft. (a) Proposed skin incisions following tumor e...Figure 12.4 Rotation flap. Medial canthus is to the right of the picture. (a...Figure 12.5 Semicircular flap technique. Medial canthus is to the left. (a) ...Figure 12.6 Mucocutaneous subdermal plexus flaps (lip‐to‐lid). (a) A full‐th...Figure 12.7 Mucocutaneous subdermal plexus flaps (lip‐to‐lid). (a) The propo...Figure 12.8 Bucket handle flap. (a) The bucket handle flap is prepared by ma...Figure 12.9 Axial pattern flap based on the cutaneous branch of the superfic...Figure 12.10 Cryosurgery is performed on a tumor of the lower eyelid. A chal...Figure 12.11 Sebaceous adenoma of the lower eyelid in a dog.Figure 12.12 Benign tumors of the eyelid in dogs. (a) Benign melanoma; (b) h...Figure 12.13 Subconjunctival approach to enucleation, left eye. (a) A latera...Figure 12.14 Transpalpebral enucleation, left eye. (a) A sharp incision is m...Figure 12.15 Photographs depicting the portion of the skull that is excised ...Figure 12.16 Total orbitectomy performed on a cadaver. (a) A skin incision i...Figure 12.17 Depiction of the landmarks for the osteotomy of the medial wall...Figure 12.18 (a) Surgical site following total orbitectomy. Large arrow poin...Figure 12.19 Photographs depicting the portion of the skull that is excised ...Figure 12.20 Photographs depicting the portion of the skull that is excised ...Figure 12.21 Immediate postoperative appearance of a dog following an extens...Figure 12.22 Appearance of a dog one week following orbitectomy (caudal maxi...Figure 12.23 (a, b) Appearance of a dog one month after hemimaxillectomy and...Figure 12.24 Appearance of a cat two weeks after total orbitectomy for a fib...

13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 (a and b) Skull photographs showing the hamular process of each ...Figure 13.2 Drawing showing the positioning of the dog on the surgery table....Figure 13.3 Image from CT in a dog showing tumor arising from the right adre...Figure 13.4 Photograph of an adrenocortical carcinoma of the right adrenal g...Figure 13.5 Photograph of an adrenocortical carcinoma from a dog.Figure 13.6 Photograph of a thyroid adenoma (arrow) in a cat. Cranial is to ...Figure 13.7 Photograph showing the position of the animal on the surgery tab...Figure 13.8 (a) and (b) Noninvasive thyroid carcinomas in dogs.Figure 13.9 Images from CT in a dog showing ectopic thyroid tumor involving ...Figure 13.10 Intraoperative photographs of excision of ectopic thyroid tumor...Figure 13.11 Photographs of a parathyroid adenoma in dogs. (a) The parathyro...Figure 13.12 Different intraoperative appearances that an insulinoma can hav...

14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Example of direct lymphography. Methylene blue was instilled in ...Figure 14.2 Examples of methylene blue dye and fluorescein indirect lymphogr...Figure 14.3 Example of lipiodol indirect lymphography. Lipiodol was instille...Figure 14.4 Example of thoracoscopic indocyanine green indirect lymphography...Figure 14.5 Example of computed tomography indirect lymphography. (a) Lohexo...Figure 14.6 Example of gadolinium magnetic resonance indirect lymphography. ...Figure 14.7 Example of regional lymphoscintigraphy. (a) Dog is positioned in...Figure 14.8 Example of single agent indirect lymphography utilizing methylen...Figure 14.9 Example of regional lymphoscintigraphy, intraoperative vital dye...Figure 14.10 (a and b) Clinical appearance of lymphangiosarcoma in two dogs....Figure 14.11 Diagram showing the sites of ligation for the hilar splenic lig...Figure 14.12 Splenectomy. Notice omental adhesions (a) to the splenic mass a...Figure 14.13 Example of (a) fatal splenic portal vein thrombosis with portal...Figure 14.14 Cytology from a thymoma (500X). Note the heterogeneous populati...Figure 14.15 Different imaging modalities that can be used to image a thymom...Figure 14.16 (a and b) Example of precaval syndrome. Note the profound cervi...Figure 14.17 Transverse CT image of a large thymoma invading the cranial ven...

15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Landmarks for craniotomy borders (dotted line) for the cat (a) a...Figure 15.2 Example of a titanium mesh plate for cranioplasty. For some cran...Figure 15.3 A durotomy can be performed using microforceps and a No. 12 blad...Figure 15.4 Incision (a) and craniotomy window placement in the cat (b) and ...Figure 15.5 An example of a dog after excision of a multi‐lobular osteochond...Figure 15.6 Position of the head for the caudal tentorial craniotomy approac...Figure 15.7 Position of the head for the suboccipital craniotomy approach wi...Figure 15.8 Ventral skull anatomy and craniotomy borders (a) for the ventral...Figure 15.9 Anatomy of the extracranial branches of the trigeminal nerve (ye...Figure 15.10 Example of the neuronavigation screen during planning for resec...Figure 15.11 Muscle anatomy of the caudal cervical spine in cross‐sectional ...Figure 15.12 Vascular anatomy of the cervical spine, with the vertebral arte...Figure 15.13 Illustrations of the Funkquist type A (a), Funkquist type B (b)...Figure 15.14 Illustration of the deep muscular anatomy encountered during th...Figure 15.15 Once the pedicle is exposed, the foraminotomy can be performed ...Figure 15.16 Illustration of lumbar vertebrae in a dog, showing the three co...Figure 15.17 Nerve sheath tumors often begin distally and branch along the n...Figure 15.18 Illustration of the nerve root entry zones visible upon durotom...

16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 A multilobular osteochondrosarcoma (MLO) of the skull of a dog. ...Figure 16.2 A whole‐body bone scan in a dog presenting with a thoracic limb ...Figure 16.3 A myelogram of a dog with a vertebral osteochondroma involving t...Figure 16.4 An intraoperative image of a pathologic fracture through a biops...Figure 16.5 Bone biopsies should be collected from the center of the bone le...Figure 16.6 (a) The Jamshidi bone biopsy needle with cannula and screw‐on ca...Figure 16.7 A Jamshidi bone biopsy needle with multiple core biopsies from a...Figure 16.8 Three‐view thoracic radiographs are important in the clinical st...Figure 16.9 Computed tomography scans are significantly more sensitive for t...Figure 16.10 Magnetic resonance imaging has superior soft tissue detail and ...Figure 16.11 (a) A whole‐body bone scan of a dog with a proximal humeral ost...Figure 16.12 (a) For forequarter amputation, the animal is positioned in lat...Figure 16.13 (a) For coxofemoral disarticulation, the animal is positioned i...Figure 16.14 (a) A Bull Mastiff one day after forequarter amputation (and su...Figure 16.15 (a) Transverse CT images of a hemangiosarcoma of the proximal f...Figure 16.16 Hemipelvectomy techniques. External pelvectomy entails amputati...Figure 16.17 (a) Intraoperative photograph of dog with a large proximal femo...Figure 16.18 (a) and (b) The radiographic changes in dogs with primary tumor...Figure 16.19 (a) A CT scan of a dog with a primary osteosarcoma of the scapu...Figure 16.20 A distal scapular osteotomy (arrow) for partial scapulectomy ha...Figure 16.21 Postoperative specimens following partial scapulectomy (a) and ...Figure 16.22 Tenodesis of the biceps tendon to the proximal humerus has been...Figure 16.23 (a) The soft tissue defect following partial scapulectomy. (b) ...Figure 16.24 (a) Lateral preoperative radiograph of a dog with an osteosarco...Figure 16.25 Photograph of a Great Dane considered a good candidate for limb...Figure 16.26 Lateral (a) and caudal (b) aspect of the distal radius of a poo...Figure 16.27 Craniocaudal radiographic image of a good candidate for limb‐sp...Figure 16.28 (a) Nuclear scintigraphy of the same dog as in Figure 16.27. No...Figure 16.29 A T1 sagittal magnetic resonance image of a canine osteosarcoma...Figure 16.30 (a) The cephalic vein (arrow) should be preserved if possible t...Figure 16.31 (a) Intraoperative photograph of the medial aspect of an allogr...Figure 16.32 (a) Photograph of the first‐generation 122 mm radial endoprosth...Figure 16.33 (a) Lateral radiographic projection of a distal radial allograf...Figure 16.34 (a) A photograph of a dog with a severe postoperative infection...Figure 16.35 (a) A postoperative radiograph following limb‐sparing surgery w...Figure 16.36 (a) Local tumor recurrence in the distal antebrachium of a dog ...Figure 16.37 Lateral postoperative radiograph of a pasteurized autograft for...Figure 16.38 (a) Illustrations of the ulna roll‐over technique. Proximal and...Figure 16.39 (a) Illustrations of the lateral manus translation technique. R...Figure 16.40 Radiographs showing bone transport osteogenesis (BTO) to fill a...Figure 16.41 A dog with a tarsal osteosarcoma treated with partial amputatio...Figure 16.42 Advances in 3D printing techniques have the potential to revolu...Figure 16.43 (a) A squamous cell carcinoma of the digit in a dog. Note the t...Figure 16.44 Lateral and dorsopalmar/plantar radiographs should be taken of ...Figure 16.45 (a) An inverted Y‐shape incision is made with the stem of the Y...Figure 16.46 The postoperative appearance following amputation of the fourth...Figure 16.47 (a) A lateral radiograph of a dog with an osteosarcoma of the s...Figure 16.48 A lateral radiograph of a dog with an osteochondroma arising fr...Figure 16.49 Advanced imaging modalities provide more accurate information o...Figure 16.50 (a) The Weinstein‐Boriani‐Biagnini (WBB) Surgical Staging Syste...Figure 16.51 A total en bloc multiple segment vertebrectomy of T9 to T12 has...Figure 16.52 An en bloc sagittal resection has been performed in a dog with ...Figure 16.53 (a) A contrast‐enhanced MRI of a dog with an osteosarcoma arisi...Figure 16.54 A lateral radiographic projection of the tibiotarsal joint in a...Figure 16.55 A ventrodorsal radiographic projection of the pelvis in a dog w...Figure 16.56 A CT scan of a dog with an infiltrative lipoma of the thoracic ...Figure 16.57 Surgical planning for a dog with a hypodermal hemangiosarcoma. ...Figure 16.58 (a) A CT scan of a dog with an intramuscular mast cell tumor of...Figure 16.59 (a) An intraoperative image of a hemangiosarcoma arising from t...Figure 16.60 (a) The typical appearance of an intermuscular lipoma in a dog ...

Veterinary Surgical Oncology

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