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Accompanying Features Soft Tissue Swelling


The degree and nature of soft tissue swelling, whether intra‐capsular, extra‐capsular, focal or diffuse, with accompanying effacement of facial planes or fat pads, can help focus on a region of interest. For example, radiographs of a transverse stress fracture of the distal third metacarpal bone may initially reveal no osseous disruption and show only a subtle adjacent soft tissue swelling. Over ensuing weeks, the radiographs can progress dramatically (Chapter 22). Following a skull fracture, haemorrhage in the guttural pouches can obliterate the normal gas lucency which is replaced by soft tissue opacity or produce a fluid line secondary to a gas–fluid interface. Accompanying features of ventral deviation of the dorsal pharyngeal wall and dorsoventral attenuation of the nasopharynx may also be visible.

Fractures in the Horse

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