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1.9. References


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Chapter written by Chérifa BOUKACEM-ZEGHMOURI and Hans DILLAERTS.

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11 11 Cabells International (2020). The Blacklist: https://www2-cabells-com.ezproxy.haifa.ac.il/about-predatory.

12 12 Adjective borrowed from [ELS 18].

13 13 Source: cOAlition S, Making full and immediate Open Access a reality: https://www.coalition-s.org/wp-content/uploads/271118_cOAlitionS_Guidance.pdf.

14 14 In the Humanities and Social Sciences, Plan S has been heavily criticized by communities that do not have the financial means to consider APC payments, even though these are far below the APC rate within Health: https://plansinhss.home.blog/.

15 15 Source: https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/wellcome-updates-open-access-policy-align-coalition-s.

16 16 Source: https://rxivist.org/stats.

17 17 Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity: https://jussieucall.org/.

18 18 “Power to the Preprint”, The official PLOS Blog: https://theplosblog.plos.org/2018/05/power-to-the-preprint/.

19 19 Source: https://www.nihlibrary.nih.gov/plos.

20 20 Morin H., Cabut S., Larousserie D., Santi P., Herzberg N., “Coronavirus : le “Lancetgate” révèle des failles de l’édition scientifique”, Le Monde, June 15, 2012, https://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/article/2020/06/15/covid-19-le-lancetgate-revele-des-failles-de-l-edition-scientifique_6042946_1650684.html.

21 21 The LancetGate has created a controversy around the Peer Review system, as it is practiced today, without necessarily taking into account the data collected and giving rise to the analyses.

Information Practices and Knowledge in Health

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