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Оглавление1 1 See Clifford, W.K. (1999). The Ethics of Belief and Other Essays (ed. T. Madigan ). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books . Epistemology is the area of philosophy concerned with justifying beliefs with evidence. Good introduction to epistemology texts include: Audi, R . (2003). Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction . London: Routledge ; Crumley, J. (1998). Introduction to Epistemology . Columbus, OH: McGraw‐Hill .
2 2 See Pascal, B. (1910). Pascal's Pensées (trans. W.F. Trotter). New York: PF Collier . For interesting discussions of the pros and cons of The Wager, see: Rescher, N. (1985). Pascal's Wager: A Study of Practical Reasoning in Philosophical Theology . Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press ; Hájek, A. (2003). Waging war on Pascal's wager. Philosophical Review 112: 27–56 .