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Оглавление1 1 Burnyeat, M. (1990). The Theaetetus of Plato , 202c (trans. M.J. Levett). Indianapolis: Hackett .
2 2 Gettier, E. (1963). Is justified true belief knowledge? Analysis 23: 121–123.
3 3 See Goldman, A. (1976). What is justified belief? In: Justification and Knowledge (ed. G.S. Pappas ), 1–23. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
4 4 See Goldman, A. (1976). Discrimination and perceptual knowledge. Journal of Philosophy 73: 771–779.
5 5 Hume, D. (1998). Of miracles. In: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (ed. R.H. Popkin ), 110. Indianapolis: Hackett .
6 6 Plantinga, A. (2000). Warranted Christian Belief , 147. New York: Oxford University Press .
7 7 Clifford, W.K. (2003). The ethics of belief. In: The Theory of Knowledge (ed. Louis P. Pojman ), 516–17. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson.
8 8 Clifford, 518.
9 9 James, W. (2003). The will to believe. In: The Theory of Knowledge (ed. L.P. Pojman ), 524. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson.
10 10 James, 524.
11 11 James, 520.
12 12 Thanks to Jason Eberl, John Greco, and Rob Arp for their comments on earlier versions of this chapter.