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The previous section identified the core conditions that need to be present for effective development of the helping relationship. The difference between these core conditions and strategies is the subject of this section.

The core conditions relate to specific dynamics present in the personality and behavioral makeup of counselors or therapists that enable them to communicate with clients. The term strategies refers to skills gained through education and experience that define and direct what counselors or therapists do within the relationship to obtain specific results and to move the helping relationship from problem identification to problem resolution.

Various terms have been used to address this aspect of the helping relationship. Some authors prefer the term strategies (Combs & Avila, 1985; Cormier et al., 2013; Gilliland et al., 1989), others prefer the term skills (Halverson & Miars, 2005; Ivey et al., 2013), and still others prefer the term techniques (Belkin, 1980; Brown & Pate, 1983; Osipow et al., 1980). These terms, however, are interchangeable and, as noted earlier in this chapter, are often used in addition to techniques used in conjunction with specific theories.

We decided to use the term strategies, which denotes not only deliberative planning but also action processes that make the planning operational. We feel that both factors are necessary. For the purpose of the following discussion, we have grouped strategies into three categories: (a) strategies that build rapport and encourage client dialogue, (b) strategies that aid in data gathering, and (c) strategies that add depth and enhance the relationship.

Note that specific strategies, such as those stemming from various theoretical systems, are not included in this section. They are presented in Chapters 2 through 17, which deal with specific theories. It is also important to understand that there is much overlap between these arbitrary divisions. Strategies designed to build rapport and encourage client dialogue may also be used to gather data and enhance relationships. With this caveat in mind, we present the following strategies.

Counseling and Psychotherapy

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