Читать книгу Sindòn The Mysterious Shroud Of Turin - Guido Pagliarino - Страница 8


Some bloodstains on the Shroud present blood serum (typical of a postmortem blood); but others, instead, appear to have been produced by a person still alive.

The Cloth definitely suffered burns in the past. For example, the scorch marks resulting from the fire in the chapel of Chambery, Savoy, where the Sheet was safeguarded, on December 4th 1532 (see Chronology, 1532 A.D.) are clearly visible: two charred lines throughout the length of the Cloth; holes, which later were patched up by the Poor Clare nuns of a nearby convent, who also sewed a backing Holland Cloth on the back of the sheet. Those repairs and the Holland cloth were removed during the 2002 restoration of the Shroud.

Burn marks

charred line ___ hole O

Sindòn The Mysterious Shroud Of Turin

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