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The rule of thumb for expecting moms is wear whatever makes you feel good—and comfortable. Beyond that, it’s best to wear separates such as a skirt or pants with a top to accommodate frequent trips to the bathroom. Layer your clothing to cope with sudden temperature changes, from the arctic blast of an airconditioned airport to the stifling heat of a crowded bus.

-From Big Bertha’s Total Baby Guide

The night before I left for the U.K., Susan and George threw a little going-away party for me. I’d never had one before, although when I toured theatre I’d travelled around North America pretty extensively. My only parting from Aunt Susan of any previous celebratory significance was the day I left Laingford for a Toronto art school, back in the eighties. Then, my hair was dyed electric green, and we both knew I needed to be elsewhere, however remarkably well we got on. We had both expressed frank relief at the thought of a separation. This time it was different; there was a bewildering air of regret in the room, as if the people seeing me off expected never to see me again.

One Large Coffin to Go

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