Читать книгу Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder - Hannie van Genderen - Страница 11
ОглавлениеThe writing of a book combined with a busy job at the Maastricht Community Mental Health Centre demanded much time, which I managed to find thanks to the unconditional support of my late husband Leo Scheffer. He not only took over much of the care of the family but also helped me with reading and typing out the texts. I thank my children Sacha and Zoë for their patience as they heard “not now” many times during this period.
I learned the treatment of patients with personality disorders thanks to the many training opportunities organized by Arnoud Arntz from Maastricht University, by inviting, among others, Tim Beck, Cory Newman, Jeffrey Young, Christine Padesky, Kathleen Mooney, Joan Farrell and Ida Shaw. However, I especially learned a great deal from Arnoud himself, through his enthusiasm and assertiveness in continuously discovering new ways to treat “untreatable” patients, just like the ones with borderline personality disorder.
I would like to thank my colleagues from RIAGG Maastricht, particularly Arnoud Arntz, Tonny van Gisbergen and Wiesette Krol from the Borderline peer supervision group, for their collaboration and support while learning to treat patients with borderline personality disorder. Marjon Nadort, Marleen Rijkeboer and Remco van der Wijngaart I want to thank for years of collaboration: with them I have given the majority of courses and workshops. Together we have always found better ways to teach schema therapy to colleagues.
I am also indebted to my colleagues Monique Wijers, Monique Auerbach, Ina Krijgsman and my brother‐in‐law Igor van de Wal as they have read the whole book, asked wise questions and suggested additions.
The patients I have treated may have contributed most to this book. Examples in this book are (anonymously) taken from our conversations, and I have learned a lot from them. The diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is unfortunately not yet accepted to the extent that I could list their names here. But my heartfelt thanks to you.
Hannie van Genderen
Without my teachers, one of them the co‐author of this book, I should have never reached the point of treating people with borderline personality disorder. I am very grateful for this. I would like to give my special thanks to Tim Beck, Christine Padesky, Kathleen Mooney, Cory Newman, Joan Farrell, and Ida Shaw, and particularly Jeffrey Young for what they taught our team in their workshops. Jeffrey Young in particular deserves my thanks, as he developed a model that not only matched with my own early thinking about borderline personality disorder, but also developed a comprehensive treatment, which is the subject of this book. My therapist and research colleagues, among whom are my former PhD candidates Laura Dreessen, Anoek Weertman, Simkje Sieswerda, Joos Bloo, Thea van Asselt, Marjon Nadort, Lotte Bamelis and Jill Lobbestael, I also want to thank for the help they provided with developing the treatments and the research into borderline personality disorder. Moreover, I would like to thank the research assistants and interns who have conducted many studies, and especially the patients who have taken part in the treatment and the research, without whom we could not have gained insight into these complex problems and their treatment.
Ultimately, this book could not have come about without the opportunities offered by the Maastricht Community Mental Health Centre to the academic project of the Research Institute of Experimental Psychopathology of the Maastricht University, as well as the grants from the Dutch National Fund for Mental Health and the Fund for Developmental Medicine by the College for Care Insurances. Their grants enabled the training of the therapists for the multi‐center trial into treatments of borderline personality disorder and the conducting of this study, which empirically tested the effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of the treatment outlined in this book.
Thanks are due to Kyra Sendt and Jolijn Drost for their help with translating the original Dutch book into the first English edition.
Arnoud Arntz